同济中学高二学生英语阅读状况调查及对策研究 下载本文

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同 济 中 学 高 二 学 生 英 语 阅 读 状 况 调

查 及 对 策 研 究

摘 要

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关键词:英 语 阅 读, 词 汇 教 学, 阅 读 策 略, 课 外 阅 读

字数约为600-800字,一般不超过1000字 宁波大学硕士学位论文

An Investigation and Study on the Reading Comprehension Ability of Tongji Senior Middle School Students


Reading is one of the most important human activities, and it comes into being as the words appear. With the help of words, language can break away from the limitation of time and space, and all the splendid cultures of human beings can be kept forever. English, as a world language, is a key tool to get information in all aspects. Therefore, the importance of English is obvious. In China, English has been an important subject taught in schools and colleges. Since the language is not our mother tongue, there lacks the natural English listening and speaking environment, so reading becomes a very important way to learn English instead. The teaching of reading is playing a very important role in English acquisition. Reading in English is both a key way and an important purpose for most English learners. Much attention to reading teaching in senior middle schools accords with the rules of English learning and the Chinese reality. So, most English teachers are really concerned about the teaching of reading. However, great concern and efforts do not necessarily bring in better results. In other words, the phenomenon of ―high input, low output‖ in the teaching of English reading is still very common in China. It arises from many causes. The most serious cause is the fact that teachers and their students are still ignorant of what really obstructs their reading process, and neither of them pay due attention to those obstacles.

In this context, the author of the thesis uses the test papers written by the NEEA, BEEA and ZEEA in 2008-2009 to test the second-year students in her school, distributes and collects questionnaires among them, has talks with them and their English teachers, with the purpose of revealing what mainly obstructs those students‘ reading process. With the help of questionnaires and talks, the main obstacles of reading process among students in senior middle schools are uncovered, namely, their difficulties in mastering vocabulary, incompetence in reading strategies and lack of reading after class. Then, the thesis sets out to discuss how to teach effectively English vocabulary, how to learn efficient reading strategies, and lastly how to encourage extracurricular reading. In the end, the thesis proposes a number of feasible solutions to help students acquire reading strategies and methods, improve their reading ability and eventually strengthen their overall English study ability.


Key Words:English Reading, Vocabulary Extracurricular Reading

Teaching, Reading Strategies