2015届高考英语一轮复习基础巩固学案ChallengingYourselfⅠ《BeijingOlympics》(重大版必修5) 下载本文

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Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.mass /m?s/ n.块

2.hold /h??ld/ vi./vt.容纳;有

3.attempt /?′tempt/ n.努力;尝试;企图;vt.尝试;企图 4.confirm/k?n′f??m/ vi./vt.认可;批准

5.temporary /′tempr?rI/ adj.暂时的;临时的 6.threat /θret/ n.威胁;恶兆

7.instrument /′Instr?m?nt/ n.工具;手段;器械

8.explore /Iks′pl??/ vi./vt. 勘探;考察→explorer n. 勘探者;探险家 9.steadily /′stedIlI/ adv.稳定地;不变地→steady adj.稳定的;不变的 10.measurement /′me??m?nt/ n.测量;衡量→measure vt.测量;衡量 Ⅱ.重点短语识记

1.be made up of由……构成;组成 2. break off断折;脱落;突然停止 3.be involved in涉及;参与 4. break away突然离开;脱离 5.in an attempt to试图 6.find out查明;查出 Ⅲ.经典原句默写与背诵

1.Captain Cook was the first person to go around the continent in the 1770s. 库克船长在十八世纪七十年代成为第一个穿越南极大陆的人。

2.Antarctica is one of the last real wildernesses left on the earth. 南极洲是地球上所剩不多的荒原之一。

3.Antarctica became the biggest laboratory in the world,with many scientists conducting research there.


4.If we are not careful,it will not remain a wilderness for much longer. 如果我们不细心呵护,南极洲旷野状态就不可能持续多久。

5.One team will fly balloons carrying instruments to measure the ozone. 其中一个小组将放飞载有测量臭氧器具的气球。

1.Every possible chance will be explored.(explore)

2.It’s dangerous to jump to early conclusions.(dangerously)

3.In this book I have attempted to describe these developments.(attempt) 4.Politics is a profession that holds many surprises.(hold)

5.My main concern now is to protect the children.(mainly)

6.Despite the steady rain,the mood was friendly and festive.(steadily)

1 attempt n.企图,试图;尝试;努力;an effort to


;make attempt to do/at doing...尝试(试图)做…… make an attempt to do/at doing...尝试做…… make an attempt on sb.杀人企图 at one’s first attempt第一次尝试 in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事;希望做某事

The only time that we attempted to do something like that was in the city of Philadelphia.


It was one of his rare attempts at humor. 那是他极不常见的想要表现幽默的一次。 夯实基础


(1)I passed my driving test at the first attempt.

(2)Someone has made an attempt on the president’s life. 2 confirm v.证实;证明;确认;批准

confirm sb. in sth.使某人确信某事 confirm sb.as...批准某人担任…… confirmed adj.证实的;惯常的 It is confirmed that...确定……;证明……

X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones. X光片证实他没有骨折。

He confirmed what had long been feared. 他证实了人们长期以来的担心。 夯实基础


The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands.(用it作形式主语改写句子)

It was confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands.

(2)—When do you think the president will confirm you in office(批准你就职)? 3

threat n.威胁


threaten v.威胁;恐吓 threaten to do sth.威胁做某事



(1)The attacker broke my windows and threatened me with a gun. (2)There is a threat of typhoon.

(3)His threats are just talk.Don’t worry!


1.The young dancers looked so beautiful in their new clothes that we took pictures of them.

A.many of B.masses of

C.the number of D.a large amount of 答案 B

解析 many of后接复数名词,且名词前要有限定词;masses of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词;the number of“……的数量”,表“许多,大量”时要用a number of;a large amount of后接不可数名词。

2.The classroom 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. A.measures B.is measured C.has D.has length 答案 A

解析 measure vi.(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为……。

3. work has been done to prevent the water in the lake being polluted. A.A plenty of B.A number of C.A mass of D.A great many 答案 C

解析 B、D两项后只跟可数名词,没有a plenty of这一短语。

4.He to escape from the prison,but he couldn’t find anybody to help him. A.succeeded B.attempted C.advised D.offered 答案 B

解析 succeed后不接不定式作宾语,“成功地做某事”应为succeed in doing sth.; advise doing sth.建议做某事;offer to do sth.主动帮助做某事;attempt to do sth.尽力去做,但不一定成功。

5.Please bring something with you that your identity. A.confirms B.says