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瑜伽師地論Dan Lusthaus and Charles Muller [py] Yu2qie2 shi1di4 lun4 [wg] Yü-ch'ieh shih-ti lun [ko] Yuga saji non [ja] Yuga shiji ron ||| The Yuqie shidi lun; commonly abbreviated as Yuqielun 瑜伽論. The
Yogācāra-bhūmi-?āstra. The \ on the Stages of Concentration Practice.\Yogācāra 瑜伽行派 school of Buddhism. One hundred fascicles, composed in India between 300 and 350 CE; translated into Chinese by Xuanzang 玄奘 from July 3, 646 to June 11, 648. In East Asia the putative author is thought to be Maitreya 彌勒, but Tibetan tradition considers it to have been composed by Asa?ga 無著. In the process of explaining the spiritual states, practices and fruits incurred in the course of the seventeen stages leading to Buddhahood, the text delves deeply into discussions of fundamental Yogācāra concepts such as the ālaya-vij?āna 阿賴耶識, three natures (trisvabhāva) 三自性 and three non-natures (trini?svabhāva) 三無自性, seeds (bījā) 種子, perfumation (vāsanā) 熏習, the two hindrances (āvara?a) 二障 and mind only (vij?apti-mātra,
vij?āna-mātra) 唯識. The text has five major divisions: the first division, which comprises about half the treatise is called the \本地分 and contains seventeen sections, each describing one of the successive seventeen stages, or bhūmis. These are (as found in Xuanzang's 100 fascicles):[Initial Phenomenology]
(1) The stage of the five consciousnesses associated with the body - pa?ca-vij?āna-kāya-sa?prayukta-bhūmi五識身相應地. (First fascicle) (2) The stage of mental intent - mano-bhūmi意地. (fascicles 1-3) [Dhyāna Levels]
(3) The stage of (initial meditative) investigation and analysis - savitarkā-savicarā-bhūmi) 有尋有伺. (fascicles 4-10)Note: Xuanzang includes the next two bhūmis within the title of this bhūmi)
(4) The stage of analysis without investigation - avitarka- savicarā-bhūmi 無尋唯伺地. (5) The stage of neither investigation nor analysis - avitarka-avicārā-bhūmi 無尋無伺地. (6) The stage of samāhita (thought \meditation) - samāhita-bhūmi 三摩呬多地. (fascicles 11-13) (7) The stage of non-samāhita - asamāhita-bhūmi 非三摩
呬多地. (fascicle 13) (8) The stage with mind -
sacittaka-bhūmi 心地. (fascicle 13) (9) The stage without mind - acittaka-bhūmi 無心地. (fascicle 13)[Hearing, Thinking, Cultivation]
(10) The stage of actualizing what one has heard (i.e., the teachings) - ?rutamayī-bhūmī 聞所成地. (fascicles 13-15)This deals with the five fields of knowledge, pa?ca-vidyā五明:1. 'Inner knowledge,' adhyātma-vidyā內明 (i.e., the truths of Buddhism);2. medicine, cikitsā-vidyā 藥明; 3. logic, hetu-vidyā因明; 4. grammar and language, ?abda-vidyā 聲明; and 5. the
arts, ?ilpakarma-vidyā 工巧.(11) The stage of actualizing what one has thought (about the teachings) -
cintāmayī-bhūmi 思所成地. (fascicles 16-19)(12) The state of actualizing what one has practiced - bhāvanā-bhūmi 修所成地. (fascicle 20) [?rāvaka-bhūmi]
(13) The stage of the ?rāvaka - ?rāvaka-bhūmi 聲聞地. (fascicles 21-34, divided as follows)(13a) The types and natures of the first Yoga Capacity 初瑜伽處種性地 (fascicle 21) (13b) Interest to Enter the first Yoga Capacity 初瑜伽處趣入地 (fascicle 21) (13c) Going beyond the first