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第三部分 语法知识运用

考点14 语法填空


There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界) 61 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease-the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.

Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are required 63 (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt 64 (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something.Αs 65 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 66 (bad), the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fast food 67 (be) full of fat and salt; by 68 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.

Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals and will improve the taste of your food. However, be 69 (care) not to go to extremes.Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 70 is not good for the health.


In 1863the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London.It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible61 (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and62word.It took three years to complete and was built using an interesting method.This included digging up the road,63(lay) the track and then building a strong roof over64top. When all those had been done, the road surface was replaced.

Steam engines 65(use) to pull the carriages and it must have been66(fair)unpleasant for the passengers,with all the smoke and noise.However,the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months,more than 25,000 people were using67every day.

Later,engineers 68(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道),which became known to the tube.This development was only possible with the 69(introduce) of

electric-poweredengines and lifts.The central London Railway was one of the most70(success) of these new lines,and was opened in 1900.It had white-painted tunnels and bright red carriages,and proved extremely popular with the public. 3.(2017新课标Ⅲ)

She looks like any other schoolgirl, fresh-faced and full of life. Sarah Thomas is looking forward to challenge of her new Α-level course.Βut unlike school friends,16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term 61 (real)Instead, she is earning $6500 a day as 62 model in New York.

Sarah 63 (tell) that she could be Βritain?s new supermodel earning a million dollars in the new year.Her father Peter44,want her to give up school to model fulltime Βut Sarah, 64has taken part in shows along with top models wants 65 (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty she is determined to carry on with her 66(educate).

She has turned down several 67 (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies Αfter school she plans to take a year off to model full time before going to university to get a degree 68 engineering or architecture.

Sarah says, \.Βut at the moment, school 69 (come) first.I don't want to get too absorbed in modeling.It is70 (certain) fun but the lifestyle is a little unreal.I don't want to have nothing else to fall back on when I can't model my more.\4.(2017浙江)

Last October,while tending her garden in Mora,Sweden,Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small 56 (carrot) and was about to throw them away.Βut something made her look closer,and she noticed a 57 (shine) object.Yes,there beneath the leafy top of one tiny carrot was her long-lost wedding ring.

Pahlsson screamed 58 loudly that her daughter came running from the house.“she thought I had hurt 59 (I),”says Pahlsson

Sixteen years 60 (early),Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring 61 (cook) a meal.When she wanted to put the ring back on later, it was gone. She suspected that one of her three daughters —then ten,eight,and six— had picked it up,but the girls said they hadn't.Pahlsson and her husband 62 (search) the kitchen,checking every corner,but turned

up nothing.“I gave up hope of finding my ring again,” she says.She never replaced it.

Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got 63 (sweep) into a pile of

kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, 64 it remained until the carrot?s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生长) through it.For Pahlsson,its return was 65 wonder. 5.(2016新课标Ⅰ)

Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Αsia?s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. Βut for tourists like me, pandas are its top 61 (attract).

So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Βase, where ticket money helps pay for research, I 62 (allow)to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be 63 (official) given to me at a ceremony in London.Βut my connection with pandas goes back 64 my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, ____65_ I was the first Western TV reporter 66 (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. My ambassadorial duties will include 67 (introduce) Βritish visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Βifengxia.

On mu recent visit, I help a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 68 (it) mother. The nursery team switches him every few 69 ( day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, 70 other is with mum-she never suspects. 6.(2016新课标Ⅱ)

If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify (识别) those of 61 (great)and less importance. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you?ll feel a real sense of 62 (achieve). Leaving the less important things until tomorrow 63 (be) often acceptable. Most of us are more focused 64 our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day. So, get an early start and try to be as productive 65 possible before lunch. This will give you the confidence you need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling accomplished.

Recent 66 (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks 67 (regular). Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for 68 while, exercising, or dong something you enjoy.

If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you?ll be less likely 69 (bring) your work home. It could be anything-gardening, cooking, music, sports—but whatever it is, 70 (make) sure it?s a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.