牛津阅读树2级1-36册绘本翻译合辑篇 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/31 0:13:23星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


stage2-1 Mokey Tricks stage2-2 Hey Presto stage2-3 It's the Weather stage2-4 Naughty Children stage2-5 A Sinking Feeling stage2-6 Creepy-crawly stage2-7 What is It stage2-8 The Lost Puppy stage2-9 New Trees stage2-10 Up and Down stage2-11 The Little Dragon stage2-12 The Band stage2-13 The Big Egg stage2-14 Poor Floppy stage2-15 Put it Back stage2-16 In a Bit

stage2-17 A Present for Mum stage2-18 The hole in the Sand stage2-19 The toy’s Party stage2-20 New Trainers stage2-21 A New Dog stage2-22 What a Bad Dog stage2-23 The Go-kart stage2-24 The Dream stage2-25 Floppy's Bath stage2-26 The Baby-sitter stage2-27 The Water Fight stage2-28 Kipper’s Balloon stage2-29 Spots!

stage2-30 Kipper's Birthday stage2-31 Kipper's Laces stage2-32 The Wobby Tooth stage2-33 The Foggy Day stage2-34 Biff's Aeroplane stage2-35 Floppy the Hero stage2-36 The Chase

如何来阅读 Monkey Tricks先上图,


1.和孩子一起读封面上故事的名称,提醒孩子读的过程中,手指要指着要读的单词。注意Kipper从Joke店里买的包。可以问孩子:你能猜测他可能计划去做什么? 2.讨论上一次您的孩子去动物园。

The children went to the zoo.孩子们去了动物园。 They looked at the giraffes.他们看了看长颈鹿。 The giraffes were tall. 长颈鹿是高的。 They looked at the seals.他们看着海豹。

They looked at the crocodiles.他们看了看鳄鱼。 The crocodiles were asleep.鳄鱼是睡着了。 They looked at the parrots.他们看着鹦鹉。 The parrots were noisy.鹦鹉是吵闹的。

They looked at the elephants.他们看着大象。 The elephants were big.大象是大的。

They looked at the monkeys.他们看着猴子。 The monkeys were funny.猴子是有趣的。 They looked for Kipper.他们寻找Kipper。

Kipper looked like a monkey.Kipper看起来像只猴子。

故事到这里就结束,家长可以和孩子一起来完成两个活动。 1.讨论这个故事发生了什么,鼓励孩子去重述它。


如何来阅读 Hey Presto先上图,

在开始读故事之前,可以让孩子根据书的封面和故事的名称想象一下这会是一个怎样的故事,故事中会发生什么。亲子共读过程中可以考虑以下活动: 1.和孩子一起读标题,'Hey Presto!'是什么意思?(变)。解释一下,当魔术师们准备给你惊喜的时候,他们会说什么。


The children went to a show.孩子们去看演出。 Mum and Dad took them.妈妈和爸爸带着他们。 A conjuror was the show.一个魔术师正在表演。 She was called sheena.她被称为sheena。 She took Dad's tie.她拿了爸爸的领带。

She put it in a bag. 她把它放在一个袋子里。 She took Mum's ear-ring.她拿了妈妈的耳环。 She put it in the bag. 她把它放进袋子里。 She took Dad's watch.她拿了父亲的手表。 She put it in the bag. 她把它放进袋子里。

She took Dad on to the stage.她把爸爸带到了舞台上。 She put the bag on Dad's head. 她把包放在爸爸的头上。 Sheena took a big box.Sheena拿了一个大箱子。 She put Wilma inside.她让Wilma进去。 Sheena took her wand.Sheena抬起魔杖。 \“变!”她说。 \“变!”她说。

故事到这里就结束,家长可以和孩子一起来完成两个小活动。 1.Sheena第一次从爸爸那拿了什么?又从妈妈那拿了什么? 2.让您的孩子去解释这个故事最后发生了什么。