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Use your head. Nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as ___ is learned by yourself. A: what B: those C: that D: the one 单选题

We know that English ___ all over the world. A: is spoken B: is speaking C: speaks D: has spoken 单选题

Why not do it ___ ? Let me give you a helping hand this time. A: second time B: a second time C: two time

D: the second time 单选题

He has__ books in his study. A: several thousands B: some thousands of C: some thousands D: some thousand of 单选题

The Oregon Trail went through the South Pass, ___________ in 1842. A: where was gold discovered

B: it was where gold was discovered C: discovered where gold was D: where gold was discovered 单选题

If only the committee ______ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible. A: approve

B: will approve C: can approve D: would approve 单选题

Nobody can do two things well __ . A: at one time B: at once C: one time D: once 单选题

The women liked dancing ___she was a little girl. A: while B: after C: when D: until 单选题

On our way to school, suddenly it began to rain, and we hurried to take______under a big tree.

A: recovery



B: notice C: advantage D: Shelter 单选题

Tom is going to see___.

A: one of my father's friends B: one of my father's friend C: one of my fathers' friends D: a friend of my father 单选题

I had my hair cut at the around the corner. A: barber B: barbers C: barber's D: barbers' 单选题

Not until yesterday ___ some money for his sick mother. A: did he get B: did get he C: he got

D: would he get 单选题

Mrs ,Taylor has ___9-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting national prizes. A: a, a B: an ,the C: an ,a D: the 单选题

______ more attention,the trees could have grown better. A: To give

B: Having given C: Given D: Giving 单选题

Please take good care of ___. A: you B: youself C: yourself D: myself 单选题

It took me __ days to finish drawing a beautiful horse. A: a half dozen B: half a dozen C: haft dozens D: half dozen 单选题

Are you sure you don‘t have ___ advice to give me?I really need ___. A: any, any B: some, any C: any, some D: some, some 单选题

she has won two – www.vu8o.com


There are_________ of visitors to Kunming. A: tens of thousands 2000 B: about ten of thousands C: about three thousands D: about three thousand 单选题

He is ___than ___. A: busier, us B: busier, we C: more busy,we D: more busy, us 单选题

___ terms of art treasures, Dunhuang is worldwide famous. A: on B: in C: for D: by 单选题

--- Which one can I take?--- You can take ___ of them; I’ll keep none. A: both B: any C: either D: all 单选题

Because of the strike, British Rail has been forced to ________ all trains to London. A: cancel B: abandon C: postpone D: recall 判断

Brithish football is the most successful of all European countries, although it is not necessarily the best in the world. 判断

The material of jeans comes from the south of France which is the only palce has this material. 判断

The people with windfall tend to tell their closest friends and relatives and make their lives with visble changes. 单选题

I can still remember that it is since the 1990’s, _____ we began to use cell phones,_______ the number of mobile users has greatly increased. A: while,when B: when,what C: before, that D: when,that 单选题

_________ will you achieve success unless you devote yourself to the subject heart and soul. A: By no means B: No matter how C: In no occasion D: By all means 单选题

Parks are ___ of the few places where people in cities may have sports. A: one