辽宁省沈阳市东北育才学校2018-2019学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题(附答案) 下载本文

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62_____ (high) than any other meal. And the same number said their best dish was something they made at the place where they worked. 63 (surprising), 10% of these chefs said their favorite meal of their entire lives was at a fast food restaurant! These best 64 (cook) in the world would pick McDonald's or KFC if they had the choice of what 65 (eat).

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)

假设你是李华,最近发现你所住的小区内增设了旧物捐赠箱(a donation box),居民可以把自己的旧衣物、废弃的书报等投放其中。请你给你校英文报投稿。 要点如下:

1. 介绍这一事物; 2. 发表你的看法。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Editor,


第二节 读后续写:阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。(满分 25 分)

Steve was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my cousin. By the age of 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted to be exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited!

After planning the trip, we gathered clothes and supplies, and began our great adventure. We reached the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota by early evening. On our way to the campsite, Steve pointed to a small house faraway in one of the mountains, saying that it was the ranger station (护林站) where the forester worked. Finally, after a long walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun was setting. Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper. After we gathered enough wood from the forest, he started the campfire using only stone and steel — no matches. For supper we feasted on freeze-dried beef, wild rice and pea soup. I ate greedily after all that work.

Tired enough, we climbed into our sleeping bags early and talked about our plans for fishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden north wind picked up; the temperature dropped and it

began to snow. Steve found a way to increase the temperature inside the tent. He dragged a log (原木) from the forest to the opposite side of the campfire. Then he wrapped aluminum foil (铝箔) around the log. The heat from the fire reflected off the foil and into the tent. Soon images of lake fish were filling my dreams.

The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up the flames of our dying fire. I was abruptly awakened by Steve. Our tent was on fire. Frightened, I ran out of the tent immediately. The tent collapsed (倒塌) with Steve inside. Without any thought of endangering myself, I reached into the burning tent and pulled him to the icy lake. Fortunately, we were not seriously hurt. 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation.

Paragraph 2:

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. 高一下第二次月考试题答案 听力:1—5 BACAB

6—10 ACACB 11—15 CCAAB

16—20 BACCB

阅读:21-24 BADA 25-27 BDA 28-30BCC 31-35 GBEAD 完形填空

36~ 40 CCABA 41~45 DCBBA 46~50 CADCB 51~55 BACBD 语法填空

with 2. what 3. interesting 4. surveyed 5. considered

or 7. higher 8. Surprisingly 9. cooks 10. to eat 应用文:

I’m Li Huan. Recently I found a donation box in my neighborhood. People come to it when they have old clothes, bags, newspapers and books to donate.

This box, I think, is of great significance. Take me as an example, I outgrow my clothes so rapidly. I’ve got no idea about how to deal with the clothes which are really new and still in good condition. However, with this donation box, I can help those people in need.

In a word, I do think it is a good idea that can light up our life and make the world a better place to live in.

续写 One possible version:

Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. Our campsite was in the deep of the forest, really far away from the highway. We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our supplies burnt into ashes, including our cellphones. Even Steve was unsure what to do next. The only thing we could do was just sitting in the cold air and wondering how to get out of the forest.

6. Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. Anxiously we listened and stared into the darkness. A jeep appeared. A forester had spotted the light from the fire and had come to have a check. We jumped into the warm vehicle and the forester drove us to the ranger station, where we were given clothes and were able to call our parents. Steve and I had many more camping adventures from then on, but it was on this trip that Steve began to treat me more like a friend and equal, rather than a younger cousin. Our friendship continues to this day.

附听力原文 Text 1

M:Didn't you say you wanted to stop drinking coffee for a while?

W:I did. I was trying to drink tea or juice each morning instead of coffee. But it didn't go so well. Text 2

W:Lucas, have you bought the cellphone you always want?

M:No. I have $500 now, but the phone costs $800. My boss said he would give me a rise next month.

Text 3

W:Is September really a good month to take cuttings of roses?

M:Well, it's the best month, because you don't need to protect them at all. You don't need a greenhouse. All you need is a bit of reasonably worked soil. Text 4

M:Sarah worked as a journalist for a month, but she couldn't handle it successfully. W:Why?

M:She wasn't able to finish her stories on time for the strict deadlines. Text 5

W:We are trying to start a club. M:How is it going?

W:We were hoping for at least fifteen people, but only two signed up. Text 6

M: Why are you walking up and down in the room? Why not sit down just like me and watch the talk show about reading on TV?

W: Well, I'm worrying about the children. After all, this is the first time they have been out without us.

M: Don't worry. They are grown-ups. What's more, they are just having a party in their friend Mike's house. W: I know. But I couldn't help thinking. George, please call them up, and tell them to be careful and come back earlier.

M: All right. I'll do that. Text 7

M:I was thinking we should go to the local animal shelter, so I can pick out the perfect dog. W:Yeah. Some dog really needs a good home.

M:OK. So we will just have the dog that you also want and no more unwanted animals. W:Sure. What kind of dog are you going to get?

M:I don't know. I will know when I see the dog if that's the dog for me. W:All right. Take me to the shelter. Can't wait. Text 8

M:Excuse me, are you Anita Handley? W:Yes, that's me. How can I help you?