(英语试卷合集)新疆乌鲁木齐市2018年八年级上学期期末英语试卷(19份合集) 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/25 0:31:48星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。



21. – Jane, can I have ______eraser? Oh, I mean a rubber. – OK, here you are.

A. /

B. an

C. a

D. the

22. Our foreign teachers will try to visit the Jianshan Park by ______next Saturday.

A. they

B. their


D. themselves

23. – Is your sister coming to Zhenjiang during the Spring Festival? –I’m not sure. She ______not come.

A. must

B. can C. may D. should

24. Yesterday I tried to ______some lights alone, but I asked for help in the end.

A. put in

B. put on C. put out D. put up

25. – How do you like the film Coco?

–Oh, really exciting. I have never enjoyed a ______one before.

A. worst

B. best

C. worse D. better

26. – When did the Shining Shopping Mall have a power cut?

– At 9 pm last night, while I ______a film with my brother at the cinema.

A. have seen

B. were seeing

C. was seeing

D. saw

27. – Do you like reading newspapers?

– Yes, it always ______the newest news for me.

A. gives

28. – Betty, why have you decided ______a French course. – Because I will go to France for a holiday next year.

A. take

B. taken

C. taking

D. to take

B. provides

C. offers

D. shows

29. All the following sentences use the structure “S+V+P” EXCEPT ______.

A. She likes flowers.

B. He keeps fit.

C. That music sounds great. D. Leaves turn brown.

30. Next week, there will be a heavy snow and the temperature will fall ______zero.

A. among

B. above C. below D. under

/ rhymes (押韵) with ______.

D. grow

31. “Blow” with the sound /

A. cow

B. how C. now

32. – Lucy, if you want to join the Painting Society, you should fill in the ______form.

– Thanks for your advice!


B.instruction Cpetition


33. – Mum, what’s wrong with Dad?

– ______serious. He has just got a cold.

A. Something

B. Everything

C. Anything D. Nothing

34. My father is busy. Every year, he only has ______10 days off while we have 30.

A. at first

B. at most

C. at least

D. at last

35. – I'm afraid I can't go to your birthday party, Tom. – ______! But why?

A. How happy B. What a pity C. How lucky D.What nice news


Ordering food online has become part of college life when doing it only takes a few minutes. However, a university in Southwest China is trying to stop 36 doing it.

The ban(禁令) not only made students unhappy, but also the internet users. Some said that the ban made the 37 full of people. There are not enough seats in it, so students have to stand up or squat(蹲) when they eat. The 38 dining hall also means that students have to spend more time eating. If students can order online, they can have more time to 39 at noon so that they will be energetic in the afternoon. Some even said 40 that the dining hall only provides a few dishes and almost all of them taste bad.

In fact, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages is not the 41 one to do so. Beijing Language and Culture University and some other universities have already done that. A teacher from Guangxi University of Foreign Languages said that schools stopped students ordering food online 42 the food from outside is not safe for students. Moreover, ordering too much food led to a serious 43 problem, as there were often many used food boxes left in the school campus after students 44 meals.

However, in the eyes of Liu Junhai, a teacher at Renmin University of China, universities themselves should take action. “If schools make their dining halls better, their students will soon 45 . For example, they can provide more tasty dishes.”


36. A. students classroom

37. A.

building 38. A. clean 39. A. play

B. teachers

C. parents

. Dschool

B. dining hall C. swimming pool

. library D

B. busy B. eat

C. modern


C. rest

Dthink empty friends

. D

40. A. happily

B. angrily

C. seriously

. D

41. A. earliest

B. worst

C. slowest

. D

42. A. but

B. so

C. and

. D

43. A. noise

B. air

C. water

. D

44. A. finished

B. prepared C. started

. D

45. A. go away

B. come back C. stand up




An earthquake happened inside the Jiuzhaigou National Park. The exact information is not enough now, but we can be sure there have been a lot of falling stones and landslides. More information will arrive over the coming days.

You can go out of Jiuzhaigou from the Eastern Road in Pingwu and right now most of tourists have been evacuated(被转移). Jiuzhaigou National Park is now closed to visitors until further information is offered to make sure everything is safe and OK for everyone.

If you have planned to visit in the next few days, please make a change so that the roads are not busy for the cars and buses to carry the things people need in Jiuzhaigou. Please keep in touch with your local travel agency(旅行社) for further information.

If you have already bought the tickets to Jiuzhaigou National Park, you can get your money back by returning the tickets.

For more information you can follow facebook/Jiuzhai or on Weibo at http://weibo/jiuzhaigou 46. The following disasters happened in Jiuzhaigou National Park EXCEPT ______. A. an earthquake

B. falling stones

C. landslides

D. a snowstorm

look forward cooked rubbish because best hopefully

47. What right information can people get from the passage? A. Jiuzhaigou National Park is now closed to visitors.

B. Visitors can go out of Jiuzhaigou from the Western Road in Pingwu. C. People should use a different road to make the roads to Jiuzhaigou busy.