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Unit 1 How can I get there?




2. 3. 4. 5.

A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. science museum E. bookstore 二、单项选择。

( )1. — Excuse me. _______ is the post office, please?

— It’s behind the library.

A.Which B. What C. Where

( )2. — _______ is the bookstore, please?

— It’s next to the library.

A.Which B. What C. Where

( )3. — _______

— It’s near the hospital.

A.Where is the cinema? B. Is there a cinema? C. Where is the hospital?


( )1. You can see a film(电影)at the _______.

( )2. If you are sick, you should see a doctor in the _______. ( )3. You can buy some books in the _______.

( )4. You can watch the dinosaur(恐龙)show in the _______. ( )5. You can send a letter in the _______.

A. cinema B. hospital C. post office D. bookstore E. science museum 答案

一、1-E 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-D 二、1. C 2. C 3. A

三、1. A 2. B 3. D 4. E 5. C


一、英汉互译。 1. next to _______

2. buy a postcard _______ 4. 博物馆商店 _______ 6. 会说话的机器人 _______

3. Excuse me. _______ 5. 在门的旁边 _______ 二、单项选择。

( )1. — Excuse me. _______ is the Zhangshan Park,please?

— It’s behind the library.

A. Which B. What C. Where

( )2. I want _______ a kite this weekend.

A. fly

B. to fly C. flying

( )3. _______ great museum!

A. How

B.What C.What a

( )4. — Is there a shop near here?

— _______ It’s next to the school.

A.Yes, there is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.


please there not next walk A: Excuse me.Is there a bookstore near here? B: Yes, _______ is. A: Where is it, _______?

B: It’s _______ to the science museum. A: Is it far from here?

B: No, it’s _______.You can _______ there.