新人教版(PEP)六年级英语上册Unit 4 单元教案 4 下载本文

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新人教版(PEP)六年级英语上册Unit 4 单元教案 4Unit 4 I have a pen pal



Part A Let's try & Let's talk 二、教学目标

1.能够听、说、认读单词和短语pen pal、hobby、jasmine、idea、playing sports、climbing mountains、listening to music、watching TV、playing the pipa、drawing cartoons等。

2.能够听懂,会说,会表演Let's talk的内容,并在真实情景中运用所学语言询问和描述他人的兴趣和爱好。



2.学习句型:What are…hobbies?He/She likes… 四、教学准备

单词卡、录音机、磁带。 五、教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up

幻灯片出示本课Main scene中关于Zoom和Zip的教学挂图,教师询问:Who are they?What are they doing?What are they talking about?学生先在小组内读一遍,集体讨论后回答老师的问题。

Step 2 Revision

复习单词或短语:dancing、singing,reading stories、playing football、doing kung fu。教师先出示单词卡片,抽读这五个单词和短语,然后再出示图片,让学生看图说出单词或短语。

Step 3 Presentation

1.学习重点句型“What are…hobbies?”及其第三人称作主语时的回答。 He/She likes…

(1)教师随机询问几个学生 “What are your hobbies?”,然后两人一组学生进行操练,教师选2-3组进行展示,在最后一组表演完毕后,指着其中一个同学问:What are his/her hobbies?让学生回答:He/She likes…

(2)教师出示句型“What are his/her hobbies?”及图片,学生两人一组操练小对话,之后教师选择2-3组进行展示。

2.学习Let's try

(1)打开课本,读一读Let's try中呈现的句子。 (2)播放录音,学生听完后判断正误。 (3)全班核对答案。 3.学习Let's talk

(1)看Let's talk的课文插图,听录音,理解其意思,并回答教师的问题。

T:This is a dialogue between Zhang Peng and Oliver,what are they talking about? S:They are talking about Peter's hobbies.

(2)听录音1-2遍,说出Peter 都有哪些爱好。 T:What are Peter's hobbies?

S:He likes reading stories,doing kung fu,swimming and singing. (3)教师提问细节性问题。

T:Where does Peter live?Why does Oliver say “Good idea”? Do you think Peter will like the Chinese song“Jasmine Flower”?

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(4)小组内分角色朗读Let's talk部分的课文,培养合作意识。


Step 4 Consolidation and extension

(1)学生3-4人一组,根据Zhang Peng和Oliver的对话,完成最好的朋友的兴趣、爱好调查,创编一个对话。

S1:Who is your best friend? S2:Harry is my best friend. S1:What are his hobbies?

S2:He likes dancing and playing basketball.


(3)思考:What kind of friends can be called “good friends”?学生发表意见,教师引出谚语“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”。

Step 5 Summary 六、课后反思



Part A Let's learn & Do a survey 二、教学目标

1.正确掌握单词和短语dancing、singing、reading stories、playing football等并进行现在分词的变化规律总结。

2.能够运用有关兴趣爱好的英文表达“What are your hobbies?”和“I like…”进行问答。 3.能够听懂、会说Let's learn的内容,并能根据实际情况运用本课重点句型表达自己的兴趣和爱好。

4.会唱歌曲My new pen pal。

5.在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。 三、教学重难点 1.准确书写单词和短语dancing、singing、reading stories、playing football、doing kung fu,并进行现在分词的基本变化规律总结。

2.能够运用句型“What are your hobbies?”“I like…”进行问答。 3.学生能够大胆创编和表演有关兴趣爱好的小对话。 四、教学准备

录音机、磁带、课件。 五、教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greeting

2.播放本单元歌曲My new pen pal,学生在教师的引导下跟唱。

3.随着愉悦的音乐,教师告诉学生,要开一个主题是hobby的class meeting,同学们要想参加必须成功“闯三关”。

Step 2 Presentation

1.Challenge 1:Guessing time

(1)展示本部分的图片,My new pen pal的音频片段,让学生猜。

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T:What are my hobbies? S:You like singing.

认读sing及其音标,告诉学生-ing的音标,并领读singing,I like singing,并用红色标注I like。学生随着教师重复朗读。

(2)呈现dancing:播放一段芭蕾舞视频片段,让学生猜。用同样的方法学习dance,dancing,I like dancing,并以组为单位朗读。

(3)呈现reading stories:教师拿出一个盒子,让学生上前摸摸里面的物品。 T:What's in the box?Can you guess? S:A book.

打开盒子,里面有一本故事书,学生说出句子。 S:You like reading stories.

学习play football,playing football,I like playing football,自编歌曲操练。 (4)游戏:出示一棵苹果树的图片,学生说出掉落的苹果中所示的短语。 T:There are many phrases in the apple tree.Can you say out the phrases as quickly as you can? 2.Challenge 2:Sum-up time



动词直接加-ing;以不发音的字母e 结尾,去e加-ing;重读闭音节,以辅音字母结尾,双写该辅音字母再加-ing。

3.Challenge 3:Dialogue time

(1)听录音,分角色朗读课文,让2-3组学生进行对话展示,师生共同评价。 (2)Make a dialogue:幻灯片呈现重点句型,学生进行造句练习及对话。 (3)Play a game:listen to the music and pass the box.

要求音乐停止时,其他同学一起拍手问:“What are your hobbies?”手拿盒子的同学从盒子中抽出一张纸,根据内容回答。

Step 3 Consolidation and extension 闯关成功,开始班会。

(1)学生两人一组完成Do a survey,根据重点句型编写一个对话。 (2)学生自愿上前进行表演,师生共同评价。 Step 4 Summary 六、课后反思



Part B Let's try & Let's talk 二、教学目标 1.能够听、说、朗读与爱好有关的英文表达,如:Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes,he does.


3.运用一般现在时的一般疑问句句型“Does he/she like…?”及“Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn't.”来进行提问和回答。



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