《大学英语》(1)(A)卷 试题及参考答案 唐德斌 2017、5、10 下载本文

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2017学年度第 1 学期


使用班级: 17级各专业学生

试卷形式:开卷 闭卷■. 考试时间: 120分钟

系名____________班级____________姓名____________学号____________ 试题 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 Part I. Phonetics (5 points)

Directions: In each of the following groups, there are four underlined letters or letter combination A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in Pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

( )1. A. fast B. bag C. hand D. and ( )2. A. full B. luck C. stuff D. up ( )3. A. car B. farm C. warm D. arm ( )4. A. put B. full C. pull D. lunch ( )5. A. break B. tea C. meat D. leave Part II: Vocabulary and Structure(20 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

( )6. — Sorry ,I am late. I got stuck in traffic.

— ________. You’ re here now. Come in and sit down.

A. You are welcome B. That’s right C. I have no idea D. Never mind ( )7. —Can you tell me the timetable of the school bus?

—Well, the bus _______here for the campus at 7:00 a.m.

A. will leave B. left C. is leaving D. leaves ( )8. – We live in the room, ______ window faces the north.

A. which B. whose C. of which D. the window of which ( )9. I am going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _____ find the money. A. might C. would C. can D. need

( )10. ________ at my classmates’ faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. looked

( )11. _______you’ve tried it on, you can’t imagine how pleasant the new style of dress is. A. When B. Unless C. Because D. although ( )12. Only by working hard, ________ .

A. we can succeed B. we could succeed C. can we succeed D. could we succeed

( )13. If you visit the Smiths now, probably you will find that the parents as well as their son _______ football now.

A. is playing B. is played C. are playing D. are played ( )14. Neither my wife nor I ______ able to persuade our daughter to change her mind. A. am B. are C. have been D. is

密封线内不答题 ——第1页——

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( )15. Nowadays, more and more people like to hunt for what they want at www.taobao.com and have them ____ by the express company.

A. delivering B. delivered C. to deliver D. deliver ( )16. The new technology, if____ to farming, will help increase the grain output. A. applying B. to apply C. applied D. having applied ( )17. The woman ____there under the tree, ____ in a blue shirt, is our headmaster. A .sitting; wearing B. sitting; dressed C. seating; dressed D. seated; dressing

( )18. For a long time after the operation, Linda found _____ difficult to fall asleep. A. this B. one C. that D. it ( )19. It was really kind__________you to help me with my homework. A. about B. of C. for D. to

( )20. Concerning your plan, I am glad to tell you that most club members think ______ acceptable.

A. it B. that C. one D. this ( )21. More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities____ space.

A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of

( )22. Reading is indeed good for us all, but such books do not ______ you.

A. deal with B. warm up C. agree with D. mix up

( )23. She started studying English at college, but ______ to Business Studies in her

second year.

A. appeal B. submit C. switch D. adapt

( )24. According to a survey conducted recently in Shanghai, the city is facing a workforce

______ of 150,000 personnel.

A. short B. absent C. shortage D. absence

( )25. He does business mainly on the Internet, so he makes it his daily ________ to check

his email.

A. duty B. routine C. tradition D. hobby Part III: Cloze(20 points)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Despite the great progress in medical science, human beings are constantly attacked by cancer, which means death. A woman named Bonnie suffered a 26 of discomforts caused by the treatment of cancer. She didn’t regard cancer as a 27 disease, but a laughing matter. She treated it in a humorous way. To put it in 28 way, she is teaching people that even though cancer isn't 29 , we can treat it in a humorous way.

Her second child was going to be born three months away 30 she was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly, a 31 mother turned into a helpless woman afraid for her own 32 . It was after she had had her baby 33 that she had an operation. 34 came chemo(化疗)and her life seemed to be made up of fears and 35 . But the 36 moment in her life came after she lost all her hair and a free wig(假发) arrived. She 37 it on as her older son Kyler watched.

“That was when I decided how to 38 it: crying over this bad wig or laughing about it. 39 way would make 40 remember it.” Bonnie said. She spent a lot of time looking for anything funny from cancer patients. She got a lot out of collecting 41 stories. She started laughing a lot, finding it the perfect medicine. Using herself as a bald (光头) model, Bonnie 42 to design her own greeting cards and calendars, making fun of the sufferings of chemo.

―To have joy, we badly 43 to laugh,‖ she said.


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Clearly, you can increase your confidence to 44 over any disease and trouble 45 laughing.

( )26. A. set B. way C. series D. pack ( )27. A. deadly B. seriously C. terribly D. fearfully ( )28. A. the other B. another C. other D. others ( )29. A. serious B. painful C. fierce D. fun ( )30. A. before B. when C. while D. until ( )31. A. happy B. sad C. fortunate D. sick ( )32. A. son B. illness C. life D. operation ( )33. A. made B. delivered C. attended D. opened ( )34. A. Here B. Later C. Thus D. Then ( )35. A. failures B. loneliness C. tears D. wonders ( )36. A. highest B. lowest C. great D. ugly ( )37. A. wore B. carried C. fastened D. Tried ( )38. A. deal with B. do with C. go with D. meet with ( )39. A. All B. Any C. Either D. Both

( )40. A. myself B. my son C. everyone D. my husband

( )41. A. detective B romantic C. humorous D. different ( )42. A. set out B. get down C. set about D. set down ( )43. A. need B. ought C. want D. long ( )44. A. think B. get C. run D. take ( )45. A. in terms of B. by the way of

C. through the method of D. by means of Part IV: Reading Comprehension(30 points)

Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one choice that best answers the sentence. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Terms and Conditions of Employment

These terms and conditions should be read before you sign your contract. Salary:Your starting salary is:$15,000.This is reviewed annually. Hours: work are eight hours a day,Monday through Friday. You will start work on Feb.21,2008. On the first morning, report to your line manager John Knight. Health and safety:Please read the safety regulations attached. If you have any questions,contact the health and safety officer, whose name is at the top of the regulation sheet. If you have health problems, please inform the Senior Nurse, Chris Thomas. If you cannot work because of illness, please telephone the factory.

Annual leave:During your first year of employment you ale allowed twenty days’ leave. This should be arranged with your line manager. Overtime(加班) :If you work more than forty hours a week,you will be paid at the current overtime rate. Your line manager will keep a record of the overtime you work. If you work on public holidays,you will be paid at the current rates. If you prefer,time can be taken instead of extra pay for public holidays and overtime. Clothing:The Supplies Department provides overalls(工作服) .Inform Supplies of your size two days before you need them. You can also order any other equipment you need for your job from Supplies.

( )46. According to the contract,the salary of the employee_________.

A. is paid weekly

B. is adjusted every quarter

C. is re-examined from year to year

D. is fixed for the whole contract period
