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Vincent R. Ceriello, Christine Freeman Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998

Human Resource Management Systems

Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRMS to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management (HRM) tasks until they sit down and inventory their time. HRMS is advancing to become its own information technology (IT) field. It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. Especially in difficult economic times, it is critical for companies to become more efficient in every sector of their business; human resources (HR) is no exception.

HRIS refers to software packages that address HR needs with respect to planning, employee information access, and employer regulatory compliance. The following text begins with a discussion of human resource planning, followed by human resource management systems.

American companies must now operate in a rapidly changing business environment. These changes have important implications for HRM practices. To ensure that management practices support business needs, organizations must continually monitor changing environmental conditions and devise HRM strategies for dealing with them. The procedure used to tie human resource issues to the organization's business needs is called human resource planning. Also known as HR planning, this procedure is defined as the \of identifying and responding to [organizational needs] ? and charting new


policies, systems, and programs that will assure effective human resource management under changing conditions.\

Human Resource Management Systems, also called Human Resource modules, is a link between Human resource management and information technology. A Human resource management system provides a single, accurate view of all human resource activities including recruiting, performance management, training and development and also compensation. Human resource management systems reduce the workload of the human resource department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardizing human resource process. Human resource department plays an important role in the smooth running of the company by tracking and analyzing the time keeping and work patterns of the workforce. There are a wide range of applications available to help human resource department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and helping in the organization many other tasks.

The function of human resource management to large extent is administrative and common to all organizations. Most organizations have formalized selection, evaluation and payroll processes. The function consists of tracking innumerable data of each employee from personal histories, data, skills, capabilities, experiences to payroll records. Organizations began electronically automate many of theses processes by introducing Human resource management systems to reduce the manual workload. Human resource executives depend on internal and external IT professionals to develop and maintain their Human resource management systems due to complexity in programming capabilities and limited technological resources.

Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) provide a link between human resource management and information technology.

HRMS allow enterprises to automate many aspects of human resource management, with the dual benefits of reducing the workload of the HR department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardising HR processes.

The field of human resources is one that is often overlooked in enterprise


management. This situation is aided by the fact that an efficient Human Resources department should function without fanfare. For example, when a project team successfully launches a product on time and within budget it is hailed as a great success. When the HR department manages the administration of the enterprise successfully it can go virtually unnoticed – after all, the Human Resources department is simply expected to work, only attracting attention when there are problems.

The reality, however, is very different. The HR department plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth running of an enterprise – most importantly by tracking and analysing the timekeeping and work patterns of the workforce, allowing management better information on which to form strategies.

The importance of human resources has not gone unnoticed by the software industry. There is now a wide range of applications available to aid the HR department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and aiding in the organisation of many others.

HRM software systems (from vendors such as Oracle and Ascentis) are broadly defined by the four basic responsibilities of the HR department, and as such typically contain standalone modules to address the needs of each responsibility:
