内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/27 18:51:44星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Western teachers working at Chinese preschools express shock at the levels of strictness imposed ,and the ways in which the most difficult children are chastised.
While this high degree of discipline has the negative effect of making children reluctant to initiate play , it does succeed in teaching self-control and respect for authority-precisely those qualities that are seen to be lacking in U.S school.
Friends and family in North America often tell me that between piano ,art and sports lessons , their kids are already overscheduled and subject to pressures beyond their years.
Yet , regardless of the number of extracurricular activities, the lives of western children are leisurely when compared to Chinese.
不过,虽然课外活动很多,和中国小孩相比,西方小孩过的是优哉游哉的生活。 B .
The differences between methods of learning in the East and the West are thus based on profound cultural differences that will be glacially slow to shift.
Yet , while only limited change can be expected from domestic education reforms , a global educational environment is emerging which offers an ever-widening variety of choice.
In china , more and more parents are sending their toddlers to private American-style preschools that – despite their exorbitant fees – are doing a booming business in the most prosperous cities , such as shanghai. 因此,东西方学习方法有别,根源还在于巨大的文化差异,改变将是极其缓慢的。
It was once frequently told that “you have the guts to make a living anywhere with a mastery of math , physics and chemistry .” However , people nowadays , whether the middle-aged working stagers or those green horn college grads , have reached a consensus- gone are the days when “a diploma determines you life-time fate”. With the awesome update of knowledge in the era of information explosion , we need to reskill ourselves continuously.
It will be helpful to your search if you understand the structure of the U.S. educational system , which may be very different from that of your home country. Admission to undergraduate and graduate programs in particular will require you to have completed a particular level of education at the time of admission. It is important that you realize that not all U.S. programs are the same. Some programs are extremely demanding and are the workload can even be difficult for American students. Other programs are more relaxed and focus on connecting students in cross-cultural learning. Before making a decision, it is important that you know how challenging your program will be.
B. Despite this, do not let the cost of an education in the U.S.A. scare you off! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the cost, consider what an education in the U.S.A. will mean to your future. Education is one of the best investments you can
make – an investment in yourself! A U.S. education and proficiency in English paves the way to more secure and higher paying jobs. In the end, your U.S education will pay for itself many times over.
Your department has been recommended to me by Dr. Li Yonghua, my doctorate supervisor. I would like to be considered for acceptance as a visiting scholar in the Department of Psychology. I am intensely interested in Consumer Psychology and have been engaged in its research for many years.
The china scholarship council has approved my request for financial support during my one-year visit covering the tuition, round-trip ticket fare and living expenses.
My resume and letters of recommendation are enclosed herewith. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
(前面一部分缺失)Financial services are supposed to bring together borrowers and savers. But as lending markets have retreated, borrowers have been stranded without credit and savers have seen their pensions and investments melt away. Financial markets are supposed to be a machine for amassing capital and determining who gets to use it and for what. How could they have been so wrong?
B .
Reform is certainly needed, yet, for all the excesses and instability of finance, a complete clampdown would be a mistake. For one thing, remember the remarkable prosperity of the past 25 years. Finance deserves some of the credit for that note, too, that finance has always been plagued by crises, whether the system is open or closed, simple or sophisticated. Attempts to regulate finance to make it safe often lead to dangerous distortions as clever financiers work around the rules. If there were a simple way to prevent crises altogether, it would already be the foundation stone of financial regulation. In fact, the aim should be neither to banish finance nor to punish it, but to create a system that supports economic growth through the best mix of state-imposed stability and private initiative.
改革势在必行,但是,尽管金融业存在诸多过分行为及不稳定性,命令禁止,严厉打击也是不明智的。一方面,我们无法忘记过去二十五年经济的辉煌繁荣,其中金融业的功绩可圈可点,值得赞颂。同时,也请注意,不管体制是开放的还是封闭的,简单的还是服复杂的,金融业发生危机总是不可避免。试图通过制定法规来规范金融业的行为,以确保其更加稳定,也是于事无补,因为精明的金融家总会利用规则大打擦边球,最终使得法律规范形同虚设。如果真有一个简便易行的方法来阻止各种危机,那它一开始就已经是金融规范的基础了。实际上,我们的目的既不是将金融“扫地出门”也不是使其受到打击惩治,而是要创建一个新体制,使其既能通过国家调控保持稳定性,又能激发私有化企业的主管能动性,而保持经济的持续增长。 A.
感谢贵方发来BS123号订单,订购我们的PM600和PM800旋转式印刷机,并要求十一月份交货。你们所有的要求我们都能够满足,除了PM600,此机目前无货。因此,我们提供两套方案,以供贵方考虑。 1)我们推荐PM630,这是我们最新型号的产品(详细情况请参见所附的说明书),足以替代PM600,该货可
2)如果贵方坚持要PM600,则我方可分两批装运贵方的订货,即11月发运PM800,明年1月发运PM600,此为我方所能安排的最早时间。 恭候贵方决定。
此致 格雷斯·华盛顿 B.
保险凭证需最迟于17日送达我方,因为此凭证将与其他单证一起交给开立信用证的银行。 望贵方早日答复。
此致 丹尼·李
卖方:青岛纺织品进出口公司 买方:远东贸易有限公司
按照下列条款,买方同意买入、卖方同意卖出下述货物,特立约如下: 商品:羊毛衫 货号:406L
规格:100%羊毛,粉红,蓝色,棕色分别占30%,30%,40% 数量:900件
单价:25德国马克,成本保险运费欧洲主要口岸,包括佣金2% 总价:22,500德国马克(大写贰万贰千伍佰德国马克)
保险:由卖方按照中国保险条款(1981.1.1)按发票金额110%投保综合险和战争险。 装运时间:2009年9/10月,禁止转运 装运港:中国青岛
目的港:欧洲主要港口,于信用证中明确 唛头:由卖方确定
付款方式:买方于装运前40天通过一流银行开具以卖方为受益人的金额为100%发票金额不可撤消即期信用证 本合同2009年10月25日签于青岛,正本两份,分别以中文和英文书就,两种文体具有同等效力。若对其解释产生异议,以中文文本为准。
买方: 卖方:
We can wag fingers and self-righteously shout that the domestic car companies are reaping the unhappy fruits of the thoughtless seeds they planted. Schadenfreude is joy in hypocrisy. We bought all of those big trucks and big-engine cars. And we demanded more of them as long as we had access to the developed world’s cheapest gasoline. But we whined like babies and screamed for more fuel-efficient vehicles like infants crying for nipples when gasoline topped $4 a gallon.
Put another way, we – consumers and politicians – were complicit in the automobile industry’s reluctance to do better in the arenas of fuel economy and emissions control. The natural tendency in a purely profit-oriented, capitalist system is to give consumers what they are demanding at a price that returns a handsome reward on investment in product development.
换句话说,汽车工业不愿意在节能减排方面做出更多努力,我们消费者和政客也难辞其咎。在以纯利润为导向的资本主义体制中,为消费者提供其所需的能为投资带来丰厚回报的产品,是再自然不过的事情。 B.