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从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选择一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Last night it took Lucy _______ hour to learn a new song. 的).

A. across B. through —No, thank you.

A. anything else B. else anything C. something else D. else something A. also

B. too

C. as well

D. either

C. over

D. upon

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )2. —Jim, is this white camera _______

—No, mine is at home. A. hers

B. his

C. yours

D. theirs

( )3. —Oh, how did Jenny arrive in Haikou

—_______ plane. A. By —Black tea. A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

B. In

C. At

D. On

( )4. —Would you like black tea _______ green tea

( )5. The moon light entered the room _______ the window and it made the room bright (明亮

( )6. —Would you like _______, sir

( )7. Cindy doesn’t want to be the class monitor and Mary doesn’t _______. ( )8. —Wow! _______ heavy schoolbag it is! —Yeah! It’s not easy being a student!

A. What a

B. How

C. How a D. What

( )9. I can look after (照顾) your cat so you don’t need to _______ it.

A. be careful with B. worry about C. get on well with D. look for

—I’d like to buy a shirt.

B. What size do you like C. What colour do you like

( )10. —_______

A. What can I do for you

D. What’s the price of the shirt

Do you like painting Maybe you tried to draw 11 , but couldn’t make it look quite so right.


Don’t 12 . Vincent van Gogh’s paintings 13 look quite like the real things, but he is one of the best painters of all time.

Van Gogh was born 14 the Netherlands (荷兰) in 1853. When he grew up, he showed a talent (天分) for painting. But his paintings were 15 special. He used colors in a strange 16 . And the shapes in his paintings are also 17 .

At the time, nobody thought this was that special. 18 things change! One of Van Gogh’s paintings 19 for $ million in New York on May 15, 1990. So if you want to make your dream come true, you should work hard for it. One day, you may be 20 “Van Gogh”. ( ) . nothing ( ) . wait ( ) . always ( ) . at ( ) . little ( ) . way ( ) . round ( ) . How ( ) . worked ( ) . other



Bognor Regis is a small beautiful town in the UK. From March 12 to 17 of each year, lots of clowns (小丑) get together in the town to celebrate the

International Clown Festival. The first one was in 1987.

During the festival, people can see all kinds of clowns. They are together for the clown shows. They have big feet, red noses and look really funny. They sing and dance in a strange way to make people happy. Children like this interesting festival best. Now women can take part in the clown shows and they’re very popular. But in the past, only men could be clowns. ( ) International Clown Festival finishes on _______ every year.

A. March 12 C. March 15 A. 1978 C. 1879

B. March 14 D. March 17 B. 1987 D. 1798

B. everything C. anything D. something B. worry C. ask D. cry B. Sometimes C. never B. in C. on

D. often D. by

D. plan

B. a little C. few D. a few B. word C. kind

B. clear C. different D. expensive B. What C. Why D. When B. looked C. left D. sold B. else C. another

D. such

( ) first International Clown Festival was in _______.

( ) like the festival best.

A. Old people

C. Men

B. Women D. Children

( ) can we learn about the festival

A. It’s a festival only for kids. B. Clowns wear blue noses. C. It has a history of 26 years.

D. Clowns have to dance to make people happy. A. Wonderful clown shows B. Bognor Regis’ clown festival

C. A beautiful town, Bognor Regis D. The first International Clown Festival


There is a popular club in many US schools. It’s the Homework Club. More and more students spend their afternoons at these clubs.

Games, computers and TVs are all around kids at home, so the Homework Club is just for them to do their homework in a quiet place. Teachers there can answer students’ questions and help with their homework. If students finish their homework on time, they will get a snack. It’s always children’s favorite food.

Here’s some information of a homework club. Let’s learn something about it!

Time Each session (阶段) is four weeks long, Monday through Thursday. You may attend one, two, three or four days a week. The Homework Club takes place in the Bay Laurel Library. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Wednesday: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ( ) is the best title of the passage

Fees (费用) 4 days a week ........ $session 3 days a week ........ $session 2 days a week .... ... $session 1 day a week .......... $session ( ) go to the Homework Club because _______.

A. they can make friends there B. they can’t find a place to play C. they need a quiet place to study