2017年人教版初中英语八年级上册英语-Unit2单元测试 下载本文

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一 .单项选择。(15分)

( )1.To make my body strong, my mother wants me________milk every day. A.to drink B.drank C.drinking D.drinks

( )2. The answers _________ our questions about watching television are also interesting. A. to B. at C .of D. for ( )3.She is sad, ________ she looks happy.

A. so B. and C. because D. although

( )4.Her life was _____ so that she couldn't find time for hobbies. A.full B.free C.relaxed D.quiet

( )5.________ of the students were in the classroom. They all went to the music club. A.Many B.Some C.Any D.None

( )6.— ________do you usually do after school, Peter? ——I usually help my parents with housework. A.How B.Where C.What D.Why ( )7.—Where is your brother?

—________he is doing his homework in his room. I'm not sure. A.Maybe B.May C.Need D.Must

( )8. His parents don't let him ________ too much time ________ computer games. A.spend,playing B.spent,play C.spend,to play D.spending,play ( )9.—________times did you do exercise last week? —Twice. A.How often B.How much C.How many D.How long ( )10.----_________ hours do you sleep every day? ----Eight hours

A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How many ( )11.—Do you like listening to English songs?

—No,I________listen to them because they're very difficult for me. A.always B.often C.usually D.hardly ever

( )12.—________do you read English newspapers? —I read China Daily every day. A.How long B.How often C.How many D.How much

( )13.—How often________she stay up late? —Three or four times a week. A.do B.does C.doing D.did

( )14.—Does Nancy_____her mother go shopping? —No!She never________shopping. A.helps,goes B.help,go C.helps,go D.help,goes

( )15.It's good for you________healthy food and________more exercise. A.eat, taking B.eating,take C.to eat,take D.eat,take 二.完形填空。(10分)

__1__ is a result of the student activity survey at our school. Most students exercise three or four times __2__ week. Some students exercise once __3__ twice a week. Some students exercise every day. __4__ homework,most students __5_ homework every day. Some students do homework three or four times a week. Most students do homework every day. __6__ students do homework once or twice a week. The result for “watch TV” is _7__. Some students watch TV once or twice a week. Some watch TV three or four __8__ a week. But most students watch TV every day. __9_ think it's helpful for them __10_ TV. They can be relaxed and learn much knowledge(知识) by watching TV.

( )1. A. Here B.There C.Here's D.There's ( )2. A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )3. A.and B.but C.or D.so

( )4. A.With B.By C.To D.As for ( )5. A.did B.do C.does D.doing ( )6. A.Not B.No C.No of D.No one

( )7. A.interesting B.interests C.interested D.interest ( )8. A.time B.times C.a time D.some time ( )9. A.They B.Their C.Them D.Theirs


( )10. A.watch B.to watch C.watches D.watching 三.阅读理解。(30分)

A Every Three or four Twice a Once a Activity day times a week week week Exercise 55 30 10 5 Play basketball 20 40 20 20 Watch TV 5 60 30 5 Do homework 90 10 0 0 Eat vegetables 50 30 10 10 Eat junk food 15 50 30 5 Eat fruit 60 25 10 5 ( )1.In the class, fifty-five percent of the students exercise________. A.every day B.three or four times a week C.twice a week D.once a week ( )2.________of the students watch TV three or four times a week. A.100% B.60% C.30% D.5% ( )3.No students do homework________.

A.once a week B.twice a week C.three times a week D.both A and B ( )4.Sixty percent of the students________.

A. eat fruit every day B. eat junk food once a week C. do homework three or four times a week D. play basketball twice a week ( )5.Which sentence is NOT true?

A. 90% students do homework every day.

B. 50% students eat junk food three or four times a week.

C. All students do homework every day. D. Only 5% students exercise once a week.


People in the UK spend their free time in different ways. They usually use it to relax. They spend a lot of their free time at home. The most popular activity is watching TV. People in the UK watch TV for about 25 hours a week. They often record(录制) programs so they can watch them later. Reading is also a popular way of spending free time. People in the UK spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines. Many people in the UK have pets. They like playing with their pets in their free time.

In summer, gardening(园艺) is popular. And families often have a “day out” on the weekend. They often go to a festival or see a show. Young people like to go to clubs, and people of all ages like to go to the cinema.

In winter, “do-it-yourself” is popular. People often spend their free time repairing(修理) houses.

Some free time activities are with friends. Asking friends for a drink or a meal at home is the most usual one. Sometimes people and their friends have dinner in a restaurant.

On the weekend, people in the UK like to spend their free time doing sports. The popular kinds of sports are soccer, horse racing, swimming, tennis, skating, climbing and hill walking.

( )6.What is the favorite free time activity of people in the UK?

A. Reading. B. Watching TV. C. Doing sports. D. Playing with their pets. ( )7.________is popular in winter in the UK.

A. Gardening B. Seeing a show C. Repairing house D. Going to a festival ( )8.We can find________kinds of popular sports in the passage? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

( )9.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. People in the UK often record TV programs.

B. People in the UK like to do sports in the morning.

C. People of all ages in the UK like to go to clubs in summer. D. People in the UK often have a “day out” with their friends. ( )10.What is the passage mainly(主要) about?

A. People in the UK like making friends. B . People in the UK enjoy different festivals.


C. What people in the UK do in their free time. D. Why people in like UK have a lot of free time.

(C) What do you usually do on the Internet? Miss Wu, an office lady I love shopping on the Internet. It’s fast. I can sit in front of the computer for hours. I shop every day. I can always find cheap but good things online. Sometimes I watch films or listen to songs. Li Hui As a student, I’m always busy from Monday to Friday. I only surf the Internet on weekends. I often play computer games and chat (聊天) with my friends online. Mr. Liu , a manager I can’t work without the Internet. I need it to send and receive emails. I write at least twenty emails each day. When I am free, I also love to read news online. Mrs. Tao I’m a housewife and I like cooking. I write blogs about my cooking and upload (上传) the photos of my dishes every day. I love reading people’s replies (回复). And I’m happy that they love my dishes. ( )11.How often does Miss Wu shop on the Internet? A. Every day B. Twice a week C. Four times a week D. Never ( )12. Who sometimes reads news on the Internet?

A. Miss Wu. B. Li Hui. C. Mr. Liu. D. Mrs. Tao. ( ) 13.Li Hui only surf the Internet _______.

A. on Saturdays B. on weekdays C. on weekends D. on Sundays ( )14. What does Mrs. Tao upload every day? A. The photos of her dishes. B. The photos of her games. C. The photos of her parties. D. The photos of her friends. ( )15. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Miss Wu always sells clothes. B. Li Hui writes emails in the evening. C. Mr. Liu plays computer games every day. D. Many people love Mrs. Tao’s blogs.

四、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。(10分) A: Morning, Jane!

A. How often do you go there? B: Morning, Jerry! (1)__________

B. I read books every day. A: Sorry, Jane. I have no time tomorrow.

C. What do you have to do on Saturday? B: What do you need to do?

D. I need to practice the guitar. A: (2)__________

E. Let's go to the movies tomorrow. B: Where do you practice the guitar?

F. Who do you go with? A: In the music club.

G. Well, what about this Saturday? B: (3)__________

A: Twice a week,on Tuesday and Thursday. B: (4)__________

A: Oh, I'm busy on that day, too. B: (5)__________ A: Practice Chinese.

B: Wow, you're really busy.


Hello, my name is Tina. I'm a middle school student. There are 1.________ (五) people in my family. Do you know what do we usually do on weekends? Let me tell you.

On Saturday morning, I usually help my mom with 2._________ (家务劳动). And my father always goes out to exercise. My sister Tara has a 3.________ (摇摆) dance lesson, she likes dancing very much.
