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C. to have got worse

D. getting worse

47. I had just started back to the house to change my clothes _____________ I heard

voices. A. as B. while C. after D. when

48. When he arrived, he found _____________ the aged and the sick at home.

A. nothing but

B. none but

C. none other than

D. no other than

49. The mere fact _____________ most people believe a nuclear war would be

madness doesn't mean it will not occur. A. that

B. which C. what

D. why

50. _________ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much

better. A. For B. Since C. Now

D. Despite

Part 2 Cloze (with Options) (Each item: 0.5)

Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the choices.

Questions 51 to 70 are based on the following passage.

I never could really talk to my father. I always felt pretty 51.

guiltyembarrassedconscienceconsciousmoved awaymoved formoved alongmoved infor that, but it was just so hard. I 52.

from home to go to college when I was 18. When I returned home to visit, I found my mother and father had just gotten a 53.

departurepartingdivorcegapnot as soso not asso as notnot so as. I always put in a visit to his place 54. to hurt my dad's feelings. But his place was dark and cold and 55.

smelled ofsounded oftasted ofbreathed ofuncomfortableunfavorableunavailableunfashionablecigarette smoke and beer; it was generally 56.


When I was little, my father would take me fishing all the time. It seemed like I 57.

grew outgrew upgrew bygrew intoon the shores of small lakes. To me, at the age of eight, there anticipateassociateappreciatecompensatewas nothing wrong with being like my dad. I still 58. his love for being outdoors, free and away from everyone else. But as I moved into my

differentindifferentcurrentapparentteens, it became 59. that my dad had a drinking problem. As our family's financial situation became worse, 60.

so did his problemso his problem didso was his problemso his problem was.

When I was very young, my dad was able to 61. accomplishachievefunctioncompletewithout alcohol. He could at least keep a job. As I grew older, he became less functional

educatingcommunicatingindicatingadvocatingrequirementsreplacementsargumentsassignmentsand 62. with him became painful. Most of our talks turned into 63. and then he became very angry. He was attachmakedohold64. illustratedfrustratedseparateddemonstratedat not being able to 65. depressedimpressedpressedexpressedon to a job. And we were 66. face forface upface offface downwith him not being able to 67.

to the fact that he had a problem with alcohol. When he got accessprocesssuccessexcesshome from whatever job he was in the 68. of losing, it was not uncommon that if he didn't get in a fight with my mom he would usually 69.

fall awayfall aboutfall apartfall asleepin front of the TV before we had dinner. If he made it to the dinner table to eat with us, I knew that before the meal was over, he would be very

angry with 70.

at leastat the leastat the latestat the minimumone of us. It was usually my mom or me.

Questions 71 to 90 are based on the following passage.

When I was younger, I was 71. fearfearedfearingafraidshelteredscreenedsupposedsupportedto wear my hair short as it said you wanted to join the army and 72. the actions of the military. As nothing could have been 73. furtherfarnearnearerjoined injoiningjoinjoinedfrom the truth, I made sure my hair never looked as if I was 74. necessarilynecessarynoticeablyneedingthe military. However, I did not 75. want what the average citizen thought was an appropriate 76. appearappealappearanceappointmentnormalordinaryunremarkableremarkable. I needed to say that I wasn't like them by looking more 77. sawlookedwatchednoticed, so I grew my hair long. But what I 78.

about myself and the other long-haired men was that we were all belongbelieveblendboastwerewouldwouldn'tweren'ttrying to say that \79. \other than having long hair, we 80. doing anything that was very impressive. I decided then that I no longer wanted to make a 81.

statementsentencesuggestionadvertisementoffensiveremarkableaverageoutstandingby wearing my hair a certain way. I chose a(n) 82.

cut that tried not to say anything. My hair was short, but not

to the 83. excessiveextentextendexcellentthat it carried the label, \operations\

stylestylingstylishstyledMy hair was still long enough that it could be 84. in different ways to reflect my willingness to be like the others. It could also be combed 85.

to hidehidhideto hidingrepresentingmisrepresentingtellingsaying towhere I was losing my hair. Again, I felt like my hair was 86.

me. There was only one thing to do. I had my hair losslosinglostloseshaved really short which showed exactly where I was 87. rubberrobbingrubbingrobberit. My head felt cold and I kept on 88. characteristiccharmingcivilizedcharacterconfusionconstituteconfusecontriveit; but at least I had passed the 89. age for someone in the military, so no one would 90. a 30-something man with hair loss for a want-to-be soldier.

Part 3 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (Each item: 2)

Directions:Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Questions 91 to 95 are based on the same passage or dialog.

You will be surprised how often people simply want to get things off their chests. All you have to do is just listen. Keep on listening. Don't answer back, and in nine cases out of ten, your staff will leave your room perfectly happy and satisfied.

Even ordinary things should be noticed and appreciated. That's what the smart boss does. So you shouldn't just praise once and forget about it. If someone has done a