2006-2007学年第二学期厦门一中英语八年级期末综合练习... 下载本文

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2006-2007学年第二学期厦门一中英语八年级期末综合练习八 姓名: 班级: 学号: 成绩:


( )1. The baby has only two______. So he can’t eat the ______. A. tooth, bread B. tooths, breads C. teeth, bread D. teeths, breads

( )2. Lana ______ mad______ Marcia anymore, because Marcia was going to have a

party ______ her. A. was, at, to B isn’t, for, with C. is, with, at D. wasn’t, at, for

( )3. I think the kids will study at home on computers ______ten years.

A. in B. after C. for D. at

( )4.Some scientists think that robot will ______talk to people in25 to 50 years。 A. can B. can able to C. be able to D. able to ( )5.I have ______the singer, but I have never met her .

A. heard B. heard of C. heard from D. hear about ( )6. She said she ______the dishes at 7:00 yesterday evening.

A. does B. is doing C. was doing D. did

( )7. She’s never late for school, ______she? A. is B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. hasn’t ( )8. Don’t swim here! There ______some sharks in the see. A. maybe B. may have C. may be D. will have ( )9. -I’m sorry, Mr. King. I ______my composition at home.

-That’s all right. Don’t forget ______it to school this afternoon.

A. forgot; to take B. forget; to bring C. left; to take D. left; to bring

( )10.The students are taking a talent show _______ money for charity. A. getting B. collecting C. to collect D. to raise

( )11. My father is as ______ as a bee every day. He thinks the ______ he is, the

______ he feels.

A. busy, busy, happily B. busy, busier, happier C.busiest, busiest, happiest D. busier, busier, more happily ( )12. We have been skating ______ two years ago. A. since B. for C. in D. before ( )13. I haven’t seen such interesting fish, ______ Tom. A. so is B. so isn’t C. neither has D. neither hasn’t ( )14. He’s ______ the mobile phone for three weeks. A. had B. buying C. buy D. bought ( )15. -Could you please pass me the book? ______

-______ A. Yes, I could

C. No, that’s no problem

B. No, I couldn’t D. Sure. Here you are


Flies (苍蝇) usually live in the dirty places.

Let’s look at a fly, and see where it 16 . First, it flies out of the window, 17 it stands on 18 dirty things in the street, and then it flies back to the house and walks over your 19 .When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its 20 have got some germs 21 them. When the fly walks on your food with its dirty feet, it 22 the germs on your food.

What can you 23 this?

First, we learn that we mustn’t leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near 24 . Second, we learn that all food must be covered so that flies may not 25 it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them as soon as we see them. ( )16. A. walks B. stands C. lives D. flies ( )17. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth ( )18. A. some B. any C. every D. each ( )19. A. food B. drink C. cups D. bowls ( )20. A. body B. feet C. eyes D. head ( )21. A. in B. to C. on D. over ( )22. A. carries B. has C. leaves D. takes ( )23. A. study from B. study for C. learn for D. learn from ( )24. A. the factory B. our door C. our house D. a window ( )25. A. arrive B. get C. arrive in D. get to 三、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)


The word \other jobs.

We are born with two hands: a right hand and a left one. But only about ten or fifteen percent of us are lefties. Everyone else is right-handed. They use their right hands much more than their left.

Scientists do not know why there are so many more right-handed people than lefties. Some very famous people have been left-handed. Alexander the Great was a lefty. So was the great French King Charlemagne. Other famous lefties in history include Napoleon, and Queen Victoria of Britain. In the twentieth century, famous lefties include American President Gerald Ford, singer Paul McCartney, and the Great Brazilian soccer player, Pele. These people prove that lefties are just as clever and talented as the right-handers.

However, lefties have had a difficult time throughout history. The Roman word for left, for example, was the same word used to describe someone who was bad and untrustworthy. The German, French, Spanish and Italian words for left haven't got a good meaning, either.

Dean R. Campbell in the state of Kansas started Left-handers International in nineteen seventy-five. His goal was to increase public understanding of the special problems faced by lefties. And he wanted lefties to know and help each other.

Are you a lefty? If so, you should be proud! You share a tradition with Mark Twain, and Benjamin Franklin. Lefties of the world: stand up for your rights!

( )26.Of all the people in the world _____. A. only a small part are left-handed B. most are lefties C. half are lefties D. many are left-handed ( )27. Which of the following famous people was a lefty? A. Queen Victoria of Britain. B. Mark Twain, the American writer. C. Napoleon, the French emperor. D. All of the above. ( )28. Which of the following is true? A. Lefties are more clever than the right-handers. B. Lefties are untrustworthy. C. Lefties are just as clever and talented as the right-handers. D. Lefties have had an easy time throughout history.

( )29. The word \ A.遗忘的,拉下的 B. 离开,留下 C.左手边 D. 左撇子 ( )30. In this passage, the word \ A. five B. two C. three D. four


There was a pilot and three people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the plane when it was flying in the air. The smoke was everywhere in the plane. The pilot told the people there were only three parachutes(降落伞). They all became worried and started to make excuses.

\was nothing he could do so he just jumped out.

The next person said, \to attend an important sports game. I know I am going to win the game because I am going to be the cleverest person there.\ He picked up a pack and jumped out.

Two men were left, an old businessman and a young mountain climber. By this time the plane was going down fast. The businessman said, \’re still young. You take the last parachute.\The young mountain climber smiled, \’t

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