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The Word Quiz for Unit 5 Book VI

命题人 :李文宏

Class: Name: Score:

I. 根据下列句子中的首字母或中文拼单词(20x2’=40’):

1. The college is now analyzing thousands of ____________ (问卷) concerning students’ mental


2. The school tries hard to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full


3. To protect the child from illegal abuse, a lawyer was __________ (委派) to represent the


4. Every time there is an outbreak of any infectious disease, people are _________ (惊慌) into

buying medicines they don’t need.

5. Compared with Youth Digest, the magazine Readers has a much more ________ (多种多样

的) and perhaps older readership.

6. She had been s______ in the head at close range with a gun.

7. All our electrical goods are _________ (保证) against failure for one year.

8. Volunteers work ________ (在……旁边) professional rescue workers in the disaster-hit


9. After you get into college, a computer is the most important piece of e_________ you need to


10. Although we had interviewed many people, there were no suitable ___________ (候选人) for

the job.

11. With the environment being polluted, water is becoming an increasingly p________ resource. 12. Gone are the days when we could go ________ (游泳) in the clear river in front of my house. 13. His home destroyed in a _______ (台风), he was in desperate need of basic necessities. 14. Being too nervous, she could feel the palms of her hands __________ (出汗). 15. Our school’s ________ (喷泉) plays in the middle of the central square.

16. Children rarely show any ___________ (感谢) for what their parents do for them.

17. Changbaishan, a mountainous area with ___________ (壮观的) scenery, is home to a wide

range of rare plants and animals.

18. Dead _________ (火山) will never be dangerous again because they are completely extinct. 19. Mo Yan, one of the country’s leading contemporary _______ (小说家), is the first Chinese to

won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

20. Once his curiosity is _________ (激发), it will be impossible to stop a kid from asking


II. 用方框里词组的适当形式完成下列句子(10x 2’=20’): fast asleep vary from … to… take sb. by surprise freeze over draw up give birth to make one’s way take notice have a gift for burn to the ground 1. The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers __________.

2. Having spent the whole morning climbing Mount.Tai, the family were very tired and slowly

____________ to the hotel.

3. He was lying ____________ on the sofa; it would be cruel to wake him.

4. His heart attack was so sudden that I think even the doctors were ____________.

5. The story The Pity of Zhongyong concerns a boy who _______________ writing poetry in his


6. The outbreak of H7N9 bird flu has really made the government sit up and ___________. 7. The film If You Are the One ______________ a TV show of the same name.

8. After a heated discussion, they __________ a plan to advertise their new product nationwide. 9. The bus was ___________, and at least 30 people burnt to death.

10. The land of Changbaishan ______ in height ____ 700 metres above sea level __ over 2,000


III.选择填空(10x 2’=20)从A、B、C和D中选出唯一正确选项。 1. He looks younger than his wife, but in _____ fact he’s a lot older.

A. absolute B. awkward C. actual D. abstract

2. Sorry, he is not available at the moment. You should have phoned to make a(n) __________

with him in advance.

A. environment B. appointment C. experiment D. document

3. He just _________ the headlines because he was too busy to read the whole newspaper.

A. stared at B. glanced at C. glanced through D. looked around 4. After a steep climb, you will be _______ by fantastic views from the peak.

A. awarded B. offered C. provided D. rewarded

5. The mother felt herself grow cold and her hands _____ with anxiety as she read the letter

from the battlefield.

A. wave B. erupt C. tremble D. shoot

6. I decide to take the blouse, whose style suits me and the color ____ my skirt perfectly despite

the high price.

A. suits B. fits C. matches D. adapts

7. Before he started to work, I asked the builder to give me a(n) ______ of the cost of repairing

the roof.

A. guarantee B. evaluation C. diversity D. potential

8. After she asked the question, there was an awkward silence, but she seemed _____________

of the embarrassment she had caused.

A. uncomfortable B. uncooperative C. unconscious D. unfit

9. Having realized that higher education does not ________ them a good job, some people

choose to quit school and start their own business.

A. provide B. guarantee C. arrange D. equip

10. Features such as height, weight, and skin color ______ from individual to individual and from

face to face.

A. change B. turn C. transform D. vary IV. 完成句子(10x 2’=20’)根据所给单词和中文完成英语句子。

1. _______________ the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the

volcano will flow next and how fast. (evaluate)


2. _____________________, I stayed at the top and watched them. (this) 这是我的第一次经历,所以我留在山顶上观察他们。

3. _______________ this boy, who was gifted at languages and persuasion, is the father of the

Manchu people. (say)


4. The day after this eruption I was ______________ have a much closer look at it. (enough) 就在火山爆发的第二天,我有幸做了一次近距离的观察。

5. Having heard a scream, I rushed downstairs only ______________ unconscious on the floor.



6. It ________________ climb from the end of the road to the top of the mountain. (take) 从路的尽头到山顶需要大约一个小时。

7. ________________ we are, we are not completely powerless. (weak) 不管我们多么地脆弱,我们并不是完全无能为力。

8. I ______________ go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.



9. He was on his feet now, his body __________. (tremble) 现在他站着,气得浑身发抖。

10. __________________, he became worried about his safety. (erupt) 看到火山爆发,他开始担心自己的安全。

Key to the word quiz for Unit 5 BookVI

Part I

1. questionnaires 6. hot 11. recious 2. potential 7. guaranteed 12. bathing 3. appointed 8. alongside 13. typhoon 4. panicked 9. quipment 14. sweating 5. diverse 10. candidates 15. fountain Part II

1. froze over 5. had a gift for 2. made their way 6. take notice 3. fast asleep 7. gave birth to 4. taken by surprise 8. drew up Part III

1-5 CBCDC 6-10 CBCBD Part IV

1. Having collected and evaluated 2. this being my first experience 3. It is said that 4. lucky enough to 5. to see her lying

6. takes about an hour to

7. However weak/ No matter how weak 8. was about to

9. trembling with anger

10. Watching the volcano erupt

16. appreciation 17. spectacular 18. volcanoes/s 19. novelists 20. aroused 9. burnt/ burned to the ground 10. varies from to