水产品出口发展现状及对策研究毕业论文 精品 下载本文

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浙江万里学院商学院 浙江水产品出口发展现状及对策研究

摘 要


本文从企业内部和企业外部两方面对浙江水产品出口存在的问题进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了促进浙江水产品出口的对策。一是企业内部存在的问题,包括海水养殖业发展空间减少,海水养殖业的传统养殖方式抗防灾能力差,出口产品质量安全问题,水产品加工问题,出口市场、出口种类过于集中,行业组织化程度低,海洋环境治理与保护的行政执法措施亟待加强等;二是企业外部存在的问题,如市场竞争激烈、市场逐步开放带来的危机,技术性贸易壁垒的限制,人民币升值压力等问题。通过对浙江水产品出口案例的分析,进一步剖析了浙江水产品出口的优势和问题所在。针对所存在的问题而提出的促进浙江省水产品出口对策,主要分为六点:加快海洋渔业产业结构的战略性调整, 推动传统渔业向现代渔业转变; 提高产品质量安全水平;推动深加工,提高产品附加值;产学研结合,推进海洋水产科技的发展;提高出口行业组织化程度;建立健全政府支持体系。



浙江万里学院商学院 浙江水产品出口发展现状及对策研究


Aquatic product is a major exporter of agricultural in Zhejiang Province, and also is one of the important export products in Zhejiang Province. In recent years, the total export of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province keep increasing, market grows. Zhejiang has its own unique advantages in the export of aquatic products. However, export of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province is still facing many problems.

In this paper, both internal and external problems of aquatic products export in Zhejiang were analyzed, and proposed countermeasures to promote the export of aquatic products in Zhejiang based on these problems. First, internal problems, such as reduced development space of mariculture, aquaculture industry, bad anti-disaster ability of traditional farming way of mariculture, quality and safety problems of export products, aquatic products processing problems, the export market and export type are too concentrated, the low degree of industry organizations, the administrative enforcement measures of marine environmental management and protection should be strengthened etc.; Second, problems outside the enterprise, such as market competition, the crisis because of gradually opening the market, the technical barriers to trade restrictions, pressure of RMB appreciation and other issues. Through the analysis of the case about export of aquatic products in Zhejiang, further analysis the advantages and problems of aquatic products export in Zhejiang. Proposed measures based on the problems to promote exports of aquatic products in Zhejiang Province, divided into six points: to speed up the strategic restructuring of the marine fisheries industry, and change traditional fishing to modern fisheries; improve product quality and safety; promote deep processing, increase value-added products; promote the development of marine aquaculture technology; increase the degree of organization of export industries; establish and improve the system of government support.

Keywords: aquatic products; export trade; status; strategy


浙江万里学院商学院 浙江水产品出口发展现状及对策研究

目 录

1 浙江水产品出口现状分析 ......................................... 1

1.1 产品结构.................................................. 1 1.2 主要出口国家 .............................................. 2 1.3 出口贸易方式 .............................................. 3 1.4 出口优势 .................................................. 3 2 浙江水产品出口存在的问题 ....................................... 5

2.1 浙江水产品出口的内部问题 .................................. 6

2.1.1 海水养殖业发展空间减少 .............................. 5 2.1.2 海水养殖业的传统养殖方式抗防灾能力差 ................ 5 2.1.3 出口产品质量安全问题 ................................ 5 2.1.4 水产品加工问题 ...................................... 6 2.1.5 出口市场、出口种类过于集中 .......................... 7 2.1.6 行业组织化程度低 .................................... 7 2.1.7 海洋环境治理与保护的行政执法措施亟待加强 ............ 7 2.2 浙江水产品出口的外部问题 .................................. 8

2.2.1 市场竞争激烈、市场逐步开放带来的危机 ................. 8 2.2.2 技术性贸易壁垒的限制 ................................. 8 2.2.3 人民币升值压力 ....................................... 9

3 象山水产品出口案例分析 ........................................ 10

3.1象山:精深加工拉长渔业产业链 ............................. 10 3.2 案例启示 ................................................. 11 4 浙江水产品出口对策 ............................................ 13

4.1加快海洋渔业产业结构战略性调整 ........................... 13

4.1.1 推广大型设施渔业 ................................... 13 4.1.2 进一步加大海洋农牧化开发力度 ....................... 14 4.2 提高水产品质量安全水平 ................................... 14 4.3 水产品深加工,提高水产品的附加值 ......................... 15 4.4 产学研结合,推进海洋水产科技的发展 ....................... 15 4.5 提高出口行业组织化程度 ................................... 16 4.6 建立健全政府支持体系 ..................................... 17

4.6.1 建立、健全水产品出口贸易保障激励机制 ............... 17