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manufacturers. In this connection, the following circumstances should be taken into consideration.
There is a considerable disproportion between production and demand of some groups of medical devices. For example, there is :~ huge surplus of laser therapeutic devices and their excessive development. Systems for syndromal electrocardiographic diagnosis, magnetotherapy, and electrostimulation are also in excessive supply. However, simple electrocardiographs, routine
laboratory equipment, and some other ordinary but necessary devices of mass-scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers. These disadvantages cause significant economic losses and present difficulties in the development of health service. Domestic and foreign experience show that these problems can be solved by adequate marketing, but this is in its infancy in the domestic medical industry.
It should be noted that foreign companies place special emphasis on marketing and market research. They evaluate actual and pending demand as well as consumer requirements. The feedback between consumer and manufacturer gives valuable information on the improvement of the product quality and working performance. The marketing service in most leading companies is of paramount importance. The development of a new product often starts from marketing survey rather than from engineering or design research. Many domestic organizations of medical instrument engineering require cardinal measures for increasing the level of marketing.
Testing of medical devices also requires substantial improvement. Considerable experience of foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should be taken into account. It should be noted, however, that this experience is often neglected by domestic manufacturers. Technical testing of medical equipment in foreign companies is usually carried out by independent laboratories which assess performance and quality. The specialists of the laboratories may also give recommendations for further improvement of the tested equipment. The basic goal of the testing is to check if the performance of the device matches its specifications and to conclude if the device can be used in medical organizations. However, the specialists of the laboratories usually go beyond this goal and issue comparative reviews of products of different companies. Such reviews contain the following information: description of tested device, its specifications, and price; results of technical testing, correspondence between specifications and actual performance, advantages and disadvan- tages, recommendations for improvement (if necessary);
comparative analysis of similar devices and apparatuses produced by different manufacturers. Such analysis is usually concluded by a most preferable model, which is recommended to medical organizations on the basis of functional capacity, reliability, and economic reasons.
In the USA, activity of testing laboratories is controlled by governmental, nongovernmental, and independent nonprofit organizations.
In Russia, the problem of balance between the demand in medical devices, their production by domestic manufacturers, and import is of considerable importance.
The opinion of the Head of the Department of Medical Industry, Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Yu. F. Doshchitsin, which was published in the weekly \Biznes\(No. 9, 1995), is that the requirements of Russian medical market must be met by domestic devices, including products of high technology. Russian medicine should not rely on imported devices alone. We certainly agree with this opinion.
The total volume of medical equipment purchased from abroad is presently several times greater than purchases from domestic manufacturers. This situation is definitely unacceptable. Cardinal measures are required to boost and stimulate economically domestic manufacturers of
medical equipment. This is particularly important for manufacturers of life support systems and devices for military medicine.
However, positive aspects of contacts with foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should not be disregarded. International cooperation is very common in foreign practice, but it is clearly insufficient in Russia.
International cooperation in medical industry is particularly vital in such areas as computer technology, microprocessors, and electronic engineering. Lack of sufficiently high-quality domestic computers and microprocessors presents considerable problems in the development of sophisticated medical devices and apparatuses.
In recent years a number of domestic organizations established joint ventures with leading foreign manufacturers of medical devices. These joint ventures produce high-technology devices on the basis of imported circuitry, modules, and individual finished units. For example, VNIIMP-VITA produces ultrasonic doppler scanners, Kursk Manufacturing Association Pribor in collaboration with Frezenius (Germany) produces mobile apparatuses for hemodialysis and hemosorption, LOMO and some companies from Japan established a joint venture for manufacturing flexible endoscopes of improved design, Moscow Manufac- turing Association EMA produces ultrasonic diagnostic devices, etc.
It seems reasonable to continue and extend mutually profitable contacts between domestic and foreign manufacturers of medical equipment.
Active participation and patronage of the Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry as well as the Russian Government and local authorities are needed to solve the problems of medical industry listed above and to implement programs of development and production of high-quality domestic medical devices. References
[1] V. A. Viktorov,V. P. gundarov,A. P. yurkevich. Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng~ VoL 30, No. 1, 1996.
[2]All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.
在长达5年的标准周期(100%的生产,包括血液透析和hemosorption现代设备)。 观察更新指标比较高的是功能性诊断设备中:不超过5年的生产装置有72%,而过时
观察到的更新指标相对较低的重症监护和复苏设备中:16% 新项目,许多比较陈旧的设备占26%。
表1 更新的基本医疗设备和仪器(总名称%)
光电厂生产的人工心脏瓣膜,这是类似国外最好的并与之能相相媲美的; pH计(伊斯托克国家科学制造协会);
IKAR长期(24小时)的电子存储cardiomonitors(kometa中央科学制造协会); 为检测在人体radiothermographs和racliothermoscopes深部热领域;
原有的热成像系统(俄罗斯科学院无线电电子学和自动化研究所;optros,公司); 为oatient条件和pulsimetry监测心脏节律(原始的计算机辅助系统物理化学研究所,俄罗斯科学院;EKOS,公司);
其他一些国内医疗仪器制造业存在的问题已经在最近成功解决。 例如,治疗设备的质量和数量,特别是激光治疗,是相当足够了。
需要注意的是,一直连续生产的X射线装置rum-20重要(mosrentgen联合股份公司已 更新。更新的模型rum-20m-sg312与sapfir国内组合图像增强器或法国生产的图像增强器是已经进入市场的。
菲亚特的kruiz图像增强器已在所有在梅尔斯的俄罗斯科学研究院研究,协同制造医疗仪器工程协会和mosrentgen联合股份公司。这个装置是设计用来取代现有的X射线荧光屏 rum-10诊断设备,rum-20,rum-20m,和其他人。kruiz图像增强器的使用显著增加图像信息的内容,保证患者和医务人员的辐射量减少三倍。
G 202-5系统PAR点亮卧位患者光栅成像已在mosrentgen发达联合股份公司研究。此