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leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \d revolution\he rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \he most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact ofmultiple values, the \help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \d way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\nd cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \ng\hind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \d party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \n can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \ness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\c \s, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \n a do\post do contribution in all members in the carried out \Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\ducation, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \hree real\c education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \three strict three real\c education from \pand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be《孙子兵法》中的哲理思维(南开01) 《齐物论》的逻辑思路(南开01) 墨子的兼爱思想(厦大01)
《老子》哲学中的辩证法思想有什么特色(浙大00) 庄子的是非观(浙大01) 【论述1】
试述阴阳五行思想及其相互关系(厦大99) 战国“百家争鸣”述论(复旦97) 庄子道论述评(吉大00)
试述孔子哲学思想的合理因素及其现代意义(浙大00) 【名解2】
葛洪(复旦97);业报轮回(人大98);相竞以器(人大99);《论六家要旨》(复旦97);独化(人大98);二谛(吉大00);贵无(吉大00);止观(复旦97);实相(复旦97);不真空(人大97);性三品(吉大00)天人交相胜还相用(南开00);言尽意论(南开00/01);形质神用(南开00);人副天数(人大00);唯识无境(人大00);《坛经》(北师大01);《封建论》(北师大01);天不变道亦不变(厦大01);一物两体(厦大01、浙大01);阿赖耶(人大01);天人感应(浙大99);六相圆融(浙大01);自生而必体有(人大01) 【简答2】
简述王充对天人感应论的批判(人大98) 简论玄学的以无为本思想(人大是97)
魏晋时期关于名教和自然的关系主要有哪些理论(复旦99) 什么是魏晋玄学的言意之辩(人大00)
范缜的《神灭论》对形神关系说作出了哪些新贡献(浙大00) 述评王弼的言意之辩(人大01) 《神灭论》的理论贡献(南开01) 董仲舒的天人感应思想(厦大01) 慧远的“真如法性”说(厦大01) 竺道生对禅宗的影响(厦大99) 【论述2】
王充的唯物主义自然观及无神论思想。(南开00) 僧肇在《般若无知论》中认为:“智有穷幽之鉴,而无知焉;神有应会之用,而无虑焉,神无虑,故能独王于世表,智无知,故能玄照于事外。智虽事外,未始无事,神虽世表,终日域中”。这里得出了般若之“智”与常识之“知”的关系,试用佛教真俗二谛论的方法,阐述此篇论文的主旨。(复旦97) 试述华严宗的法界缘起的思想。(吉大00) 论述范缜《神灭论》的基本观点及其意义。(浙大01) 比较王弼贵无论与僧肇不真空论。(浙大98)
试述魏晋玄学的发展阶段及其代表人物与基本思想。(浙大99) 范缜的神灭论及其证明。(浙大99) 从荀子的《天论》到刘禹锡的《天论》。(南开01)
ased on their actual, striving to be \ng\ng theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \ng\sis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abidingmodel. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \and cadres to keep the \d lines\consciously practice the \hree Suns\ously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \wo\bjective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprisingspirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \n in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\s, be qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \ding by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \d revolution\he rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \he most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact ofmultiple values, the \help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \d way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\nd cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \ng\hind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \d party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \n can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \ness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\c \s, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \n a do\post do contribution in all members in the carried out \Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\ducation, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \hree real\c education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \ct three real\c education from \pand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be试分析魏晋玄学的“本体论”特色。(厦大01)
董仲舒哲学的特点是什么?对你有什么启发?(北师大01) 【名解3】
叶水心(复旦97);三纲领八条目(复旦97);心外无物(吉大00);见?而作不俟终日(武大00);理一分殊(南开00、人大01、浙大99);致中和(南开00);心学(复旦99);无极而太极(吉大00);易简工夫(人大99);事功学派(复旦99);童心即真心(复旦99);张载(北师大01);王阳明(北师大01);格物致知(南开01);知行合一(南开01);《传习录》(浙大98)’《西铭》(浙大99);泰洲学派(浙大99) 【简答3】
简述张载的“虚空即气”的思想及其理论意义。(复旦99) 周敦颐的《太极图说》的宇宙生化观。(厦大99)
比较宋明理学中“性即理”与“心即理”两种理论的异同(人大97) 简述朱陆之争的基本问题极其意义(人大98)
张载是怎样论证他的“太虚即气”的唯物主义自然观的?(浙大00) 【论述3】
试述程朱理学的理一分殊思想。(人大99) 试析朱熹的心性思想。(吉大00) 宋儒“存天理,去人欲”、“饿死事小,失节事大”的命题在学理上能否成立?它们的实际历史作用又是如何?(复旦97) 试析朱熹知行观的理论价值。(北师大01) 试论朱熹理学的集大成特色。(厦大01)
试述朱熹本体论思想与儒道释三教的源流关系。(人大01) 张载的“气质之性”与“天地之性”。(浙大98) 【名解4】
质测即藏通几(武大00);经世致用(浙大00);以理杀人(浙大98) 【简答4】
黄宗羲的学术史观。(南开00) 王夫之的知行观。(浙大01) 【论述4】
试论黄宗羲对王阳明哲学思想的继承和发展。(浙大00) 《明儒学案》中的学术史观对研治中国哲学的借鉴意义。(南开01) 【名解5】
知难行易(人大00、吉大00、南开01);因所以发能能必副其所(南开00);俱分进化(吉大00、武大00);质力相推(人大97);三世进化(人大98);尚力非命(南开00);法无顿渐(人大99);托古改制(复旦99);天命之性(人大00);民生史观(复旦99、北师大01);公羊三世说(人大01);《严译名著丛刊》(人大99);三民主义(人大99);《新学伪经考》(人大01);心力(浙大01) 【简答5】
ased on their actual, striving to be \ng\ng theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \ng\ that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abidingmodel. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \and cadres to keep the \d lines\consciously practice the \hree Suns\ously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \wo\s to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprisingspirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \n in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\s, be qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \ding by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \d revolution\he rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \he most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact ofmultiple values, the \help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \d way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\nd cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \ng\hind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \d party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \n can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \ness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\c \s, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \n a do\post do contribution in all members in the carried out \Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\ducation, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \hree real\c education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \three strict three real\c education from \pand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be简述严复的“开明自营”伦理观(吉大00) 严复进化论的主要内容是什么?(人大00)
谭嗣同是怎样从哲学上批判维护封建专制主义的理论?(复旦99) 康有为与公羊“三世说”。(厦大99) 试比较谭嗣同与王夫之的道器观的同异。(人大99) 试比较王夫之与孙中山知行理论的的同异。(人大98)
简述维新派的历史进化论及其对古代历史理论的批判继承。(人大97) 孙中山的民生史观。(浙大01) 魏源的矛盾观。(南开00) 【论述5】
评述孙中山的知行观。(武大00) 评述中国历史上的形神观。(北师大01) 中国哲学史上几种典型的矛盾观评析。(南开01) 严复的经验论与孙中山的知行观之异同。(南开00)
中国人大中国哲学史 2001 一、 简释下列名词或命题(每小题4分,共20分)
有待无待 自生而必体有 阿赖那 理异分殊 公羊三世说 二、 简答下列各题(每小题10分,共30分) 1、 简论孟子的“四端”说 2、 述评王弼的言意之辩 3、 试述孙中山的民生史观 三、 论述朱熹本体论思想与儒释道三教的源流关系(30分) 四、 给下列原著标点译成现代汉语(20分)
物无非彼物无非是自彼则不见自知则知之故曰彼出于是是亦因彼彼是方生之说也虽然方生方死方生方可方不可方不可方可因是因飞因非因市是以圣人不由而照之于天亦因是也是亦彼也彼亦是也彼亦一是非此亦一是非果且有彼果且无彼是乎哉彼是莫得其偶谓之道枢 乾称父坤称母予兹藐焉乃混然中处故天地之塞吾其体天地之帅吾其性民吾同胞物吾也与大君者吾父母宗子其大臣宗子之家相也尊高年所以长其长慈孤弱所以幼其幼圣其合德贤其秀也凡天下之疲癃残疾惸寡皆吾兄弟之颠连而无告者也于时保之子之翼也乐且不忧纯乎孝者也违曰悖德害仁曰贼济恶者不才其践性唯肖者也 2002 一、 名词解释(选答5题,带*号者佛教方向必答,共20分); 四端 齐物 *一念三千 *法界缘起 本体 质力相推 二、 简述题(选答4题,带*号者佛教方向必答,共60分): 1、 试述孔子的“为政以德”思想。 2、 试比较王充与郭象的“自生”理论。
3、 *唯识“四分”的构成及说明了什么样的道理?
ased on their actual, striving to be \ng\ng theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \ng\sis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abidingmodel. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \and cadres to keep the \d lines\consciously practice the \hree Suns\ously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \wo\bjective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprisingspirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \n in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\s, be qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \ding by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \d revolution\he rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \he most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact ofmultiple values, the \help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \d way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\nd cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \ng\hind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \d party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \n can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \ness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\c \s, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \n a do\post do contribution in all members in the carried out \Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\ducation, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \hree real\c education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \ct three real\c education from \pand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be4、 什么是见闻知之与德性知之及其二者的相互关系? 5、 试分析康有为天人学说的主要特色。 三、 给下列原著标点并译成现代汉语(20分):
易 与 天 地 准 故 能 弥 纶 天 地 之 道 仰 以 观 于 天 文 俯 以 察 于 地 理 是 故 知 幽 明 之 故 原 始 反 终 故 知 死 生 之 说 精 气 为 物 游 魂 为 变 是 故 知 鬼 神 之 情 状 与 天 地 相 似 故 不 违 知 周 乎 万 物 而 道 济 天 下 故 不 过 旁 行 而 不 流 乐 天 知 命 故 不 忧 安 土 敦 乎 仁 故 能 爱 范 围 天 地 之 化 而 不 过 曲 成 万 物 而 不 遗 通 乎 昼 夜 之 道 而 知 故 神 无 方 而 易 无 体 一 阴 一 阳 之 谓 道 继 之 者 善 也 成 之 者 性 也 仁 者 见 之 谓 之 仁 知 者 见 之 谓 之 知 百 姓 日 用 而 不 知 故 君 子 之 道 鲜 矣
夫 理 有 至 极 外 内 相 冥 未 有 极 游 外 之 致 而 不 冥 于 内 者 也 未 有 能 冥 于 内 而 游 于 外 者 也 故圣 人 常 游 外 以 冥 于 内 无 心 以 顺 有 故 虽 终 日 见 行 而 神 气 无 变 俯 仰 万 机 而 淡 然 自 若 夫 见 行 而 不 及 神 者 天 下 之 常 累 也 是 故 睹 其 与 群 物 并 行 则 莫 能 谓 之 遗 物 而 离 人 矣 睹 其 体 化 而 应 物 则 莫 能 谓 之 坐 忘 而 自 得 矣 岂 直 谓 圣 人 不 然 哉 乃 必 谓 至 理 之 无 此 是 故 庄 子 将 明 流 统 之 所 宗 以 释 天 下 之 可 悟 若 直 就 称 仲 尼 之 如 此 或 者 将 据 所 见 以 排 之 故 超 圣 人 之 内 迹 而 寄 方 外 于 数 子 宜 忘 其 所 寄 以 寻 述 作 之 大 意 注:标点直接在试题上做,不用另抄题。 2003(中西哲学史)
请从以下8题中任选5题(每题30分,共150分) 1、 试1比较孟子、荀子的人性论思想之异同。 2、 从下列玄学家(王弼、稽康、郭象)中选择一个,分析其主要思想特征。 3、 禅宗“南顿北渐”说评析。 4、 试述朱熹的理气观。 5、 试分析苏格拉底“德行即知识”的思想的主要意义。 6、 试说明柏拉图在“可知世界”和“可感世界”之间所作的区别。 7、 试谈笛卡尔“我思故我在”命题的含义,以及它在笛卡尔形而上学中的地位。 8、 什么是康德的“二律悖反”?试举出其中的一组,简述康德是怎么论证的。 2004(中西哲学史)
唯名论 四假象说 单子论 名教与自然 理一分殊 气 二简述题(60分,每题15分)
2简述巴克莱(贝克莱)的存在就是被感知的命题 3简述先秦人性论思想 4简述老子的无为思想
三论述题(60分,每题30分) 1时论中国哲学史上的“义利之辨” 2试论康德的实践理性 中国哲学史
中和 正始之音 涅盘 《传习录 》 知难行易 二简述题
ased on their actual, striving to be \ng\ng theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \ng\ that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abidingmodel. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \and cadres to keep the \d lines\consciously practice the \hree Suns\ously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \wo\s to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprisingspirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \n in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\s, be qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \ding by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \d revolution\he rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \he most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact ofmultiple values, the \help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \d way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\nd cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \ng\hind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \d party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \n can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \ness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\c \s, in parallel with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \n a do\post do contribution in all members in the carried out \Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\ducation, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \hree real\c education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \three strict three real\c education from \pand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be1分析荀子“化性起伪”的思想 2何谓“烛火之喻”及其思想意义 3甚麽是禅宗的“无念”思想 4分析周敦颐的“立人极”说
5如何看待中国近代哲学的中西体用之争 2005
一、名词命题解释(每题6分,共30分): 《论语》 兼以易别生之谓性不真空心外无物 二、简答题(每题20分,共80分): 1、什么叫做“无为而无不为”?
2、韩愈的道、德“虚位”说是什么意思? 3、什么是张载的“太虚即气”说?
4、章太炎的“俱分进化”是怎样的一种观点? 三、论述题(选答2题,每题20分,共40分): 1、韩非子说:“饥岁之春,幼弟不饷;穰岁之秋,疏客必食。非疏骨肉爱过客也,多少之实异也。是以古之易财,非仁也,财多也;今之争夺,非鄙也,财寡也。”请将这段话译成现代汉语并分析其思想。
2、试述郭象“独化”论的基本内容及其理论意义。 3、试述谭嗣同的“以太”说及其历史价值。 2006
一 名词命题解释(任选5题,每题8分,共40分): 一阴一阳之谓道 逍遥游 白马非马 六相圆融 格物致知 知行合一
二简答题(任选3题,每题12分,共36分): 1孟子是如何论证人性是善的 2陆王心学是如何论证心即理的
3宋明理学一般分为即大学派?各自的特点是什麽 4简述王夫之关于动静变化的理论
三、论述题(任选3题,每题20分,共60分): 1老子关于自然无谓的理论
2儒家“仁爱”与墨家“兼爱”的异同 3魏晋玄学关于自然与名教的争论
4张载关于“民胞物与”的理论及其现代意义 四 标点,翻译并评论(14分)
(1)天下莫大于秋豪之末而大山为小莫寿于殇子⑦而彭祖为夭天地与我并生而万物与我为一 天下莫大于秋豪之末⑤,而大山为小⑥;莫寿于殇子⑦,而彭祖为夭⑧。天地与我并生,而万物与我 为一。
⑤于:比。豪:通作“毫”,细毛。末:末稍。秋毫之末比喻事物的细小。 ⑥大山:一说读如泰山。 ⑦殤子:未成年而死的人。 ⑧夭:夭折,短命。
ased on their actual, striving to be \ng\ng theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \ng\sis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abidingmodel. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \and cadres to keep the \d lines\consciously practice the \hree Suns\ously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \wo\bjective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprisingspirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \n in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\s, be qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \ding by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity