2020年外研版高中英语必修五:module 2 教案(单元全套) 下载本文

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Module 2 A job worth doing

Period One

Teaching aims:

1. Help the Ss have some information of the present jobs. 2. Develop the Ss' ability of reading comprehension. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead-in

Show Ss some pictures and have a free talk. Step 2. Introduction (vocabulary and speaking)

Activity 1: Can you name some of the jobs? And what are the jobs of your family members? teacher, headmaster, worker, barber, hair-dresser, officer, official, policeman, firefighter, banker, doctor, nurse, vet, engineer, cook, postman, official, secretary, typist, busboy, manager, pilot, sailor, seller, waiter, librarian, architect, designer, director, actor, actress,… Activity2: Introduction-brainstorming (2m) Describe the job with as many words as possible. exciting stressful well paid dangerous cool-looking come into chaos have gun on duty Step 3. Discussion

Look at the six pictures on page 11 and discuss with your partner: 1. Where are they? 2. What do they do? 3. What are they doing?

4. What do you think of the jobs?

Discuss what sort of job you would(not) like to do and why. I want to be a _____, because it _________________________.

OR: I don’t want to be a _______, because it__________________________. Step 4. Dialogue making

1. Make a dialogue with your partner and talk about which one in these jobs you like best and which you don’t like most and why (you can use the words in the box). 2. Say what sort of job you would like to do and why. Step 5. Vocabulary and reading 1. Do you know other jobs?

accountant barber biochemist businessman businesswoman cook electrician

miner policeman secretary Secretary General of the United Nations volunteer 2. Matching: Match the words in the box with their meanings. a. We ask this person to put electricity in homes. b. This person works underground. c. He or she prepares meals in a restaurant. d. This scientist studies the chemistry of living things. e. You go to this person to get your hair cut. f. This person works in an office. g. This person knows a lot about money. h. He or she works in business. i. This person must do many things – including directing the traffic. j. This person has offered to do a job – and may not be paid for doing it. 3. Sorting. Now divide the jobs into modern and traditional.

Modern: accountant, biochemist, businessman/ businesswoman, electrician 4. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. a. Where is the man standing? b. What is he holding?

c. Can the bus driver see the lorry? d. Can the lorry driver see the bus? e. How is the road?

f. Why is the man standing there? g. Is his work dangerous? Is it helpful?

h. How much money do you think he will receive from standing there and doing such work? Step 6. Skimming

Read the passage and match the headings in activity 3 on page 13 with the paragraphs. Step 7. Vocabulary and Reading 4 – scanning Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. 1. Where is La Paz? 2. What is its altitude?

3. Which road is the most dangerous there?

4. Are there any rules of using it? Do people respect them? Step 8. Reading

1. Read the last two paragraphs and choose the correct answers in part 4. 2. Read the whole passage again and finish activity 5.

Traditional: barber, cook, miner, policeman, secretary, volunteer Step 9. Exercise

Find the words or phrases in the passage which mean: 1. A nearly vertical fall

2. A form of transport, especially one with an engine and four wheels 3. To still be alive, after being in an accident 4. The total number of dead (e.g.in an accident) 5. A part of the road which is not straight

6. To be used to something that you don’t see its true value and don’t show thanks. 7. To make someone think hard 8. A reason for living Step 10. Check the answers


(Answers: 1. sheer drop 2.vehicle 3. survive 4. death toll 5. bend 6. take for granted 7. have a profound effect on 8. mission in life) Step 11. True or False

1. The mountains make communication easy.

2. Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are unfrequented. 3. Timoteo has an unusual job.

4. He climbs up to the bend with a large square board in his hand. 5. Some one asked him to do the job.Step 12. Language points

1. At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world. Life is hard ____________ (在高海拔地区), and the mountains make communications difficult. 2. Many roads are ______________(处于不好的状态) and accidents are frequent.

3. One road ___________ (尤其,特别), which goes north from La Paz, is __________(认为) the most dangerous road in the world.

4.___________(一边) the mountains rise steep, ____________(另一边) there is a sheer drop, which in places is hundreds of metres deep.

5. Although there is not a lot of traffic,___________(平均), one vehicle __________ (坠落) the road every two weeks.

6. _________ (理论上), the road can only be used by traffic …. But_________(实践上), few drivers ________ (遵守) the rules.

7. When two vehicles __________(接近) from opposite directions they can’t see each other. 8. Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to ______(继续生存). 9. But often they just pass by, _____ the human traffic signal __________(看作理所当然). 10. Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he ______________________(跟死神打了个照面).

11. This last experience ___________________(对……有重大影响) Timoteo.


6. He felt that it was others mission to do it.