高考英语一轮单元总复习Module3《ForeignFood》教案外研版选修8 下载本文

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高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版选修八Module 3


① owe v. 欠(债)等,感激,把……归功于……

(回归课本P29)Everything you see I owe to spaghetti. 我把你看到的一切都归功于意大利面条。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】

①He owes his success more to good luck than to his years of hard work. 他把他的成功更多地归因于好运气而不是多年的艰苦工作。

②I owe my sister 50 dollars.=I owe 50 dollars to my sister. 我欠我妹妹50美元。

③He still owes for the goods he had bought last month. 他仍然欠上个月买东西的钱。

④Tom’s mother owed it to herself to lose weight at once. 汤姆的妈妈认为自己有必要马上减肥了。

⑤Owing to/Because of the shower,the baseball game was interrupted.=The baseball game was interrupted due to the shower. 棒球比赛因为大雨暂停了。 【即境活用】

1.________hard work,he gained great achievements in that field. A.Owe to B.Owing to C.According to D.Stick to

解析:选B。句意:由于工作努力,他在那个领域取得了巨大的成就。owe to是动词短语,与句子结构不符;owing to由于,因为;according to根据;stick to坚持(理论、原则)。 2.(嘉兴模拟)—Good morning,sir.Can I help you?

—I’d like a barbecue together with a cup of orange juice.How much do you________? A.pay B.offer C.owe D.charge 解析:选D。从上下文语境分析,此处是购物后询问收费多少,故使用charge。而pay“付款”;offer“出价”;owe“欠”均不适合该语境。 ② manner n. 方式,方法;态度 (回归课本P31)I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food.

我惊讶于他们闲适优雅的举止,而我却站在那儿对他们的食物感到有些茫然。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】

①Customers should be treated in a polite,friendly manner. 应该以礼貌友好的方式接待顾客。

②I thought I noticed a certain coldness in his manner. 我想我察觉到他的态度有些冷淡。

③(牛津P1229)It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满了东西跟人说话是不礼貌的。 【易混辨析】




(2)means意为“方法,手段,工具”,指与“目的”相对立而存在着的“手段”,尤指采用整套的方法;也可指使用某些工具、材料、乘坐某种交通工具等。 (3)method所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指合乎逻辑的或系统的方法。

(4)way方法,普通用语。the best way最佳办法。 ①The quickest means of travel is by plane. ②My parents let me have my own way of life. ③Why are you talking in such a strange manner?

④His method of teaching is popular with his students. 【即境活用】

3.We look forward to the day when the motorcar has been replaced by some less dangerous________of transport. A.means B.methods

C.manners D.ways

解析:选A。means of transport意为“交通方式”、“交通手段”。method方法,办法,常与by搭配;manner方式,方法,多指具体的行事方式,处理问题的方法,way方法为普通用词,常与介词in搭配。 4.完成句子

It’s ________________ interrupt someone. 打断别人是没有礼貌的。 答案:bad manners to

③consequence n. 后果,结果,重大,重要

(回归课本P39)The consequence was that many people were overweight. 结果是许多人超重。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】

①(牛津P420)The decision could have serious consequences for the industry. 此项决定可能对该行业造成严重后果。

②This kind of feeling is a consequence of stress and lack of sleep. 这种感觉是紧张和睡眠不足的结果。

③He broke the law,and now he must face the consequences of his actions. 他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为带来的后果。

④As a consequence of unemployment,many people have to leave home for a new job. 由于失业的缘故,许多人为寻找新的工作而离开了家。

⑤(朗文P424)Your opinion is of little consequence to me. 你的意见对我而言并不重要。

⑥In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you. 由于你工作不好,我只能解雇你。 【即境活用】

5.Many factories and banks in some countries have closed down as a direct________of the financial crisis going on in the globe.

A.matter B.consequence

C.whole D.total

解析:选B。句意为:由于全球金融危机的直接原因,许多工厂、银行倒闭了。 6.完成句子

______________________smoking,my father coughs frequently. 因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。 答案:As a consequence of

④make out (勉强地)看出,听出,理解;开出,填写;辨认出;声称,断言 (回归课本P31)It was quite hard to make out what they contained. 很难弄清楚它们究竟是什么做的。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】

①I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 我隐约看见黑暗中有个人影。

②I can scarcely make out his writing. 我几乎辨认不出他的笔迹。

③He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下来开了一张支票。

④I couldn’t make out the meaning of the passage. 我不理解这段文字的意思。

⑤(牛津P1221)He never really made it as an actor. 他从来就不是一个成功的演员。

⑥We rehearsed all day Saturday,to make up for lost time. 我们星期六排练了一整天,以补回失去的排练时间。 【即境活用】

7.The driver started to speed up to ________for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.

A.keep up B.take up

C.make up D.catch up

解析:选C。句意是:司机开始加速,以弥补在交通堵塞中浪费了的时间。keep up保持;take up从事,占据;catch up赶上来。

8.When he realized the police had seen him,the thief________the exit as quickly as possible.

A.made off B.made for C.made out D.made up

解析:选B。考查短语辨析。句意:当小偷发觉已被警察发现时,冲着出口夺路而逃。make for移向,冲出(尤指匆匆地走向)。 ⑤no wonder 难怪

(回归课本P30)No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish;they knew what was still to come.

怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他们知道还有什么菜要上呢。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】

①It is no wonder(that) he’ll sign the contract tomorrow.