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北师大版英语模块一unit 2单元测试题1

一:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1.The film had already been on for quite some time when we ________ at the New Theatre. A.have arrived B.arrived C.had arrived D.would arrive

2.I don’t think it is difficult for a senior student to ________ the difference between “hurt”and “injure”.

A.tell B.separate C.divide D.choose

3.When he ________ down the street, Adam saw the tailor shop where he had bought a suit. A.is walking B.walks C.was walking D.had walked 4.I’ve won a holiday for two to Hong Kong. I _________ my mum. A.am taking B.am taken C.have taken D.take 5.It is a pity that the great writer died with his works __________. A.to finish B.unfinishing C.finished D.unfinished 6.He is a naughty boy who _________ trouble, so most of his teachers dislike him. A.is always causing B.always is causing C.slways causes D.always caused 7.---- Let’s climb the mountain this weekend, shall we? ---- ________ .

A.That’s a good idea B.It doesn’t matter C.You’re dead right D.I agree with you 8.I wonder why Jenny __________ to us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A.doesn’t write B.hasn’t written C.won’t write D.hadn’t written 9. My mother was seriously ill last month. Luckily, she managed to _________. A.get back B.run away C.pull through D.look through

10.Her family ____________ to Canada three years ago where they are living a happy life. A.moved B.has moved C.had moved D.was moving 11.---- Will Dr. Green attend the meeting?

---- Yes, he_______ that he would arrive at 9 o’clock. A.expected B.promised C.allowed D.advised

12.The price of houses in my hometown __________ recently, but I think it will rise again soon. A.had gone down B.will go down C.was going down D.has gone down

13.After half a year of hard training, Miss Li feels fairly _________ that she will pass this driving test.

A.awful B.confident C.brilliant D.skilful

14.Mr.Wang, _________ in his new novel in the past two years, hasn’t realized the decline in his health.

A.involved B.being involved C.havig involved D.to be involved 15._______ in a famous university is what most students wish for. A.To educate B.Educated C.Being educated D.Educating

二:根据所给提示,在空白处填上合适的单词,使句子完整。(每小题1分,共20分) 1.TV has a great i__________(影响)on our daily life.

2.Many workers were on the march, __________(抗议) against the noise and dust of their workplace.

3.All men are born equal, so we should be treated __________(平等地). 4.The football fans p___________ left the stadium without any violence. 5.He is kind and g___________to everybody with money.

6.I am not sure of the exact ___________(关系) between them.I think they are brother and sister. 7.We should do more to take care of the ___________(残疾的)people. 8.It is a big __________(挑战)for me to do the job.

9.I was so surprised that a lot of people were __________(卷入)in the quarrel. 10.His father __________ suicide(自杀)last night.

11.What you know about him is not his real __________(性格). 12.“You should be _________(诚实的)and frand,” Tom’s mother said. 13.The way people drive here is very ___________(danger) for chikdren. 14.The __________(violent) of her feelings surprised him. 15.He had a wide mouth and __________(humour) grey eyes.

16.Several companies are ____________ (competition) against each other for the contract.

17.He has a _____________(brilliance) mind and is a famous musician. 18.He ___________(挣扎) to stand up after he was hit by the car. 19.F__________(幸运的是),she passed the very difficult exam. 20.People who are very ___________(技术娴熟的) practice very hard. 三:用所给词组的正确形式填空。(每小题2分,共20分)

come to understand, be strict with, get on, make progress, come to an end, get involved with, pull through, learn from, lift off, fight for 1.China’s first manned spaceship _____________ at 9 a.m.on Wednesday,October 15th,2003. 2.He once ______________ the rights of black people in the USA. 3.What can we _____________the heroes introduced in this unit?

4.He has always _______________his daughters,training them hard to compete against each other. 5.They have expressed a keen interest in working in design after their tennis careers ____________.

6.How do the two sisters __________ at home?

7.Serena has continued to improve and ________ fantastic__________. 8.Four days after the injury,I __________________my situation. 9.The doctor said I was not going to_____________.

10.This is how I __________________my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.

四:根据汉语提示翻译句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分) 1.她们从小就对棒球表现出了极大的兴趣。

They ________ ________ _________ __________ _________ baseball when they were young. 2.他穿上外套,关上门,走了。

He ________ ________ his coat,_________ the door and _________. 3.随着医学研究的发展,许多病症可被治愈。

______ _______ _________ _________ _________ __________, many diseases can be cured.


It is impossible to __________ rights _________ duties.


He started a new life ________ _________ ___________.


1. My friend John spent $3,000 more than he _____________(plan) on the computer. 2. He ________________(smile) when the door opened and his wife came in. 3. Her aim is ____________(learn) English well in the shortest time possible. 4. The president’s ____________(come) to that fishing village was great news. 5. I felt vey scary __________(be) alone in that dark house.

6. Susan published her first novel in 2005. Since then she _____________(write)three vovels. 7. I’m sure you’d rather she ____________(go) to school by bus, wouldn’t you?

8. Her mother listened to her, ___________(stand) at the fire-place, with her head


9. There are 10 people in our interest group, ____________(include) John.

10. I am sorry to inform you that you ______________(lose) your wife because of someone’s

careless driving.


I don’t often lose things and I’m especially careful with money. So I was quite 1____ when I 2______ for my wallet and it wasn’t there. 3_____ I thought it was 4_____ that I could have 5______ it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to 6_____ the taxi. So I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the 7____.I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped(滑)out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that possibility, I 8_____ and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. I asked the waiter to go around the table to see if my wallet was on the 9_____. While the waiter was looking for it, the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if 10_____ was 11____. I didn’t want to get lots of people involved(卷入)in the 12_____, but I knew I had to get the wallet back. I told the 13_____ what had happened. He 14_____ me to describe(描绘)the wallet to him and when he insisted what I 15______the missing wallet to the police. But I didn’t want the police to involve in it; 16_____, I was in a hurry 17_____ I had an appointment(约会)with my doctor in just a few minutes. I explained to him that my great 18______ at the moment was how I could pay the bill. He told me not to worry about that. He had me put 19______ my name and 20_____, and he said he would sent me a bill.