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I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)

A. gild the lily B. bell the cat C. put your shoulder to the wheel D. make a mountain out of a molehill E. hit the nail on the head F. cut and run G. follow suit H. keep the ball rolling

1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。

Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______. 2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。 I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary. 3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。 When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______ 4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。

When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin. 5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。

You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.

6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。 Unemployment is one of our main problems; we need a government that will __________. 7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。

You really ________ when you said she was work-shy. 8. 我挣的钱仅够勉强糊口。 I earn just enough to __________.

9. 她只不过迟到了三分钟,你没必要因此而大做文章。 She was only three minutes late. You don’t need to _________. 10. 你若不勤奋工作,你将一事无成。

You will accomplish nothing unless you _________________. 11. 患难可以显示人的本质,区分好人和坏人。

Adversity shows what men really are and ______________________. 12. 他们只能在路边等着,希望能搭上便车。

All they could do was to wait at the roadside hoping to _______. 13. 对海蒂这样的女孩子你得冷静一些,不能轻易表露感情。

You have to play it cool with a girl like Heidi; you mustn’t ________________. 14. 整个星期以来天气一直是晴朗的,但愿老交这种好运,让好天气持续到周末。 It’s been fine all week and, __________, it’ll stay fine for the weekend.

I. keep the wolf from the door J. grasp the nettle K. beard the lion in his den L. thumb a lift M. touch wood N. separate the sheep from the goats O. wear your heart on your sleeve 15. 主人没什么说的,所以谈话很难继续下去。

My host had very little to talk about, and it was difficult to _______________.

II. This part consists of ten English sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A and B.

Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (2.5×10=25’)

16. He is no doubt a traveler who stopped to spend the night in their city when the great cataclysm occurred, and

who is now stranded. A few were in the same straits after disaster struck.

(A) 他无疑是位旅人,灾难发生的那天晚上刚好在城里歇脚,却被困在了这里。灾难发生以后,一部分


(B) 他无疑是位旅人,灾难发生的那天晚上刚好在城里歇脚,却被困在了这里。灾难发生后,有些人处


17. The orange ball of the sun hesitated tremulously on the edge of the sea and then gracefully sank, leaving its ray

for a brief moment to light up the western horizon and to touch the soft curves of the sea with burnished silver. (A) 太阳好似一个橙色的圆球,颤抖着在大海的边缘上踌躇了一会儿,便悄然隐去,落日的余晖照亮了


(B) 太阳好似一个橙色的圆球,颤抖着在大海的边缘上踌躇了一会儿,便悄然隐去,暂留下一抹微光照


18. In the early darkness of a winter day, a traveler stood at the windswept crossing of two paths, neither very

promising, mere cattle trails among the reeds, and looked for some sign of the way he should take.

(A) 一个冬日的黄昏,暮色刚刚降临,有个过路人站在当风的十字路口。两条路都人迹罕至,只是芦苇


(B) 在一个冬日的黄昏,暮色刚刚降临,有个过路人站在当风的十字路口,寻找着道路的标记,而两条


19. I suspected she might be right and I wrong; but I would not ponder the matter deeply: like Felix, I put it off to a

more convenient season.

(A) 我想,也许她是对的,我错了。可是我不愿意深入思考这个问题,只好把它留到以后,有机会时我会


(B) 我怀疑她是对的,而我错了,但是我不想把这问题深究下去,也像费力克斯一样,我把它暂且搁下,


20. I cannot recall his ever uttering a word that was purely matter-of-fact, and not deeply drawn from his inner


(A)照我所晓得的,他从没有说过一句完全乏味的话;每一句话都是从心坎里掏出来的。 (B) 我记不得他曾说过一句纯粹乏味的话,而不是他从心坎中发出来的。

21. But a farmer can need none of my help, and is therefore in no sense as much above my notice as in every other

he is below it.

(A) 不过,一个庄稼汉不可能需要我的帮助,所以在这个意义上说,他高于我注意的范围,正如在所有其


(B) 不过,一个庄稼汉不可能需要我的帮助,所以在这个意义上说,他用不着我关心,正如在所有其它各


22. It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated. A. 当您认识到您的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏时,您就会为自己增添力量。 B. 这样会使您更加认识到,您的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏。

23. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart—an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no

goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime.

A. 我心头有一种冰冷、低沉、要呕的感觉——一种不可填补的思想上的阴郁,任何想象的刺激都不能将它


B. 我感到一阵冰凉、一阵虚脱、一阵心悸、一阵无法摆脱的凄怆、一阵任何想象力都无法将其理想化的悲


24. But that was the summer and ten years ago. Now the winter had come again. The ducks were supplemented by

seagulls fleeting from the coast. The soft green of the trees had changed to wiry branches that snapped in your face as you pushed through them.

A. 可是,这是那夏天的事,十年以前的夏天。现在冬天又来临了。鸭群中出现许多从海岸飞来的海鸥。满目嫩绿的树已变成干枯的枝条。当你将它们拨开从中穿过时,它们会刮着你的脸,噼啪地响。 B. 这一切都是夏日的往事了,过去十年了,现在又是冬天了。河里,有鸭子飞来的海鸥做伴。岸上,树木已经叶落枝枯,穿行在树丛中,拨开刮在身上的枯枝,听到的是枯枝噼噼啪啪的折断声。

25. Next the bee turned its attention to the bent left wing, rapidly smoothing the wing by running its legs down the length. After each straightening session, the bee buzzed its wings as if to test the lift. This hopeless cripple thought it could still fly!

A. 随后,蜜蜂将注意力集中到折弯了的左边翅膀上,用腿上上下下地抚摩,很快就把翅膀抚平了。抚摩一会儿,它就嗡嗡地拍打一次翅膀,好像在检测翅膀的升力。好个没指望的残废,竟然还想飞呢! B. 随后,蜜蜂将注意力转向那折弯了的左翅,用腿反复抚抹整个翅膀,迅速地平整了翅膀。每整理一段时间后,蜜蜂就嗡嗡地扑打翅膀,好似在测试升力。这只毫无希望的残废竟以为它还能飞!

III. This part consists of ten Chinese sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A and B.

Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (2.5×10=25’)

26. 阿Q又很自尊,所有未庄的居民,他全不放在眼里。

A. Ah Q, again, had a very high opinion of himself. All the inhabitants of Weizhuang are not in his eyes. B. Ah Q, again, had a very high opinion of himself. He looked down on all the inhabitants of Weizhuang. 27. 她咬着嘴唇望着跳动的火苗盘算着下一步该怎么办。

A. She, wondering what to do next, bit her lips, gazing at the leaping tongues of flame. B. Gazing at the leaping tongues of flame, she was wondering what to do next. 28. 谁知返回来一看,满山都是松柏树,数也数不清。

A. When he returned, he found, in surprise, the whole hill was densely covered with pine and cypress trees, too

numerous to count.

B. When he returned, he unexpectedly found the whole mountain covered with pines and cypresses. And more of

them than he could count.

29. 这就点燃了武装战争的燎原大火。

A. This kindled the prairie fire in revolutionary armed struggle. B. This lit the first spark in revolutionary armed struggle.

30. 中国人民有决心也完全有能力早日解决台湾问题,完成祖国统一大业。

A. The Chinese people are determined and absolutely able to bring the Taiwan question to an early settlement and realize the great cause of unification of the motherland.

B. The Chinese people are determined and absolutely able to bring the Taiwan question to an early settlement and realize the great cause of reunification of the motherland.

31. 上海,这个灯红酒绿的花花世界,对一个初上舞台的青年女演员,处处是陷阱。

A. Shanghai, a dazzling world full of temptations, was actually full of pitfalls for a young and inexperienced

actress like her.