基于51单片机控制的自动停泊小车的设计与实现本科毕设论文 下载本文

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题 目:系 别:专 业:年 级:学 号:姓 名:指导教师:



计算机工程系 电子信息工程 2010级 20100302022 白昂松 刘 博


摘 要

在当今社会,汽车更加成为了千家万户必不可少的工具。然而,对于大多数人来说,将车子停车入车位都是件头疼的事,尤其是停入那种前后各一辆车的车位,也叫顺列式车位,新手对这种车位最为恐惧。如果稍有不慎,那么停车时发生刮蹭的小事故的几率非常高。为了解决驾驶员们的这一难题,自动停泊技术走进了人们的视野中。此次设计采用STC89C52RC单片机作为控制核心,由L298N电机驱动模块来控制小车的运动轨迹,利用超声波模块进行与障碍之间距离的检测,还使用了红外避障模块对障碍进行检测,最后使用了LCD1602显示屏对数据进行显示,以提示驾驶员。整个系统先由电机驱动模块控制小车移动,期间由红外避障模块进行障碍物检测,如果检测到障碍,超声波模块则开始测量距离并显示在LCD液晶屏上,并且小车停止移动。上述流程循环至小车停入库内,最后由超声波传感器测量小车与后方障碍物的距离,并最终做出调整。整个过程由单片机进行数据处理,是一种既方便又安全的停车方式。 论文中首先提出了整体方案,然后在对STC89C52RC单片机开发及运用的基础上对各个模块的工作原理及其特性进行了分析与介绍,并加以说明。在论文中还对系统的软件结构进行介绍。在对硬件工作原理的理解为前提条件,用C语言编程来实现系统的功能。





Nowadays, automobile has become an essential tool for every family. Almost every family has their own car. however, how to parking a car is a headache thing for many people, especially parking to the column spaces. The parking scratches accident is very high. In order to solve the difficulties, automatic berthing technology into people's vision. This design uses the STC89C52RC single-chip microcomputer as control core, by L298N motor driver module to control the movement of the car, using the ultrasonic module and the distance between the obstacle detection, also used the infrared obstacle avoidance module to detect obstacles, finally uses the LCD1602 display screen to display the data. The whole system module to control the car driven by a motor to move first, during the obstacle detection by infrared obstacle avoidance module, if detected obstacle, ultrasonic module began to measure distance and displayed in the LCD screen, and the car stop moving. The process cycle to the car stopped within the library, and finally the trolley and the rear obstacle distance is measured by the ultrasonic sensor, and eventually make adjustments. The whole process by single-chip computer for data processing, it is a convenient and safe way of parking.

The thesis first puts forward the overall plan, and then based on STC89C52RC MCU development and application, and explained. In the paper also introduces the software structure of the system. On the premise of understanding of the working principle of the hardware conditions, using C language programming to realize the function of the system.

Key Words: The transducer STC89C52RC SCM Automatic parking The C
