电大英语2考试题及答案 下载本文

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蚃英语Ⅱ(1) 试题


莀 注 意 事 项


肄 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。




蒅1.——Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now?

芀—— ————————————

蚀A.sorry,he is busy at the moment

荿B.No,you can’t

蚈C.Sorry,you can’t

螄2.一Would you like to have dinner with US this evening?

蚃—— ————————————

葿A.OK,but I have to go to a meeting now

螅B.No,I can’t

蒆C.Sorry'but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents

蒈蒂3.一Oh,sorry to bother you. —— ———————————— A.That’s okey B.No,you can’t C.That’s good

4.Can you turn down the radio , please?

薇—— ————————————

蚆A.Oh,I know

羀B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud。

蝿C.I’11 keep it down next time

羈5.—— What’S the problem,Harry?

膃—— ————————————

肂A.No problem

衿B·I can’t remember where I left my glasses

膄C.No trouble at all



罿6.It is very convenient——————here.

薅 A.1iving B.to live

芃 C.1ived

薀7.I’m tired。I——————working very hard。

罿 A.have B.have been

羆 C.had

8.Let me——————the case carefully before I draw a conclusion。 A.look up B.look into C.look after 9.The bedroom needs

A.decorating B.to decorate C.decorated

10.A 1ecture hall is——————where students attend lectures。 A.that B.which C.one

11.Mary forgot——————a letter to her mother,So she wrote to her just now。 A.to have written B.to write C.having wrote

12.You must explain——————how they succeeded。 A.for us,for B.at us, at C.to us,in

13.一What’S happened to Tom? ——————to hospital。

A.He’s taken B.He’ll be taken C.He’s been taken the experiment.

14.It happen——————a winter night。