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Chapter 2 – Management Yesterday and Today
According to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.
In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power.
“Principles of Scientific Management” was written by Frederick Taylor.
Frank Gilbreth’s best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker.
Frederick Taylor is most associated with the principles of scientific management.
One could say that Fayol was interested in studying macro management issues, whereas Taylor was interested in
studying micro management issues.
Bureaucracy, as described by Weber, emphasizes rationality and interpersonal relationships.
Decisions on determining a company’s optimum inventory levels have been significantly influenced by economic order
quantity modeling.
Barnard, Follet, Musterberg, and Owen are all theorists are associated with the early organizational behavior approach.
Multiple Choice
Adam Smith's, \
from which of the following concepts? a. management planning and control b. on-the-job training c. union representation d. fair employment legislation e. division of labor
Which of the following is not one of the four management approaches that grew out of the first half of this century? a. scientific management b. general administrative c. organizational behavior d. systems approach e. quantitative
According to the text, probably the best-known example of Taylor’s scientific management was the ______________
experiment. a. horse shoe b. pig iron c. blue collar d. fish tank
Which of the following is NOT one of Taylor’s four principles of management?
a. Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumb
b. Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.
c. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles
d. Provide managers will less work than other employees so the managers can plan accordingly. General administrative theory focuses on a. the entire organization. b. managers and administrators. c. the measurement of organizational design relationships. d. primarily the accounting function. e. administrative issues affecting non-managerial employees. The fourteen principles of management are associated with whom?
a. Weber b. Drucker c. Taylor d. Gilbreth e. Fayol
Which of the following approaches to management has also been labeled operations research or management science?
a. The qualitative approach b. The quantitative approach c. The experimental approach d. The theoretical approach
Which of the following would not be associated with the quantitative approach to management? a. information models b. critical-path scheduling c. systematic motivation of individuals d. linear programming e. statistics
Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behavior came out of the
_______________. a. Taylor Studies. b. Porter Studies. c. Parker Studies.
d. Hawthorne Studies.
What scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies? a. Adams b. Mayo c. Lawler d. Barnard e. Follett
One outcome of the Hawthorne studies could be described by which of the following statements?
a. Social norms are the key determinants of individual work behavior. b. Money is more important than the group on individual productivity. c. Behavior and employee sentiments are inversely related. d. Security is relatively unimportant.
e. While groups are an important determinant of worker productivity, the individual him/herself is most
Scenarios and Questions
A Look Back (Scenario)
Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a fifteen-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 managers' meeting. Her company had recently begun a re-engineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that, along with \traveling in the \
106. One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was Adam Smith's home, author of The Wealth of Nations, which
suggested that organizations and society would gain from a. time management. b. division of labor. c. group work. d. quality management. e. time and motion studies.
107. Cindy visited a bookstore where there was a book signing occurring. She looked down and saw that the title of
the book was Principles of Scientific Management and concluded that the author must be
108. 109.
Essay Questions
In a short essay, discuss Frederick Taylor’s work in scientific management. Next, list Taylor’s four principles of
Frederick Taylor did most of his work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel Companies in Pennsylvania. As a mechanical engineer with a Quaker and Puritan background, he was continually appalled by workers’ inefficiencies. Employees used vastly different techniques to do the same job. They were inclined to “take it easy” on the job, and Taylor believed that worker output was only about one-third of what was possible. Virtually no work standards existed. Workers were placed in jobs with little or no concern for matching their abilities and aptitudes with the tasks they were required to do. Managers and workers were in continual conflict. Taylor set out to correct the situation by applying the scientific method to shop floor jobs. He spent more than two decades passionately pursuing the “one best way” for each job to be done.
Taylor’s Four Principles of Management
a. Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumb
b. Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.
c. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that al work is done in accordance with the principles of
the science that has been developed.
d. Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over
all work for which it is better fitted than the workers.
122. In a short essay, discuss the work in scientific management by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
Frank Gilbreth is probably best known for his experiments in bricklaying. By carefully analyzing the bricklayer’s job, he reduced the number of motions in laying exterior brick from 18 to about 5, and on laying interior brick the motions were reduced from 18 to 2. Using the Gilbreth’s techniques, the bricklayer could be more productive and less fatigued at the end of the day. The Gilbreths were among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions and the amount of time spent doing each motion. Wasted motions missed by the naked eye could be identified and eliminated. The Gilbreths also devised a classification
a. Adam Smith. b. Frank Gilbreth. c. Henry Gantt.
d. Frederick Taylor. e. Henri Fayol.
Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth, two advocates of a. scientific management. b. organizational behavior.
c. human resource management. d. motivation. e. leadership.
Cindy spent some time visiting with __________, a researcher she previously knew little about but who also contributed to management science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a \a. Henry Gantt b. Max Weber c. Chester Barnard d. Frank Gilbreth e. Mary Parker Follet