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一、汉译英 敬启者:

如果你方能力能够告知一些你市华生&琼斯国际贸易公司的信用情况 Dear Sirs:

We will be obliged if you will kindly give us the information about credit standing of the Watson & Jones Newcastle International Trade Co., Ltd. in your city. We understand that you have regular transactions with the firm. So we take the liberty to ask you to give your views concerning the actual position of the firm in order that we may take steps to avoid getting into trouble.

Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence. We shall be pleased to reciprocate if you should need our services at this end.

We are awaiting your early reply. 三、

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


We are seriously considering importing a complete plant for the production cutting tools We have been in the artlex line for five years.

We assure you of our full cooperation with you at all time. The buyer agrees on a friendly settlement of the dispute.

As the type required is out of stock, we hope you can take the following goods instead,

When our representative calls on you next week, he will make you an offer which we feel sure will meet with your

7. We enclose herewith two copies of our illustrated catalogue.

8. We assure you that the goods can be supplied from stock if you order early.

9. We have the goods you required in stock and will deliver as soon as we receive your order. 10. An agreement is reached as a result of the process of offer and acceptance. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.D 三、填空

1.The item you are interested in falls in/within the scope of our

2. We send you by airmail a brochure on the various kinds of bicycles now available for export. 3.Please quote us for cotton piece CFR Singapore inclusive of 5%

4.We are prepared to place a repeat order for 50 metric tons of walnut meat with your corporation. 5. in for 6. of for 7. in

6 1 7 8. to as 9. with for 10. by 四、英译汉

1. We should like to mention that our quotation is CIF Marseilles我们的报价是马赛的到岸价。 2. The company is being pressed by creditors and its position is precarious这家公司正受迫于债权人,状况也不稳定。

3. Executives of the company are inexperienced in the这家公司的管理人员缺乏业务经验,授信应非常当心。

4. This company is well-established and reliable这家公司有口皆碑又很可靠。

5. We trust that you will regard this communication as confidential相信贵方会将这次通信视为机密。 6. We shall be much obliged if you will kindly gives us any information如果贵方能好意告知本公司有关A公司的商誉,交易方式和财力的信息,本公司将不胜感激。

7. We are a state-owned corporation in the export of textlies我公司是一家出口纺织品的国有公司,我们可以按客户的具体要求订货。

8. The inquired company seems to have recently embarked您所查询的公司最近似乎在从事一项与其财力不合,且相当有风险的投机事业。

9. We are Hong Kong-based import and export本公司是一家主要经营各种机器设备的出口商,总部在香港,约有30年的商务经历。

10.Through the courtesy of ABC company ABC公司好意提供贵方的名字给我公司。



D/P是远期付款交单,就是说买方必须在向卖方付款之后才能够获得提取货物的单据,这种交易方式使卖方能够及时地收到货款。采用85% D/P的方式付款,可以降低风险。因此,综合公司收集到的其他信息考虑,小李公司可以继续与H公司进行合作。小李公司还可通过银行、驻外商务机构、商会或同业公会、或我国的有关外贸公司等进行资信调查。



1.we will appreciate it very much if youcan quate your best prices --- sony brand color TV... A 2.We look forward to__your catalogues........ D

7 1 8 3.we thank you for your letter dated march18 __our silk blouses of ......... A 4.we have the pine kernels you asked for __stock and will deliver as soon as we__your order. A 5.we thank you for the inquiry you __us. A 6.please quote us your lowest prices__CIF .....silk blouses__prompt shipment . A 7.as requested , we are sending you __a full range of samples. C 8,should the production resume in future ,we will let you know__. C

9we pleased to make you an offer__5000 dozen ladies ...umbrella__USD 35 per dozen__CIF Lodon basis__promot shipment. A

10.THIS offer is subject __your reply__us before August 1. B 二、填空

1. Under separate cover 2. On the basis of 3. As requested 4. Respective 5. Prompt

6. Without any delay 7. Offering 8. Let us know 9. Agree 10. Subject to 三、英汉翻译

1. Cable inquiry of march 5非常感谢贵方3月5日的电报查询,本公司的确定报价在贵方在3月11日之前回复有效。

2. Firm for three days 本报价三天内有效,一项这项特别报价失效,这些货品不太可能仍未售出,特此奉告。

3. Must be withdraw如果七天之内未接到贵方确认,本报价将被撤销。 4. A real opportunity本公司确认贵方一定会视这项报价为绝佳的好机会。 5. Remain open until the recepit of yourreply本报价在收到贵方回复之前持续有效。 6.in great demand 这些货品需求量很大,本公司无法保证此报价持续有效。

7. 20 olive portable printers我方提供20台MS-25型的奥利弗手提打字机,每台天津的到岸价为140

8 1 9 美元。这项报价以我方确认为准。

8. At the end of this month这项特别报价将于本月底失效,之后本公司将无法以这个价格履行贵方的订单。

9.in stock on recepit of orders 所报的价以接到订单时尚有存货为条件。

10. A rush of orders预期不久会有大量订单,如果贵方迟迟未下订单,我方恐怕贵方将失去货物到手的绝佳良机。期待贵方早日下订单。 四、汉英翻译

1. 我方已接到你方8月1日对我方奥林巴斯数码照相机的询价单 We have received your enquiry dated August 1st for our Olympus digital cameras.

2. 你方所需的1000台冰箱目前都有现货可供

To meet your requirement, we can provide 1000 refrigerators from our stock.

3. 所报价格须包括到温哥华的保险和运费

Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver.

4. 感谢贵方10月15日对我方Philips吸尘器的询盘,现附寄一套在产产品的插图目录本 Thank you for your inquiry of October 15th for our Philips vacuum cleaner. We now enclose in this letter an illustrated catalog for our products. 5. 优质绿茶 成本加运费到墨尔本

We would appreciate it if you could quote us the lowest price of the first-class green tea, CFI Melbourne.

6. 保证我公司良好信誉 We assure you of our fine reputation. 7. 5000台传真机目前无货

I am sorry that the 5000 fax machines you inquired are out of stock at present. 8. 请说明产品规格,最好附图

Please submit specifications, perfectly with illustrations.

9. 双方长期共利关系All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated. 10. 所作报价,除特别注明,须我方确认

We hope this will be a good start for long and profitable business relations. 案例分析

我出口企业根据某法商询盘、、、由于电信局投递延误,信件通知6日上午才到,市价上升,我方回绝,法商认为不是他的责任,坚持合同有效,我方不同意,提交仲裁,如何裁决?若我方未拒绝,如何裁决? 这是一种在有效期内发的接受通知,在正常情况下本来可以按期送达,但因出现异常情况导致接受迟

9 1 10 到,对此,原则上应视为有效,但如发盘人毫不迟延地通知受盘人,他认为发盘已经失效,也可按接受无效处理。据此,我方可酌情处理,于接到之日可以回电确认,也可不予回复,合同依法成立;如我方不同意成立合同,则应毫不迟延地回电拒绝,或通知对方我方认为发盘已经失效。



铁丝报价,客户回信认为价格过高,回信包含:原标准价格上涨,质量上乘,不打折,现货不多,望重新考虑,尽快回复,欢迎其他询盘 Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of April 9, in which you mentioned that you find our quotation for the iron wire too high to accept. Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we cannot accept your counter-offer.

There are three reasons for this. First, the prices of materials have increased largely; second, your order of 1000kg is the minimum quantity we require and I am afraid no discount is available for such an order; third, with high quality considered, our price is very reasonable. Besides, through our study of your market situation, we are confident our offer is competitive. As a matter of fact, we have received a lot of orders from many countries at that price.

We are confident the good quality of our iron wire will help you a lot to stand firmly in your market. And as our stocks are running low, it is advisable for you to make an immediate decision. If you cannot accept our price, we welcome you to pay attention to other products of ours. We will give prompt and favorable response to any other inquiries of yours.

We wish you to place your orders as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


1.prices too low to be acceptable B 2.accept fresh orders C 3.diffcult unless A 4.advantage of this strong market C 5.suppliers in every aspect A 6.the delay of the shipment B 7.many features of this mobile phone C 8.the heavy demand for this line B 9.No discount will be granted B 10.a crowd of enquires B 三、英译汉

1. In view ot the current strong market 鉴于当前行情看涨,我方恐不能接受贵方400美元的低价。