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1 21 presspacked and hoped, with adequate inside water-proof protection and the outer wrapping must comprise good quality canvas. Cases or other outside container must be externally of the smallest cubic dimension consistent with adequate protection of the goods. Packages must bear full marks and shipping numbers stenciled in good quality stencil ink in large plain characters on two sides and on end of each package. All bales must be marked “Use no hooks”. For non-British destinations, weights and measurements of packages must show metric equivalents. Country of origin must be shown. 四、写信 敬启者:
很遗憾通知贵方,贵方5月10号发往莫斯科的300箱铁钉中,有10箱破损严重。 Gentlemen,
With regard to your Order No. 855 of June 10, we are glad to inform you that your consignment of TVs has now been dispatched as stipulated.
Packing: In wooden cases
Marking & Numbering: ABCD CO.; 01ASB0701; LONDON; C/No.1-2000 Weight of each case: 70 kilograms
Measurement of each case: 1.8 m X 0.8 m X 1.8 m
Shipment: MS Changjiang which sailed from Shanghai on July 15, scheduled to arrive at London on September 2.
Clean B/Ls in complete set, together with Commercial Invoice and Insurance Policy have been negotiated through The Bank of China, Shanghai with sight draft under your L/C No. 24468.
We shall be pleased to hear that goods have arrived safely and in good order.
Yours sincerely,
21 1 22 一、英译汉 Dear sirs,
We are in receipt of your letter dated march 20.
For the purpose of assisting you to recommend our products to your clients as early as possible, we agree to your proposal to advance
关于您提出的将目的港从汉堡更换为奥斯罗的要求,我们很遗憾地说从此地到奥斯罗的直达船稀少,且转船费用非常高。为避免任何延误和由转船导致的费用,因此希望我们遵照最初关于目的港的规定。 盼早日答复!
谨上 二、单项选择
1.please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit you. D 2.We shall advise you by fa as soon as the goods .D
3.according to the shipping , it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October. A
4. Please advise us your iron nails are packed in plywood kegs of 60 kg net and you can ship our order in a week.A
5.Should this trial order prove satisfactory our customer, we can assure you repeat orders in increased . B 6.Is hoped that you would do your utmost to effect punctual shipment. D
7.Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you accept at hong kong B 8.We are very anxious to know when you can definitely shipment. B.
9.Our s/c no.6539 dated august 8, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by the end of next month.A 10.As an alternative, please also inform us the air freight to shanghai via hk.C
1. Shipment may be made from any Chinese Port; the date of bill of lading shall be taken as the date of shipment. Any change of destination shall be agreed to by the Sellers beforehand. Extra freight and/or insurance premium thus incurred are to be borne by the Buyers. 我们几乎每天核对他们的生产进度以跟进订单。
2. We check their production schedule against our orders almost every day. As new orders keep coming in, they
22 1 23 are working three shifts to step up production. I'm sorry, but we simply cannot commit ourselves beyond what the production schedule can fulfill and therefore cannot advance shipment of the goods.
收到对方5 月19 日来信,感谢对方以单价每吨82000元订购550吨食用新鲜马铃薯。 Dear Sirs,
We are in receipt of your letter dated May 19, and we highly appreciate you order of 550 tons edible fresh potato at the price of RMB 82,000.00 per ton.
Our company highly valued this order, and shipped the goods of this order today by m.s.\from Ningbo to Singapore. We trust that this dispatch will arrive at the destination port safely and satisfactory to your company.
In accordance with our contract, we have drawn upon you the draft to Singapore development bank, at 30 d/s from the date of invoice.
We hope this order will mark the beginning of our future business relations.
Yours faithfully,
一、 填空
1. Please arrange with ABC insurance Company to cover the shipment to the port of destination for 110% of the invoice value.
2. Please cover 150% of the invoice value against All Risks. We know that your usual practice is to cover the invoice value plus 10%, so the extra premium will be for our account. 3. Risks other than All Risks and War Risk can be insured if the insurance company accepts, and then the extra premium should be borne by the buyer.
4. The consignment valued at US$10,000 will go forward by s.s. “Dongfeng” due to sail from Bangkok tomorrow.
1 24 5. If you prefer to have CIF price instead of CFR price as quoted by us, you need only to add 3% to the quoted price to cover the insurance premium, then you will obtain the requested CIF price. 6. Please inform us on what terms this insurance can be arranged. 7. Please quote your rate for all risks open policy for $20,000 to cover the shipments of general
merchandise by Pacific Liners Ltd, from Hong Kong and Singapore to Atlantic ports in Canada and the United States.
8. When these conditions are taken into account the present rate of premium seems to be unreasonably high. We look forward to your being able to reduce it sufficiently to bring it more into line with the extent of the risk insured under the policy.
在国际贸易中,货物远涉崇洋不处于买卖双方的直接控制之下,会面临各种风险或损失,因此对货物运输的每一阶段都应予以保险。。。。。。。。。。。 In international trade, goods traveling long distances to another country, out of the direct physical control of both the buyer and the seller, may face all kinds of risks or losses and therefore must be insured against loss or damage at each stage of their journey. In this way, whatever mode of transport is being used, neither the exporter nor the customer suffers any loss. Obviously, cargo insurance is a contract whereby the insurer (insurance company), on the basis of a premium paid, undertakes to indemnify the insured against loss from certain risks or perils to which the cargo insured may be exposed. It is an indispensable adjunct of international trade. Without adequate insurance and protection of the interests of those with goods in transit, international trade can not be guaranteed.
三、英译汉 参考译文:
Dear Sir or Madam,
We shall have 30 cases of Tea Sets valued at US$60,000 forwarded to Xingang on July 8 and loaded on S.S. \ 敬启者:
我公司将于7月8日启运价值6万美元的三十箱茶具到新港装“红星”号轮,该轮定于7月15日开往欧洲主要港口。现向你公司投保的综合险,投保金额为发票金额另加10%。请将保险单寄我公司,并将费用记入我公司账户。 四、造句
1. In the absence of your definite instructions, we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practice.
2. Please insure the goods for 110% of the invoice value. 3. Please insure our shipment with particular average and against War Risk. 4. If you wish to cover All Risks, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. 24 谨上
1 25 5. If you desire to cover breakage, we can arrange it for your account. 案例分析 题目:
2000年9月27日, 某技术进出口公司代理某通信公司与阿尔卡特网络(亚洲)有限公司签订了一份数字数据网络设备国际货物买卖合同,约定的总价为851108美元,以FOB加拿大渥太华离岸价为价格条件。合同签订后,技术进出口公司与某运输公司。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 答案:
1) _____our Monday conversation regarding the defective mowers ,we will be returning 15 units for credit. A . Confirming
2)After examining the blankets supplied tour order NO.237789. We are disappointed______the quality. A.with
3)_____the goods, we discovered that they were inferior in quality to the sample. D. Upon examining
4) Arbitration may____in a third country. A.take place
5) For this reason, we regret we have to ___your claim.