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高中英语新世纪版高一上册Module One People《Unit1 Occupations》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案
By the end of the activities , the students is expected to be able ●to combine the clauses correctly with the correct link words.
●to translate the clauses from Chinese into English with the correct link words. ? and then and therefore
对于刚进入高中学习的学生来说,英语句子基本结构已不算陌生,也能写出一些简单句。但高中阶段的学习对语句的写作要求逐渐提高,难度也随之加大。同学们已经具备了初中阶段关于句子结构的基本知识。学生在本单元Structures 部分又复习了Basic Sentence Structures ,因此学生在掌握了基本句子结构的基础上,再进行Combining Sentences训练,为本堂写作课教学的顺利进行打好了基础。
Mastery and application of the following link words : or and so but because since
otherwise and then and therefore m Chinese into English with the correct link words.? and then and therefore
活动1【活动】combining sentences Activity1 Study six link words
Understand and grasp the usage of the six link words : and, but, so, for, or/ otherwise .
1. You may draw a horse to the river, ________ you can not force him to drink. (and, but , so , for) 2. A teacher’s impact on students may last for a long time, _________ he will always be remembered (for, but, and, or)
3. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the difference between life and death, __________they are very important. (so, but , or ,and )
4. The boss was answering telephone calls and receiving people himself, ____________ his secretary was absent that day. (so, for, or ,and )
5. Let’s go to the fashion show early, ___________ we won’t be able to get good seats.(but , for, or ,and )
6. The designer has to choose his models carefully; ____________, he might not win over the audience. (for, and , or , otherwise )
设计说明:通过选择连词的活动设计,让学生在语境中把握连词的使用。同时在核对答案的过程中通过与学生的互动和讲评,让学生了解并掌握如何在语境中使用正确的连接词。 Activity 2 Study three link adverbs
Understand and grasp the usage of the link adverbs: however, therefore, then.
1. His father wanted him to choose to study medicine; ____________ he didn’t take an interest in it. (then, however , therefore )
2. The teacher wanted to get her students interested; ___________she thought carefully about here teaching method. (however , then , therefore )
3. The surgeon operates on the patient and ____________ he watches over his progress. (then, therefore , however )
设计说明:通过此项活动,老师与学生之间的互动,再加上老师的讲评,让学生了解并掌握如何使用这三个连接副词。 Activity 3 Discuss in groups
Students are asked to discuss in groups of four about the following sentences and to give the reasons for each Right –or-Wrong answer.
1. The surgeon repaired the organ of the sick person, after that the patient began to recover. ( ) 2. The surgeon repaired the organ of the sick person, and after that the patient began to recover. ( )
3. She is rich; however, she does not feel happy. ( )
4. David studied hard at college, this helped him do well in the job.( ) 5. He worked hard and therefore his partner liked him very much. ( )
6. She wanted to become a model, and then she joined a training program for fashion models.( ) 7. She burst out crying, and she heard the bad news. ( )
设计说明:此活动以4人为一组进行讨论,每人发表自己的观点,说明对与错的理由。通过小组讨论和发表观点,加深学生对连接词使用的理解,以达到在句子中正确使用连词之目的 Activity 4 Combine the sentences
●Combine the following pairs of sentences by using the right joining words in the box.
or and so but because since
otherwise and then and therefore 1. Tom is a successful businessman. He hires a lot of people to help him.
2. You had better go to the opening ceremony of the Film Festival by taxi. You will be late.
3. He finished a difficult task on his own soon after he entered the company. His colleagues looked at him differently.
4. Study hard. You will fail in the exam.
5. They didn’t like him at first. They ended up singing his praises.
6. Scientific doctors try to observe sickness, look for logical patterns. They find out how the human body works.
7. The item you requested is no longer available. We are returning your cheque. 8. Let’s begin our class meeting. Everyone is here.
9. I am not free this afternoon. I have made an appointment with my dentist
设计说明:通过选择连接词活动,巩固和运用所学的连接词 是对学生所学的连接词用法的一个拓展, ●Combine the following pairs of sentences , using the correct joining words. 1. We jumped with joy. Our model came out first.
2. People like to go to the Red House Restaurant. The business there is booming. 3. George’s parents wanted him to become a doctor. They sent him to a medical school . 4. Jack spends money like water. He doesn’t make much money. 5. Mr. King is a busy businessman. He hires two secretaries.
6. Dr. Li has written quite a few medical books. He is not very skillful at operations. 7. I hope to enter a medical college. I can become a surgeon. 8. Buy the tickets early. You may miss the French fashion show
设计说明:通过combination 活动,帮助学生在句中灵活使用连词。在活动设计中因为没有给出固定的连接词作为选项,所以学生可以更加主动、灵活地运用正确的连接词,难度有所加大,但只要能使两个分句连接起来语义通畅,就是正确的连接。既巩固了所学的知识又拓展了学生的思维。 Activity 5 Translate
Translate the following sentences into English using the correct joining words. 1. 他的父亲是名钢琴家,他想要子随父业。