珍藏口语常用句子详解1 下载本文

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May I have a word with you?

当你有重要事要打断别人的谈话或工作,最好先礼貌地问句:May I have a word with you? (我可以和你谈一会吗?)。虽然是a word,但不是只说一个字而已,而是一段很简短的对话,或可以说:May I have a quick word with you? / May I have a word in your ear? 通常有这样的要求,谈话内容可能比较私人或秘密,或者也可以用A word if you don't mind.(只是一句话,如你不介意)。


A: Julie, may I have a word with you, please?

B: Sorry, I'm a bit tied up at the moment. Can we talk later?

A: You said that earlier and I've been waiting all afternoon. I only need 5 minutes to go over this. B: , please take a seat.



甲:你较早前已这样说过,而我已等了整个下午,我只需要5分钟就足够了。 乙:好吧,请坐。

May I have a word with you?即‘我可否和你谈谈吗?’A word两字可不可以改作words? 改作words,意思就完全不同了。To have a word with somebody. 是‘和某人谈谈’,To have words with somebody. 则是‘和某人吵架’,例如:He had words with his wife last night. (他昨晚和妻子吵架)。 又请看以下两句有什么分别:He had white hair、He had white hairs。 按hair泛指毛发,是不可数名词,例如:I find her shoulder-length hair very beautiful.(我觉得她及肩的头发很美丽)。但是,一根毛发却是可数名词

(countable noun),例如成语to hang by a hair即‘系于一发’,His life is hanging by a hair. 等于‘他生死悬于一发’。He had white hair.是说‘他满头白发’,He had white hairs.则是说‘他头上有些白发’。


Who is your favorite singer?

相信每个人心里都有一些最喜欢的东西。最喜欢的英文就是favorite。最喜欢的食物(favorite food)、最喜欢的颜色(favorite color)、最喜欢的歌手(favorite singer)。那么你最喜欢的歌手是谁?Who is your favorite singer?如果你没有特别偏爱的歌手,可回答:I don't have a particular favorite.

(我没有特别的偏爱)。相反你有一个非常喜欢的歌手,可以用firm favorite,例如:Michael Jackson is my firm favorite.(米高积逊是我非常喜爱的歌手。) Hot favorite是指非常流行 / 受欢迎的东西,例如:This song is a hot favorite in Hong Kong.(这首歌在香港非常流行)。 对话

A:What were your hobbies at university?

B:Well, I liked to do so many things so I didn't really have a regular hobby. But I was a rock singer and I still perform occasionally. A:Who is your favorite singer?

B:I'm a fan of the Beatles and Rod Stewart. 甲:你在大学时期有什么嗜好?

乙:哦,当时我喜爱做太多事情了,并没有特定的嗜好。但我以前是一个摇滚乐手,现在偶然也会表演一下呢。 甲:谁是你最喜爱的歌手?


要说所喜欢的人、物等,英文多会用favorite一字,作形容词(adjective)解作‘特别喜爱的’,作名词(noun)则是指‘特别喜爱的人、物’,例如:(1) War and Peace is my favorite novel.(《战争与和平》是我很喜欢的一本小说)。(2) Coca-Cola is a firm favorite with my son.(可口可乐是我儿子百喝不厌的饮料)。

最喜欢或最不喜欢,就是most / least favorite,例如:Madonna is my most / least favorite singer.(玛丹娜是我最喜欢 / 最不喜欢的歌星)。 父母、教师等偏爱的孩子,也可用favorite 一字来说,例如:(1)Peggy has always been her mother's favorite.(佩琪向来都是她母亲偏爱的孩子)。(2) It is not advisable for a teacher to have favorites in the class.(教师不宜偏爱班中几个学生)。偏爱或徇私的行为,即favoritism,例如:(1)The chemistry teacher was accused of showing favoritism to certain students.(化学老师被投诉,说他偏爱某些学生)。

竞赛之中获看好的选手、动物等,一般都称为favorite,例如:(1) He bet $2,000 on the favorite to win the horse race. (他把二千元赌注,押在马赛中最多人看好的那匹马上)。(2) He was a hot favorite to win the election.(这次选举之中,他很有机会获选)。


Do you know Candy?

今天和大家讨论用Do you know?的问句,Do you know?就是问别人:‘你知不知道?你懂不懂?’如果问你懂不懂煮饭,可以说:Do you know how to cook?

你知不知道那条路?Do you know the way? 或者要问你认不认识一个叫肯蒂的女生,可以说:Do you know Candy? 如果你不认识她,可回答:I don't know her.,如果你跟她很熟,可以说:I know her very well.,如果只是泛泛之交,可以说:I'm acquainted with her.。 对话

A: Do you know Candy?

B: Candy? Does she have curly blond hair and a really beautiful face? A: Yes, that's her.

B: Yes, I know her very well. She was my girl friend during my first year in university.

A: Really? Candy told me that she's only 19 and she's your boss' daughter. B: Oh, Candy Cooper! My mistake. I thought you meant Candy Rose. 甲:你认不认识肯蒂?

乙:肯蒂?是否那个金色卷发的漂亮女子? 甲:对,就是她。

乙:是,我跟她很熟络,她是我大学一年级时的女友。 甲:真的吗?肯蒂告诉我她只有19岁,是你老板的女儿。 乙:噢,肯蒂吉谱!我搞错了,我以为你指的是肯蒂罗丝。

某乙听某甲谈到一位金发美女肯蒂,以为是自己的旧女友说:I know her very well.(我和她很熟络)。假如某甲带笑问道:In the biblical sense? 读者知道是什么意思吗? Biblical即‘《圣经》(Bible)的’,例如biblical language是 ‘《圣经》的语言’。In the biblical sense?等于说‘是否《圣经》里那个意思?’。

在《圣经》和其它古籍里,know字有‘和...有性关系’的意思。读《御用圣经.路加福音》第一章,你就会看到天使对圣母玛利亚说:You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus(你会怀孕,诞下麟儿,取命为耶稣)。玛利亚回答说:How can this be, since I do not know a man?(这怎么可能呢?我没有跟男人亲热过)。今天,英语国家的人说跟某某有性关系,有时就会用开玩笑口吻说:I know him / her in the biblical sense。 留意I know her和I know of her很不同。I know her是 ‘我认识她’,I know of her. 则是 ‘我知道她这个人’或‘我听说过好这个人’。

说和某人交朋友,英文是to make friends with somebody,那复数形式的friends不可改为friend。为什么和一个人交朋友,都要用复数形式?原因很简单:friends 除了指对方,还包括你自己。交朋友是至少两个人之间的事。I should like to make friends with you. 即 ‘我想和你交朋友’。


Could you tell me the way to the shopping mall?