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河 北 工 业 大 学
毕 业 论 文
作 者: 梁绿青 学 号: 102488 学 院: 计算机科学与软件学院 系(专业): 网络工程 题 目: 基于Android的二维码扫描完成数据录入
指导者: 汪鹏 副教授
2015年 06月19 日
基于Android的二维码扫描完成数据录入系统设计与开发 摘要: 由于近年来很多高校的学位证书不与四级成绩关联,且考试报名费30元对学生的经济影响不大,因此四六级考试缺考情况非常严重。四六级考试要求须将缺考考生信息录入到系统中,将来成绩按零分计算,缺考录入的流程首先由监考人员摘录、核对缺考考生名单,二级考务组汇总数据,学校四六级考务组录入三个步骤,全部工作都是手工完成的,在抄录的过程中,经常出现姓名与准考证号不对应的情况,增加了信息录入错误的风险。因此当前的四六级考试缺考录入方式是一种效率低下的工作。因此开发一种缺考录入系统可以降低工作人员的劳动强度,增加工作效率,降低出现错误的风险,具有非常重要的意义。 系统将考生信息封装到二维码中,通过二维码扫描技术获取录入信息,很好的保证了信息的安全性、可靠性、可行性。二维码操作简单,二维码技术成熟,在日常生活中随处可见二维码,可以运用到多种宣传模式下,对于后期推广,软件的宣传成本很大的降低。四六级考试缺考人数多,信息录入量大,手工录入繁琐耗时。本系统利用手机地对缺考考生试卷上的条形码进行扫描,即可完成缺考信息的收集、汇总和录入工作,与传统方法相比大大减轻了监考员的工作量;另外采用扫码缺考考生桌贴上的条形码的方法,可以准确的收集缺考考生的信息,不会出现抄写的错误。因此扫描条形码的方法高效、安全,在实际工作中具有非常重要的意义。 关键词:大学英语四六级考务管理系统,安卓应用,MYSQL数据库,WEBSERVER服务器,二维码,条码桌贴。 I
Title College English CET Examination Management System
Due to the degree in recent years, many colleges and universities is not associated with four grades, and the test fee RMB 30 to student's economic impact is not big, therefore the examination of test band 4 and band 6 situation is very serious. Examination requirements should be the lack of test band 4 and band 6 students information input into the system, the results calculated at zero in the future, lack of starting the process at first by the supervisor, check of the candidate list, the secondary examination group summary data, school cet examination group into three steps, all the work is done by hand, in the process of transcribing, often appear name and admission ticket number is not corresponding situation, increase the risk of information input errors. So the current way of cet exams starting into the deficiency is a kind of low efficiency of work. Therefore the development of a lack of starting into the system can reduce the labor intensity of workers, increase the work efficiency, reduce the risk of error, has very important significance.
System will be the candidate information encapsulation to qr code, by qr code scanning technology for inputting information, very good to ensure the safety, reliability and feasibility of information. Qr code is simple, qr code technology mature, can be seen everywhere in our daily life qr code, can be applied to a variety of promotional mode, the late for promotion, software cost greatly reduced. Number of examination of test band 4 and band 6, large amount of information input, manual entry complicated time-consuming. This system use cell phones to take an examination of the