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学中选择理论(Choice Theory)现实疗法(Reality Therapy)的创立者和完善者】


◎Episode 14:Sense Memory(2011.02.09)

●Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they are in the game.【Paul Rodriguez, 1955- , 墨西哥著名喜剧演员】


●Nothing revives the past so completely as a smell that was once associated with it.【Vladimir Nabokov, 1899-1977, 俄裔美国小说家】 【弗拉基米尔·纳巴科夫:只有似曾相识的气味,才能完全唤醒过去的记忆】(搞笑人物整理)

◎Episode 15:Today I Do(2011.02.16) ●It's hard to find an enemy who has outposts in your head.【Sally Kempton, 当代最有影响力的冥想家之一(Teacher of Meditation)】 【莎莉·肯普顿:你无法打败脑海中的敌人】

●There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can hinder the firm resolve of a determined soul.【Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 1850-1919, 美国作家/诗人】 【艾拉·维勒·威考克斯:没有任何天力和人力能阻挡一颗坚定的心】

◎Episode 16:Coda(2011.02.23)

●Tomorrow you promise yourself, will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today【James T. McCay, 生平不详,作家】


●Most people of action are inclined to fatalism and most of thought believe in providence【Honore De Balzac, 1799-1850, 法国小说家/剧作家】 【巴尔扎克:人们的行动倾向于宿命论,而他们的想法去相信天命】

【额外知识填补:宿命论&天命观:两个听起来很像,不过宿命论是认为人的命运是由必然因素造成,是可预测,可预知而又是注定的、不可改变的一种命观。 宿命论是在物质和意识关系上的一种观点,即否认了人的主观能动性(自觉能动性)。人是客观的,从你出生到死亡,你的一生就已经定格了。因为认识纯客观的,即便所谓的“主观能动性”也是客观所造成的。而天命观主要有三方面内容:其一,相信神灵经常关心并干预包括自然进程和社会人事在内的世界事务。其二,相信神灵具有必要的智慧,知道通过什么样的方式显示他的意愿。其三,相信神灵具有实现其安排和意图的超自然力量和权能。资料来源百度http://zhidao.http://m.35331.cn//question/205464263.html】

◎Episode 17:Valhalla(2011.03.02)

●When I left go of what I am, I become what I might be【lao Tzu, 老子】 【老子曰:以其终不自为大,故能成其大】

●Confession is always weakness, the grave soul keeps its own secrets and takes its own punishment in silence.【Dorothy Dix, 1861-1951, 记者/专栏作家】


◎Episode 18:Laruen(2011.03.16)

●The secret to getting away with lying is believing with all your heart. That goes for lying to yourself even more so than lying to another.【Elizabeth Bear, 1971-, 美国悬疑小说作家】


●People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if you repeat it frequently enough, people will sooner or later believe it.【Walter Langer, 1899-1981, 美国精神分析学家,因在二战时期分析希特勒的思想与行为,进一步推测他将会自杀而闻名。著作《The Mind of Adolf Hilter》】 【瓦尔特·兰格:相对于小谎言,人们更容易相信大谎言。如果这个谎言被重复一千遍,那么人们迟早也会信以为真。】(搞笑人物整理)

◎Episode 19:With Friends like this(2011.03.30)

●The old faiths light their candles all about but burly truth comes by and puts them out.【Lizette Reese, 1856-1935, 美国诗人】


●It is not his enemy or foe that lures him into evil ways【Siddhartha Buddha】


◎Episode 20:Hanley Waters(2011.04.06)

●Man,when he does not grieve.Hardly exists.【Antonio Porchia, 阿根廷作家,《遗忘的声音》】

【安东尼奥·波契亚:世间但存身,悲楚即在心。(我的肉体不再疼痛的时候,我的灵魂反倒开始疼痛了。)】 (片尾无名言)

◎Episode 21:The Stranger(2011.04.13)

●Sometimes human places create inhuman monsters【Stephen King,著名美国恐怖小说家】


●Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.【Adrienne Rich,美国诗人】


◎Episode 22

●Of this alone even God is deprived the power of making things that are past never to have been【Agathon】


●Bring the past only if you’re going to build from it.【Domenico Estrada】 【西马罗萨·艾斯特拉:对过去念念不忘,才会希冀重塑昨日】

◎Episode 23

●The sea has never been friendly to man,at most,it has been the accomplice of human restlessness【Joseph Conrad:生于波兰的英国小说家】 【大海从来不是人类的朋友,它至多是人类焦灼的共犯】


●We are tired to the oceam,and when we go back to the sea whether it is to sail or to watch,we are going to back from whence we came 【John F. Kennedy:美国第35届总统】


◎Episode 24

●And yet to every bad there is a worse【Thomas Hardy:英国小说家,诗人】


●What is lies in our power to do,it lies in our power not to do【Aristotle】 【亚里士多德:那些我们有能力去做的事,也有能力不去做】(搞笑人物整理)