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1. I am sure she has something_____ you can borrow. 2. I’ve read all the books________ are not mine. 3. This is one of the most exciting football games ______ i have ever seen.

4. This is the first book ______he has read. 5. This is just the place ____ i visited just now.

6. They are talking about the strange stories and persons, _________ they met in the adventure. 7. Which is the book________ belongs to him?

8. Those____ want to see the film put down your names, please.

9. The number of people______were killed and injured reached more than 400,000.

10. I picked up a man ______ I thought was honest. 11. I picked up a man ______ I thought to be honest. 12. I like the house ______roof is red.

13. I have the same magazine _________you bought . 14. He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.

15. It was a prison____________no one escaped.

16. Have you found the book ________ I paid 29 US dollars? Have you found the book ________ I spent 29 US dollars?

17. She is always the girl__________ her parents are proud.

18. Nowhere could he find his glasses, _________________he could see nothing.

19. This is the school _____________my son studies. 20. There was a time _____________ I hated to go to school.

21. Do you know the reason _____________ she got so angry yesterday?

22. He had to face the conditions __________ pressure was heavy.

23. I’ll never forget the days ______I spent with him. 24. I’ll never forget the day ________ I was born. 25. This is the factory ___________ makes toys.

26. This is the factory ___________ he worked ten years ago.

27. The reason ___________ he explained to us was hard to accept.

28. The reason ________ he was late is that he missed the first bus.

29. We first broke the law in a way____was peaceful.

30. The way ________ you thought of to solve the problem was good.

31. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways ______________ cultures have developed.

32. That is the day _________we will never forget. 33. I shall never forget the day _______we first met and the day_________impressed me deeply.

34. The story happened on a day________ the weather was wet and cold.

35. The hotel ______interests me most stands by the seaside.

36. The hotel ______she had a good time is quite comfortable

37. The hotel ______she stayed during the holiday stands by the seaside.

38. The hotel ______she can relax and get refreshed stands by the seaside.

39. This is the best reason ______ he could give at the meeting.

40. This is the reason _______ he wasn’t present at the meeting yesterday.

41. ____ we know, English is used widely.

42. ____ is often the case, he doesn’t finish his homework on time.

43. ____ is mentioned above, the number of the students is increasing.

44. The sports meeting was put off, _________ disappointed us.

45. He is reading a book, the name of ________ is Runaway./_________name is Runaway.

46. He was generous with his time, ___________I was grateful.

47. She will fly to Washington, ________ is the capital of the U.S

48. She will fly to Washington, _______ she can enjoy herself.

49. Last Sunday, i climbed to the top of the hill

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near my home, ______ i could wee half of the city. 7. Do you still remember the day which you joined 50. She didn't sleep well in the first few the Party? days,_______another girl shared the room with her.

8. Father came back on April 4th when was my

I will tell you a story _____ is very interesting. It


is about a good man______ is called Tom. Tom

9. Is this the city where you visited last year?

married a girl_______ name is Jane. Jane is the

10. Is this the factory which you set up yourselves?

girl_____ Tom loves. They live in a house ______

11. The house stands at the place that the two roads

was built by Tom’s father. It is an old house______

Tom was born. It is in the house where he was born meet. ______ they got married.

12. I don’t like the way he laughs at the disabled.

I have made the same mistakes like you have. Tom likes to write stories and Jane loves all the 13.

He is the boy his handwriting is the best in stories____ tom writes. They have 5 children, of 14. ______3 are boys. The children are very clever, _____ class.

Is this the book your father bought it for you? makes tom very happy. All the children go to college, 15.

______ their parents expect. Tom once said he would 16. Who is the comrade you talked with him? never forget the day ____ he met Jane. Tom believes 17. The doctor my father is talking to him is leaving

that Jane is the most beautiful girl_____ he has ever for Africa next month.

met. That is the reason _____ he wanted to marry her. 18. Have you been to the place where she works Jane said that tom was the person with ____ she there ?.

would live for a whole life. They are really a happy 19. Those who wants to see the film put up your couple, from _____ we can learn a lot. Their children hands. live in a family_______ the parents are treating them like friends. We all admire the way_____ tom treats his children. He is such a good man_______ everyone would like to live with.

Tom is one of the villagers_____ have been reported in the newspaper and he is the only one of those villagers who has acted in a film.

20. Those have seen the film think highly of it. 21. Miss Li, who you met,is our English teacher. 22. He has three sons, two of them are music lovers.

23. My father, that has been away recently, wants to see you.

24. Shanghai is the biggest city, that has a population of more than ten million. 25. As you know it,he has left for America. 26. Here is, so big a stone as no one can move it.


1. Is this all what you want to say?

2. This is the very thing which I can tell you.

3. They are talking about the people and the things 27. He has written a book, the name of it I have

which they saw on their way home. forgotten. 4. Which is the clock which is made in China? 5. Who is the man who is speaking to your mother?

28. The computer center, that we can surf on the internet, is very large.

6. It was the meeting which importance I didn’t 29. But one million people of the city, which know. thought little of these events, were asleep as usual

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that night.

30. The sports meeting will be put off till next month, which we will have made all the preparations.

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