2019届湖南郴州市高三第一次教学质量监测英语试卷【含答案及解析】 下载本文

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1. When the weather is beautiful, it can be hard to resist spending time outdoors. Fortunately, the Garden State has plenty of outdoor spaces to

offer. These public parks all have unique qualities that make them stand out among the rest.

Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area

Boundary Creek is a 34 acre park designed for quiet nature study. Families can use the grassy open space,

complete with picnic tables near the parking lot for picnics. A special feature is the observation boardwalks for people of all heights to watch the animals without being noticed. Challenge Grove Park

Challenge Park is not a challenge for children with special needs. Both playgrounds at the park are wheelchair accessible and the newest playground, Build Jake's Place, was built specifically for children of all abilities.

The 17-acre park also includes a basketball court. ball park and covered picnic area with bathrooms. There is a paved path throughout the park. Laurel Acres

Probably the most popular park due to how full the

parking lot always seems to be is Laurel Acres. Fortunately, the park is big enough that the parking is only thing that ever seems full.

For children, there are three playgrounds to choose from, one of which is for smaller children. The huge hill is great for rolling or sledding down. Children also enjoy

watching[来the ducks and geese in and around the pond. The park includes a picnic area with covered pavilion( ). 1. What is special about Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area? A. It has grassy open space.

B. It is a quiet place for study.

C. It's convenient for people to have picnics. D. It offers a good place for animal watching.

2. Which park is most suitable for a child with disabilities? A. Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area. B. Challenge Grove Park. C. Build Jake's Place. D. Laurel Acres.

3. What do we know about Laurel Acres, compared with the other parks? A. It is always crowded with visitors.

B. It has a small parking lot. C. It has no place for a picnic.

D. It attracts the largest number of visitors.

2. When I was a kid, my siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I used to have ice cream for dessert.Every day, we would choose which ice cream flavor to have, whether to eat it in a cone or a bowl. Then we would happily wolf down our treat(款待) as fast as we could.

Once, though, when I was probably about 10 0r 11, our grandpa came to visit. Grandpa always had a unique view on things. On this particular occasion, my sister and I were making bets as to who could finish their ice cream first. With a smile, Grandpa said, \first? If you eat slowly, it will last longer. You should have acompetition to see who can finish last.\always try to taste my ice cream, but of course this is about more than just dessert.

Too often, kids want to scramble(争夺) for more, whether it's more ice cream, more toys, or more friends. This habit persists into our adult years, and we end up

constantly scrambling for more. We never develop the skill of appreciating what we have. If we learn to recognize this pattern and change it, we can raise our kids a little differently, giving them the tool of tasting their proverbial dessert, which could lead to a happier life for


What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the

opportunity to enjoy what's in front of you, the pleasure will last longer and be more rewarding than if you rush through life always trying to get the next treat. It's a lesson that, I think, has made my adult life happier, as well. These days, when I want something, I wait as long as I can before I allow myself to have it. Then, when I finally get it, I make sure to treasure it as long as possible, because I know that, no matter what it is, it will be gone all too soon.

1.The author's grandfather advised her sister and her to ____________ . A. eat ice cream as slowly as possible B. stop eating ice cream

C. stop the competition between them

D. learn something from their way of eating

2. Which of the following best describes the author's grandfather?

A. Wise. B. Humorous. C. Strict. D. Careful. 3. What advice does the author give us in the passage? A. Keep longing for more.

B. Value what you have. C. Have a balanced diet. D. Save for the future.

4. We can infer from the last paragraph that author

A. longs for the days when they ate ice cream B. doesn't like ice cream as much as before C. benefits a lot from her grandfather's advice D. just starts to understand her grandfather

3. Today's world is very unsafe for children. We all listen to news of child abduction everyday on TV and feel concerned about the safety of our children. So, it is necessary for parents to know about the methods of protecting children from illegal elements and criminals. GPS tracking system comes in handy for such a purpose and gives a sigh of relief to the worried parents. With the help of GPS child tracking device you can locate your child easily at any time.

GPS child tracking system is also very helpful for watching the activities of teenagers.This age is called the most risky age, as in this age it is very easy to attract child towards effortless shortcut ways of achieving success. money etc. Bad-intentioned people try to misuse the innocence