ANSYS常见错误提示和解决办法 下载本文

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以上警告的意思:图形显示结果目前不能改变。请使用/GROPTS,VIEW,1命令。 NO.0041

The value of UY at node 1777is 1545455,It is greater than the current limit of 100000.

This generally indicates ragid body motion as a resul of an unconstrained model。Verrify that your model is properly constrained。


另外一个可能的原因是网格划分的不好。在曲线变化剧烈的区域,如果网格划的太疏,也可能产生这样的错误。 NO.0042


some contact elements overlap with the other contact element which can cause over constraint

可能是图中的元素有重叠,如两个体有部分面重叠,用overlap命令可以解决 NO.0043

*** FATAL *** CP = 169.906 TIME= 15:50:03 Insufficient memory error during solution. Please reduce your problem

size or increase your system swapped space (refer to the Basic

Analysis Procedures Guide,

Ch. 19).

*** FATAL *** CP = 172.344 TIME= 15:50:24

This model requires more scratch space than available, currently

8026545 words ( 31 MB). ANSYS was not able to allocate more memory to

proceed. Please shut down other applications that may be running or

increase the virtual memory on your system and rerun ANSYS. Problem



The above error is non-recoverable by ANSYS ANSYS run terminated by the indicated error Current data base saved if




原来我的虚拟内存设置为“无分页文件”,现在改为“系统管理”,就不在出现计算内存不够的情况了。 NO.0044

error:Meshing of volume 5 has been aborted because of a lack of memory. Closed down other processes and/or choose a larger element size, then try the VMESH command again. Minimum additional memory required=853MB

不一定是网格太密,也可能是结果过于拓扑问题,使得无法计算 NO.0045

Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected line set for AL command.

使用AL命令时,你的所有线没有闭合。既然要形成面,就必须要求所有的线围起来,形成闭合的回路。再换一句话说就是上面的英文警告说的:每个关键点必须同时被两条线共用才能保证形成面。如果有 关键点只被一条线使用,当然就不能形成面了。


*** WARNING *** CP = 24.312 TIME= 18:23:02 Due to merging of areas 3251 and 3304, nodes 52094 through 52101 are no longer associated with any area.


After NUMMRG,ALL, node 84 (and possibly others) is associated with more

than one solid model entity. Future commands which depend on the node

to solid model connectivity (meshing, mesh clearing, solid BC

transfer, etc.) may not operate properly.

上面这个警告也是提醒你:节点84同时属于号几个实体,在之后的操作中,如果操作到这个节点将有可能不能正确执行。 NO.0047

划分网格时遇到的错误: Error Area 22 is not parallel to the global XY plane, Cannot mesh with 2-D planar elements

你建立的是2D模型,一般图形都与XY面平行的面内建立。 你检查下你的关键点选区是不是有的点取成3D坐标,导致形成面部不平行于XY面。具体要根据你自己的建模进行分析. NO.0048

the anel material 2 at temperature=0 is not positive

defineite,a full 6*6 matrix is need as at least one element typeinthe medel is 3_d cheeck input.

这个是自己在进行属性定义时候出现的,查找原因,因为自己做的是pzt材料的压电效应分析。并且是3_d模型,ANEL命令矩阵设定应该是6*6的矩阵,但是由于自己粗心,矩阵输入没有完全,导致运行失败,所以希望以后大家在属性设定时候特别留意,特别是需要输入矩阵情况时候。 NO.0049

Unable to mesh area 9 because of shape problems. It may help to change

element size on edges of area.

z这个是自己在对半圆环的面进行网格划分时候遇到的,因为为了保证和前个半圆的网格划分对应采用对应网格划分 ASEL,S,AREA,,9 TYPE,4 MAT,6 ESIZE,,1 MSHAPE,0,3 AMESH,ALL

LINE定义时候没有进行线划分,使用LESIZE命令对线进行划分,后面在使用ESIZE,,1 MSHAPE,0,3 AMESH,ALL 问题解决

方法2:直接在ESIZE命令中定义尺寸,例如如果网格大小为3MM可以这样定义ESIZE,3E-3 NO.0050

*** WARNING *** CP = 22.781 TIME= 11:14:33 Please report this system error from sfelem to your ASD or ANSYS, Inc.

Try another element option. Error harmful only on parallel machines.

ESAV record size error by


FILLEN= 81, ACTUAL= 68, Element Type= 8, Element number 3774.

*** WARNING *** CP = 22.781 TIME= 11:14:33 Please report this system error from sfelem to your ASD or ANSYS, Inc.

Try another element option. Error harmful only on parallel machines.

ESAV record size error by