内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/30 19:21:41星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
C. Different kinds of goals in life. 目标的不同种类。 D. The limitation of long-term goals.
5. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? ____________ 根据短文,下面哪种说法是错误的?
A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals
B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.
C. Life is a static thing, thus we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.
生活是一成不变的,所以我们不能让长期目标制约我们的生活和我们的行为。 D. We should often add new short-term goals to those which have been completed. KEY:BDCCC
Whatmakes a person ascientist? Doeshehavewaysortoolsoflearningthataredifferentfromthoseof others?Theansweris“no”.Itisnotthetoolsascientistusesbuthowheusesthesetoolsthatmakehima scientist.Youwillprobablyagreethatknowinghowtouseapowerisimportanttoacarpenter.Youwill probablyagree,too,thatknowinghowtoinvestigate,howtodiscoverinformation,isimportanttoeveryone.
questions into a large setof ideas abouthow the world works.
一名木匠来说很 重要。你也许也认同怎么研究调查,发现信息对每个人来说都很重要。然而,科学家比这更进一步,他 必须确定他对自己的问题得出了一个合理的答案,并且他的答案通过别人也可以得到证实。他同时把自 己得出的许多答案归结为一个系统的关于世界如何运作的观点。
Thescientist?sknowledgemustbeexact.Thereisnoroomforhalfrightorrightjusthalfthetime.He must be as nearlyright as theconditions permit. Whatworks under one set of conditions at one time mustwork
importantinscience.AlbertEinstein,whodevelopedthetheoryofrelativity,arrivedatthistheorythrough mathematics.Theaccuracyofthismathematicswaslatertestedthroughinvestigations,Einstein?sideaswere
showntobecorrect.Ascientistusesmanytoolsformeasurements.Thenthemeasurementsareusedtomake mathematical calculations that maytest his investigations.
允许的情况下尽可能正确。在一种条件下成功一次的话必须在同样的条件下都能成功。如果条件不同, 科学家在证明过程中观察到的任何变化都必须解释他的条件是如何变化的。这是关于调查研究在科学研 究中十分重要的其中一个理由。爱因斯坦通过数学方法提出了相对论。他的数学运用的正确性被后人通 过调查研究的方法证实该理论是正确的。一个科学家会用很多工具来测量。测量的结果用来进行数学计 算,再进行调查研究的测试。
1.Whatmakes a scientistaccording to the passage? 根据这篇文章的观点科学家是如何来的? A.The tools he uses.B.The wayhe uses his tools. 他使用工具的方法 C.His wayof learning.D.The various tools he uses.
2. “The scientist, however, goes one step further…”.The author says this to show “然而,科学家比这更进一步……”作者这么说是为了说明什么?
A.the importance of information B. the importance of thinking
C. thedifference betweenscientists and ordinarypeople 科学家与普通人的区别 D.the difference betweencarpenters andpeople with other jobs
3.Asound scientific theoryshould beone that .一项伟大的科学理论应该是怎么样的? A. worksnot onlyunder oneset of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times不仅只在一种条件下一次可行,而是要在同样的条件下一直可行。 B.does notallowanychanges even under differentconditions C.can beused for manypurposes D.leave no roomfor improvement
4.TheauthorquotesthecaseofAlbertEinsteintoillustrate 例子是为了证明 什么?
A.that measurements arekeysto success in science B. that accuracyof mathematics
C. that the investigations are important in science调查研究在科学领域十分重要。 D.that the mathematical calculations maytest his investigations
5.What is the main idea ofthe passage? 这篇文章的中心意思是什么? A.The theoryof relativity. B. Exactness is the core of science.
C.Scientists are differentfromordinarypeople.
D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist. 确切性和使用工具的方法是成为科学家的重要因素。 KEY:BCACD
. .作者引用爱因斯坦的
Passage 7 (汤姆)
Mr. Tom Froster lived by himself a long way form town. He hardly ever left his home, but one day he went iinto town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant ans sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their man newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself some glasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.
The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “No, i can?t read with these.”
The man became more and more puzzled (迷惑不解),until fianlly he said, “Excuse me, but can you read at all?”
“No, of course i can?t!” Tom said angrily. “If I was already able to read, do you think i would have come here to buy glasses?”
汤姆.福瑞斯特先生独自一人住在离城镇很远的地方。他几乎足不出户,但有一天,他到城里的市场上买点东西。 买完后,他走进一家餐馆,单独坐在桌边。 环顾四周, 他看到几位老人读报纸前都先戴上眼镜,所以午餐后, 他决定到商店去给自己也买副眼镜。沿街走着,很快就找到一家店。
店员让他试戴了好几副眼镜,单汤姆总是说:“不,我戴这副眼镜无法阅读。” 店员越来越感到迷惑不解,知道最后他问道:“恕我失礼,但请问您究竟会阅读吗?”
1. Mr. Forester lived . 福瑞斯特先生独自一人居住在村边。
A. with his family in a city B. with his family in the countryside
C. alone in a city D. alone in the countryside 独自一人在乡村
2.Tom went into town. 汤姆从来不去镇上。
A.often B.always C. Almost never 几乎从不 D. Everyday
3. The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers . 餐馆里的老人们戴着眼镜读报纸 。
A. with glasses on 戴着眼镜 B. with glasses off
C. With glasses of beer in front of them D. with glasses pipes in their mouths
4. The shop Tom went into sold . 汤姆走进为视力不好的人提供眼镜的商店.
A. drinking glasses and cups B. glass for windowss and colors
C. glasses for people who could not read
D. Glasses for people who could not see well 眼镜给视力不好的人
5. what kind of mistake did Tom make? 汤姆犯了什么错误?
A.He went to the wrong kind of shop. B. He didn?t try on all the glasses in the shop
C. He thought that a person who had not learned to read would be able to do so if he wore glasses.他认为不会阅读的人戴上眼镜就能阅读了。 D.He left his money in the restaurant
Passage 8(好商人)
Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. When he was 65, the normal retirement age, he decided that the didn’t want to stop, so he carried on working for another two years. Eventually, when he was nearly 68, his wiefe, Dolly, asked him to retire because she wanted to enjoy their old age together. Reluctantaly, he handed over the business to his son.
But he was unhappy. He didn’t know what to do with himself. Although he read a lot of books and he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife, he was bored and befgan to get deperessed because he hated being retired.
Then one day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper and, without telling his wife, he bought a small crockery (陶器) factory. The next week he told his family. They were horrified and worried. They thought he was too old at 71 to start work again.
He is now 76 and he has expanded the company considerably. He has increased the number of staff from 6 to 24 and he has found many new customers for the products. He has developed the export market and has improved profits by 200%. He has opened a new design office and
enpolyed three young designers. They have been all over the world to ger new ideas, and one of them has gone to France this week to a major trade fair. Most importantly, he hasn’t been bored since he brought the factory.
摩根.里斯一直是一位不错的生意人。他曾经有过3个加油站, 而且一直都很忙。当他65岁时,也就是正常退休的年龄时, 他决定不想停止工作, 所以他又接着干了两年。结果在他快68岁的时候,他妻子多丽让他退休, 希望能和他一起共度晚年的时光。今天管他读了很多的书,而且也和妻子一起去一些好玩的地方去度假,但是他感到很无聊, 并且由于讨厌退休而开始变得压抑沮丧。
在这之后的一天,他在报纸上看到了一则广告,也没有告诉他的妻子,他就买下了一家小陶器厂。 一周后他才告诉家里人。他们为此刚到惊讶,而且有些担心。大家认为他不能以71岁高龄再重新开始工作了。
现在他76岁, 已经显著地扩大了公司的规模。公司的员工人数从6人增加到24人, 而且他还开发了很多新客户。 他也开拓了出口市场,利润增长200%。 他还开办了一家新的设计室, 并且聘用了三名年轻的设计师。他们一直世界各地四处发掘新的信息,其中一位本周已经去了法国参加一次重大的商铺交易会。最为重要的是,自从他收购了这家工厂后,他便不再感到没事可做。
1. The topic sentence of Para.1 is . 第一段的主题句是?
A. Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman 摩根.里斯一直是以为不错的生意人。
B. He used to own three petrol stations asn was busy most of the time C. When Morgen Rees was 65, he got retired
D. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son 2. The topic sentence of Para.2 is . 第二段主题句是?
A.he didn’t what to do with himself B. he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife
C. he was unhappy after he got retired 退休后他并不高兴 D. None of them 3. Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of Para.3? 以下哪一项陈述能最好地表达第三段的中心思想?
A.One day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper
B. He bought a small crockery factory in seceret and started work again. 他偷偷买下一家小陶器厂,并重新开始工作。
C.He told his family he bought a small factory.
D. His family was horried and worried when they learned he bought the small factory. 4. What is the central idea of the last paragraph? 最后一段的中心思想是?
A.Morgan Rees has worked until he is 76.
B. Morgan Rees has developed the export market and improvedthe profits by 200% C. Morgan Rees hasn’t been bored since he bought the factory.
D. Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably, which has enriched his retire life. 自从重新开始工作,摩根.里斯显著的扩大了公司的规模,这丰富了他的退休生活。
5. The passage mainly deals with . 这篇文章主要讲的是? A.why Morgan Rees bought a small crockery factory
B. how Morgan Rees lived his retired like more happy by turning to work again. 摩根.里斯如何通过重新开始工作使他的退休生活更加快乐。 C.how Morgan Rees became a good businessman
D.how Morgan Rees expanded the company considerably. KEY:ACBDB
Passage 9(24号居民)
The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the condition of the property, so John Preston called a meeting to discuss things last week. At the meeting John suggested setting up a residents? committee. Everyone was so worried and angry about the agent?s inactivity that they agreed, and they elected John as chairman of the committee. Many residents said that they were tired of telephoning the agent and tired of complaining about the flats. Although the agent was responsible for the flats, they thought that he didn?t do enough. Therefore John was asked to write to the agent and say that they were disappointed with the management of the flats.
The next service payment was due at the end of the month. However, they agreed not to pay it until they were happy with the plans to improve the property. They decided to tell the agent that he must start the work within one month. They all went away very pleased with themselves.
阿卡西亚格拉芙街24号的居民对公寓情况不满意, 因此上周约翰.普雷斯顿召开会议进行讨论。在会上约翰建议成立居民委员会,对房东代理的无所作为,大家既担心又气愤,所以,他们都同意成立委员会。 他们选举约约翰为委员会主席。许多居民说,他们憎恶在给房东代理打电话,向他们抱怨公寓的状况。尽管房东代理有责任管理公寓。但是他们认为房东代理做得不够。因此居民要求约翰写信给房东代理说明他们对公寓的管理很失望。