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牛津译林版英语8BUnit1 Past and present Reading 1教案

课时数 年 月 日 课题 Unit 1 Past and present Reading 1 主备人 王雪莲 第 课时 教学 目标 教学 重点 教学 难点 教法与教具 1.Learn some new words and try to master the usage of such words: since, ever, northern, wife, over, pollution, realize, impossible, husband… 2.Learn about the changes to Sunshine Town. Compare the past of Sunshine Town with the present of Sunshine Town, and try to describe them. Learn about the ways of interviewing and how to talk about the changes to towns. 小组合作、学讲结合 个人复备 教学过程 1. Show ss two pictures of the city. T: Here’re two photos of our city. Are they the same ? What is the difference about them?present new words : block, waste, pollution, factory… 自 2. Communicate with ss about the changes. 主 T: Our city has changed a lot, and we’ve changed too. For example, I 先 used to be single. I felt lonely from time to time. Now I’m married. Life 学 is better in some ways. Then present new words: lonely , from time to time, married, in some ways.. Ask ss to close their books and listen to Millie’s interview carefully to 小 get some information on the changes in Sunshine Town. Present the 组 questions on the screen before listening: 1) Who did Millie interview? (Mr Chen) 讨 2) When did he get married? ( In 1965.) 论 3) Was pollution a problem in the past? ( Yes , it was. But it is better now.) 1. Ask ss to open their books and read line1 to line 6, then answer questions: 1) How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town ? 2) Where did Mr Chen and his wife move? 2.Ask ss to read the text , then try to complete the following sentences: (1) It is nice to have town.( a beautiful modern) (2) It is difficult to see old friends because they have . (moved away) (3) Mr Chen feels sometimes. (a bit lonely ) 交 流 展 示 1 / 3

牛津译林版英语8BUnit1 Past and present Reading 1教案

质 疑 拓 展 1. Finish B2 on P10, and ask the better students to correct the mistakes. 2. Complete the passage according to rhe dialogue. Mr Chen lives in Sunshine Town. After he got , he and his moved to a new flat . In the past, there were small , shops, a post office and a in the town. Now the town has a lot . There is a park in the town center. They also have a and a shopping mall. Many of Mr Chen’s old friends have away. Mr Chen feels a bit from time to time. 3. Act out Work in pairs One acts as Daniel’s grandpa, one acts as a reporter. Make a dialogue according to the text to consolidate the content. 根据旬意及提示完成单词 1.We have lived here ____________ (自从)my father began to work in this city. 2.Tom and Linda have been ____________ (已婚的)for ten years,but they’ve never quarreled. 3.Yancheng is in the ____________ (北部的)part of Jiangsu Province. 4.Now there are a number of ____________ (工厂)in our hometown. 5.---How many ____________ (街区)are there in your hometown? ---About ten. 6. Now the rivers in the park are much ____________ (clean). 7. Many people from the poor villages have ____________ (move) to the cities. 检 测 反 馈 小 结 反 思 Language points (1) a bit a bit = a little 有点儿 (2)from time to time = at times = sometimes 有时候 (3) improve v.改善,进步 (4)lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的 alone adj. 单独的,寂寞的(区别) (5)married adj.已婚的,结婚的 get married to sb. (6)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 他过去常常放学后打篮球。 (7) turn ...into... 把……变成…… (8) in some ways 在某种程度上 板 书 教后札记 2 / 3

牛津译林版英语8BUnit1 Past and present Reading 1教案

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