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Words:332 难度系数:★★ 建议用时:7分钟

Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women.But for men,the picture is very different.The findings are part of a detailed study of housework trends,based on 2019 time diary data,conducted since 1968 at University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. It’s a well-known pattern.There’s still a significant reallocation (重新分配) of labor that occurs at marriage—men tend to work more outside home,while women take on more of the household labor.Certainly there’re all kinds of individual differences here,but in general,this is what happens after marriage.And the situation gets worse for women when they have children.

Overall,the amount of housework done by the U.S.women has dropped considerably since 1976,while the amount of housework done by men has increased.In 1976,women did an average of 26 hours of housework a week,compared with about 17 hours in 2019.Men did about 6 hours of housework a week in 1976,compared with about 13 hours in 2019.

But when the researchers looked at just the last 10 years,comparing how much housework single men and women in their 20s did in 2019 with how much they did in 2019 if they stayed single versus (对于) if they got married,they found a slightly different pattern.Both the men and the women who got married did more housework than those who stayed single.Marriage is no longer a man’s path to less housework.

Single women in their 20s and 30s did the least housework— about 12 hours a week on average,while married women in their 60s and 70s did the most—about 21 hours a week.Men showed a somewhat different pattern.Older men did more housework than younger men,but single men did more in all age groups than married men.In addition,the number of children also works.

1.What does the author mean by saying “But for men,the picture is very different.”in Paragraph 1 ?

A. The author referred to the picture inserted in the text. B.Having a wife can reduce a husband’s housework. C.Men often like different pictures compared with women. D.Men or husbands are often very lazy at home.


2.What is the purpose of the fourth paragraph? A. To show the young people should work hard. B.To show men and women all do more after marriage. C.To tell readers the importance of marriage for men.

D.To show men and women are still unequal.


3.Which of the following charts shows the correct information according to the text?


4.Which can be the best title for this passage? A.Men and Women B.Marriage and Housework C.Men and Housework D.The History of Women

解析:选B。标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了结婚给男女在家务劳动的分工上带来的影响。 *****************************************************结束


Today is Friday, the 29th of June. Paul told me something exciting this morning: his father helped the police catch a 1 yesterday!

When Paul was waiting for the 2 with his father across the river, he heard some people arguing

3 . He looked around and saw two women and a big man 4 each other. When Paul’s father asked what was going on, one of the women said they were tourists and three young men 5 her friend’s purse when they were buying postcards in a bookstore. The other two had run away, but they 6 the big man closely.

When the ferry arrived, the big man hurried onto the ferry and the two tourists went 7 after him. Paul was angry. He wanted to go up and help the two women. But his father said he didn’t want to take that ferry. Paul felt rather 8 because he thought his father was afraid of the big man and unwilling to help others!

What Paul saw next changed the 9 of his father. His father hurried to a nearby ice-cream store and used their phone to 10 110. He reported the robbery to the police and gave some 11 details about the robber, the tourists and the ferry.

When they 12 off the next ferry, Paul saw three 13 around the big guy in handcuffs(手铐)…. While Paul was telling me the story, he seemed very 14 . He

said he had a better understanding of his father. Although he looked 15 , he was a real hero.

1. A. robber B. theft C. tourist 2. A. bus

B. ferry

D. murderer D. boat

D. loudly

D. talking with

C. ship

3. A. kindly B. angrily C. closely 4. A. shouting at

B. fighting against C. debating with

C. seized

D. cut

D. surveyed

5. A. noticed B. stole 6. A. caught

B. sought C. followed

7. A. abroad B. back 8. A. angrier B. sadder 9. A. feeling

C. home D. aboard

D. tenser

[来源:Zxxk.Com]C. tougher

B. idea C. action D. belief

D. dial

D. terrible

10. A. call B. telephone 11. A. useful

B. careful

C. ring

C. fearful

12. A. turned B. set C. got 13. A. women

D. took

D. tourists D. reliable

B. fellows C. policemen

C. confident

14. A. delighted B. proud 15. A. outstanding

B. great C. scared D. ordinary

1-5. ABDAB 6-10. CDABD 11-15. ACCBD


A Full-Time School Called Life

You are enrolled in a full-time school called “life”. Each day in this school you will have the

opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. What we and our ancestors overlooked, however, is there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual.

Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else's. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is a key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and connection of your own life.

As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons that others don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with challenges that you don't need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle