从公共预算的角度看美国杰斐逊县政府破产案 下载本文

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1996: A federal judge orders Jefferson County to repair and rebuild its sewer system, after finding that county sewage has polluted rivers and streams.

1997: The county begins six years of massive borrowing for sewer repairs. It also uses some of that money for new sewers not required under the consent decree.打算用新的系统产生的收入来偿还债务。



2011.11 2011年11月9日,美国阿拉巴马州杰斐逊县县政府向当地法院申请破产。据报道,该县背负的债务达41亿美元。


According to the SEC, in March 2002, Charles LeCroy, then managing director for JP Morgan Securities’ southeast regional office in Orlando, Florida, sent a series of emails to his superiors discussing how one of the firm’s competitors (three guesses who) had successfully scored new municipal underwriting and swap business by enlisting赞助 the paid support of the politically connected principals and employees of local broker-dealers. 经纪自营商 LeCroy’s superiors endorsed this strategy, and he provided them with estimates (in emails, no less) of what the going rate for paying these folks off would be.对交易进行了精心设计,使他们的行贿成本转移到该县的纳税人身上。since the JP Morgan bankers were confident no one would check their swap math, there really was not much of a ceiling on the cost they would pass on to taxpayers.

收税的梨子 1999年,杰斐逊政府通过了新的开业许可税法案,而之前的老的开业许可税仍在征收。1999年11月立法者取消了老的开业许可税,但之后杰斐逊政府又成功驳斥了上述决议并继续征收开业许可税。2010年蒙哥马利巡回法官认定新的开业许可税在立法征收的过程中存在问题,认为该税的征收是无效的。新税种的征收提议也没有通过。



1.破产之后,政府没有多少选择。上级政府是不会替他们分忧解难的。这是因为美国的各级政府预算独立,联邦、各州、各地方政府都编制执行自己的独立预算。 2.资本预算准确性不高,风险大

Back in 1996, Jefferson County entered into a consent decree with the federal Environmental Protection Agency to make extensive improvements to its sewer system. The county financed the improvements through several bond offerings. The project was originally estimated to cost around $1.5 billion, but its scope eventually climbed to $3 billion. (Sewer rates quadrupled over four years in order to pay for the project.)


In 2002, the FBI launched an investigation into the county’s construction program, which resulted in the conviction of 21 people, including contractors, county commissioners, and county employees. The convictions were mainly related to construction firms bribing local officials to obtain business.


(As I said before, since the JP Morgan bankers were confident no one would check their swap math, there really was not much of a ceiling on the cost they would pass on to taxpayers.) Just to be clear, the net effect of this transaction was that Jefferson County taxpayers ended up paying Goldman and Rice not to do business with the county. 5.预算中的政治性因素 案情描述




Beginning in the spring of 2008, the county began hiring and firing various firms (like Merrill and Citi), who were to advise the commission on its debt restructuring options. (Those firms were soon to have larger problems of their own…) It was at this time that the county began tossing around the idea of filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. The state’s pension system had considered purchasing the county’s debt – genius, I know – but only on the condition that the county prepared a bankruptcy filing to force creditors into serious negotiations.

2008年8月,JP Morgan made the bombshell announcement that the firm would exit the municipal swap business altogether and fire a bunch of employees at regional offices. ,the county’s financial adviser had estimated that JP Morgan had overcharged Jefferson County by as much as $100 million for the various sewer refinancings.

Things became much worse for Jefferson County in 2009. A local court struck down the county’s occupational and business license taxes (ruling that the state legislature had enacted the taxes illegally during the legislative session), a decision that was eventually appealed to and upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court. Those taxes comprised one-third of the county’s general fund budget. The county went into full austerity mode after the ruling, shutting down offices, furloughing employees, and so on.



破产原因 1.腐败

杰斐逊县的债务水平,自2000年为升级污水管道系统而发债开始步步推升。在那时,贪污腐败、收受贿赂以及收费欺诈的现象盛行,包括被推选出的行政官员和公务员在内的22个人因此认罪。2010年因涉及推动数十亿污水管道债务的商业腐败交易 2.错误的资本预算,错误的长期投资计划。 3.利率风险

杰斐逊县使用了华尔街的最新产品,拍卖利率债券(Auction Rate Bonds)和利率互换(Interest Rate Swaps)。本来,县政府发行债券,根据其财政收入情况,以适当利率发行即可。可是,政府却发行拍卖利率债券,即债券定期(一个月或者一星期)拍卖,以最低可能利率付钱。当2008年债券没人购买时,利率上涨了好几倍,县政府就负担不起。



S&P cut the sewer bonds’ ratings to junk in February and was followed by Moody’s in March. 4.该县破产的主要原因就是,最初协议融资缩水1.4亿美元。而除去污水管道债券不算,杰斐逊县本财年总体基金预算削减至2.17亿美元,还有0.4亿美元的资金缺口,因此这比融资至关重要。