(最新版)基于matlab的人脸识别系统设计与仿真毕业论文 下载本文

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学 院 信息电子技术 专 业 电子信息工程 班 级 11级1班 姓 名 杨 雷 指导教师 周经国

佳 木 斯 大 学







报告利用MATLAB软件来实现人脸信息检测与识别,利用YCbCr空间以及灰度图像来实现人脸的边缘分割, 将真彩图像转换为灰度图像,并根据肤色在YCbCr色度空间上的分布范围,来设定门限阀值,从而实现人脸区域与非人脸区域的分割,通过图像处理等一系列的操作来剔除干扰因素,再通过长宽比和目标面积等方法在图像中定位出人脸区域,经试验,该方法能够排除面部表情、衣着背景、发型等干扰因素,从而定位出人脸区域。



Face recognition especially use comparative analysis face visual feature information for identification of computer technology. Face recognition is a , light and shade can be automatically adjusted dynamically exposure compensation, face tracking detection, automatic adjustment of image magnification; It belongs to the biometric identification technology, it is of organisms (generally refers to a person) individual biological characteristics to distinguish between the

organism itself.

Face recognition is mainly used for identification. Because of the video monitoring is fast popularization, many of the video monitoring application is an urgent need to a long distance, the user not cooperate condition of rapid identification technology, in order . Face recognition technology is undoubtedly the best choice, the fast face detection technology to monitor in real-time video image search from face, and with real-time than face database, so as to realize rapid identification.

Report using MATLAB software to realize face information detection and recognition, using YCbCr space and gray image to realize the face edge segmentation, the true color image is converted to a grayscale image, and according to the color of skin in YCbCr chroma space distribution, to set the threshold threshold, so as to realize the segmentation of face region with the face region, through a series of operations such as image processing to eliminate interference factors, and through such means as aspect ratio and the target area locate the face region in the image, the experiment, this method can eliminate facial expressions, clothes, .

Keywords:Matlab;Gray image;edge segmentation;face region


摘要 .............................................................. 0 ABSTRACT .......................................................... 1 目录 .............................................................. 2 第1章 绪论 ...................................................... 3 1.1 课题的研究背景、目的及意义 .................................. 3 1.1.1 课题的研究背景 .......................................... 3 1.1.2 研究目的及意义 .......................................... 4