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Hand Auguring Total Footage of hand auguring Mackintosh probe test Soil Resistivity Test Factual report Interpretation report Subtotal Price of£¨1-5£©£¨RM£© TAX£¨RM£© Total Price£¨6+7£©(RM) ÐòºÅ Ãû´Ê£¨ÖÐÎÄ£© Ãû´Ê£¨Ó¢ÎÄ£© 1 K0¹Ì½á consolidation under K0 condition

2 K0¹Ì½á²»ÅÅË®ÊÔÑé K0 consolidated undrained test 3 K0¹Ì½áÅÅË®ÊÔÑé K0 consolidated drained test 4 °¢Ì«±¤½çÏÞ Atterberg limits 5 °²Ï¢½Ç£¨Ì¨£© angle of repose 6 °²Ï¢½Ç£¨Ì¨£© angle of repose 7 °Í¡¹Ì½áÀíÂÛ Barron's consolidation theory 8 °å×® sheet pile 9 °å×®½á¹¹ sheet pile structure 10 °å׮Χ»¤ sheet pile-braced cuts 11 ±¥ºÍ¶È degree of saturation 12 ±¥ºÍÃÜ¶È saturated density 13 ±¥ºÍÍÁ saturated soil 14 ±¥ºÍÖØ¶È saturated unit weight 15 ±­Ðλù´¡ 16 ±´ÅµÍйà×¢×® Benoto cast-in-place pile 17 ±»¶¯ÍÁѹÁ¦ passive earth pressure

18 ±»¶¯ÍÁѹÁ¦ÏµÊý coefficient of passive earth pressure 19 ±¾¹¹Ä£ÐÍ constitutive model 20 ±È°Â¹Ì½áÀíÂÛ Biot's consolidation theory 21 ±ÈÖØ specific gravity 22 ±ÈÖØÊÔÑé specific gravity test 23 ±È×èÄáÈÝÁ¿ specific gravity capacity 24 ±È×èÄáÈÝÁ¿ specific gravity capacity 25 ±ÏФÆÕ·¨ Bishop method

26 ±ß½çÃæÄ£ÐÍ boundary surface model 27 ±ßÆÂÎȶ¨°²È«ÏµÊý safety factor of slope 28 ±äˮͷÉø͸ÊÔÑé falling head permeability test 29 ±äÐÎ deformation 30 ±äÐÎÄ£Á¿ modulus of deformation 31 ±äÖÊÑÒ metamorphic rock 32 ±ê×¼¶³Éî standard frost penetration

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 ±ê×¼¹áÈëÊÔÑé standard penetration test ±í²ãѹÃÜ·¨ surface compaction ±íÃ沨ÊÔÑé surface wave test ±ù´¨³Á»ý glacial deposit ±ù»ý²ã£¨Ì¨£© glacial deposit ²¨µÄÃÖÉ¢ÌØÐÔ dispersion of waves ²¨¶¯·½³Ì·ÖÎö Wave equation analysis ²¨ËÙ·¨ wave velocity method ²´ËÉ±È Poisson's ratio

²¹³¥ÐÔ»ù´¡ compensated foundation ²»¹Ì½á²»ÅÅË®ÊÔÑé unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test ²»¾ùÔÈϵÊý coefficient of uniformity, uniformity coefficient ²»ÅÅË®¿¹¼ôÇ¿¶È undrained shear strength ²»Æ½ºâÍÆÀí´«µÝ·¨ unbalanced thrust transmission method ²¼Î÷Äù˹¿Ë½â Boussinnesq's solution ²ÄÁÏ×èÄá material damping ²Ð»ýÍÁ eluvial soil, residual soil ²ÐÓà±äÐÎ residual deformation

²ÐÓà¿×϶ˮѹÁ¦ residual pore water pressure ²ÐÓàÄÚĦ²Á½Ç residual angle of internal friction ²ÐÓàÇ¿¶È residual strength ²ãÀí beding

²ãÏò¸÷ÏòͬÐÔÌåÄ£ÐÍ cross anisotropic model ³¤ÆÚÇ¿¶È long-term strength ³¤Ê¯ feldspar ³£¹æ¹Ì½áÊÔÑé routine consolidation test

³£Ë®Í·Éø͸ÊÔÑé constant head permeability test ³¡Öý×®£¨Ì¨) cast-in-place pile ³¬µ¯ÐÔÄ£ÐÍ hyperelastic model ³¬¹Ì½á±È over-consolidation ratio ³¬¹Ì½áÍÁ overconsolidated soil

³¬¾²¿×϶ˮѹÁ¦ excess pore water pressure ³¬¾²¿×϶ˮѹÁ¦ excess pore water pressure ³¬Éù²¨ÊÔÑé ultrasonic wave test ³¬ÔØԤѹ surcharge preloading

³Á¹Ü¹à×¢×® diving casting cast-in-place pile ³Á»ýÑÒ sedimentary rock ³Á½µ settlement

³Á½µ±È settlement ratio ³Á¾®»ù´¡ open-end caisson foundation ³ÁÏä»ù´¡ box caisson foundation ³É¿×¹àעͬ²½×® synchronous pile ³Ð̨ pile caps

³Ðѹˮ confined water

77 ³ÐÔرÈÊÔÑé Califonia Bearing Ratio Test 78 ³ÖÁ¦²ã bearing stratum 79 ³äӯϵÊý fullness coefficient 80 ³äÖØËÜÍÁ 81 ³å¼ôÆÆ»µ punching shear failure 82 ³åÌîÍÁ dredger fill 83 ³í¶È consistency 84 ³õʼҺ»¯ initial liquefaction 85 ´¥±ä thixotropy

86 ´Î²ã£¨Ì¨£© substratum 87 ´Î²ã£¨Ì¨£© substratum

88 ´Î¹Ì½á secondary consolidation

89 ´Î¹Ì½á³Á½µ secondary consolidation settlement 90 ´Î¹Ì½áϵÊý coefficient of secondary consolidation 91 ´ÎÉú¿óÎï secondary mineral 92 ´ÎѹËõ£¨Ì¨£© secondary consolidatin 93 ´ïÎ÷¶¨ÂÉ Darcy's law 94 ´óµØ¹¤³Ì geotechnical engineering 95 ´ü×°É°¾® sand wick 96 µ¥¶À»ù´¡ individual footing 97 µ¥¼ôÒÇ simple shear apparatus 98 µ¥Á£½á¹¹ single-grained structure 99 µ¥Ïò¶ÈѹÃÜ£¨Ì¨£© one-dimensional consolidation 100 µ¥ÖΌÀ­Ç¿¶È uniaxial tension test 101 µ¥ÖáÀ­ÉìÊÔÑé uniaxial tensile test

102 µ¥×®³ÐÔØÁ¦ bearing capacity of single pile

103 µ¥×®ºáÏò¼«ÏÞ³ÐÔØÁ¦ ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 104 µ¥×®ºáÏòÔغÉÊÔÑé lateral load test of pile 105 µ¥×®ÊúÏò¾²ÔغÉÊÔÑé static load test of pile

106 µ¥×®ÊúÏò¿¹°Î¼«ÏÞ³ÐÔØÁ¦ vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 107 µ¥×®ÊúÏò¿¹Ñ¹¼«ÏÞ³ÐÔØÁ¦ vertical allowable load capacity of single pile 108 µ¥×®ÊúÏò¿¹Ñ¹ÈÝÐí³ÐÔØÁ¦ vertical ultimate carrying capacity of single pile 109 µ²ÍÁǽ retaining wall 110 µ²ÍÁǽÅÅË®ÉèÊ© 111 µ²ÍÁǽÎȶ¨ÐÔ stability of retaining wall 112 µ¹Áº·¨ inverted beam method

113 µÂ³¿Ë£­ÆÕÀ­¸ñ×¼Ôò Drucker-Prager criterion 114 µÈËټӺɹ̽áÊÔÑé constant loading rate consolidatin test 115 µÈÌݶȹ̽áÊÔÑé constant gradient consolidation test 116 µÈЧ¼¯×ܲÎÊý·¨ constant strain rate consolidation test

117 µÈÓ¦±äËÙÂʹ̽áÊÔÑé equivalent lumped parameter method 118 µË¿Ï£­ÕÅÄ£ÐÍ Duncan-Chang model 119 µÍ×®³Ð̨ low pile cap 120 µØ¹¤Ö¯Îï geofabric, geotextile