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In learning,the important thing is not to commit everything to memory,but to use your imagination and think creatively and critically。 6他肯定是你能想象到的最可笑的窃贼了。他偷偷进了屋子,尽情的吃喝,最后酩酊大醉,一脸满足的笑容,直到第二天早上被发现。 He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable。He broke into a house, ate and drank to his heart’s content , and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning , with a perfectly content look on his face.


I now have trouble remembering people’s names . I imagine it must result from old age.

8我们生活在很多想象的威胁当中,结果就常常感到沮丧。 We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.


I suspect we teachers sometimes underestimate student’s mental capacities. Young people actually have very imaginative minds.


一.Vocabulary Into Chinese

1. 布置房间 decorate a room; 9.微风中清波荡ripple in the breeze



2. 使我魂系梦牵be my haunting memory

3. 深深吸了口气take a deep breath;10.在树上空盘旋 hover over the trees 4. 给予按时give a hint;11.兄弟之间的牢固纽带a bond between brothers 5. 伸长脖子 stretch ones neck; 12让你在上面走的地毯a carpet for you to walk on

6. 在河上漂流 drift on the river; 13“啪”的一声合起来snap the door to

7. 不再深究 let it go at that;14.在当时场合下过于严肃 be serious out of proportion to the occasion.

8. 竖起了它的耳朵 prick up its ears; 15.去野餐 go for a picnic 16伸手搂抱她 put ones arms around her


1.他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就好像被一根无形的绳子牵着。 They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.

2.我们下车去伸伸胳膊和腿。我们前面是一片美丽的开阔地 We got out of the car stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.

3.他们连续谈判了好几个小时,但是仍然没有解决他们之间的分歧。 They talked for hours at a stretch, but they still failed to settle their differences.





For all the warm weather, fresh air and delicious food, her health still did not recover.


One glance at the car, he knew that it was beyond repair. He looked ahead and found the desert stretching as far as the eye could see without a soul in sight. He knew that he was in a terrible fix.


Wu Song swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit tree nearby. 7.我非常喜欢你在俄罗斯拍的那些照片,尤其是那张上面有个马车夫坐在黑海边,膝盖上放着一块布,布上放着他晚餐的照片。 I am terribly found of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing the Russia coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.

8----------“这事您不能就此罢休。”我想他请求道。 ----------“这不关你事。”他厉声道。

----------“You cannot just let it go at that ,” I tried to plead with him. -----------“It is none of your business, ”he snapped.

9. 他“啪”地一下合上了公文包,站起来说:“就这么定了。”



He snapped his briefcase, stood up and said, “Then it’s all settled.”

10. 海啸来的时候,他正站在小山上的家门口,离码头大概有一百米


He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about a hundred meters apart/away from the wharf when the tsunami came.


一.Vocabulary Into Chinese

1. 互相挠背 scratch each other’s backs 2. 不出版,就完蛋 publish or perish

3. 将人民币变成可代换的货币 make RMB convertible 4. 寻找真理 seek the truth 5. 抛弃习俗 discard conventions

6. 讽刺人的虚荣和奢侈 satirize peoples vanity and extravagance 7. 那岛上没人住,并且因为没有饮用水,也没法住人The island is uninhabited, and being without drinking water, is also uninhabitable. 8. 钦佩他们的勇气 admire their courage/guts/bravery 9. 玩忽职守 neglect ones duty

10. 逃避后果 escape/avoid the consequence 11. 从记忆中消除erase/delete sth from ones memory 12. 负责指挥 take command

13. 挡路 block the way/stand in the way/be in ones way



14. 毁掉名誉 ruin ones reputation/name Into Chinese

1. neglected fortifications 年久失修的防御工事 2. perishable goods 易变质的商品

3. a squatters hut 临时占用或建造的简陋小屋 4. a storage jar 储物缸

5. conventions of society 社会旧习 6. tottering drunks摇摇晃晃的酒鬼 7. a hermits cave隐士住的山洞 8. the man of the hour当前的风云人物 9. heroic figures英雄人物 10. an air of destiny决定未来的气势 11. a fiery glance咄咄逼人的眼光 12. war scare对战争的恐惧 13. a shower of stones落石如雨

14. a handful of trouble-makers一小撮捣乱分子


Account possess form roll

1. Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.

2. She claims to possess a magic power—the power to cure diseases simply by the touch of her hand.
