全国2015年中考英语试题汇编 专题十 书面表达 精讲3 应用作文 下载本文

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【2015福建福州】第四节 书面表达(满分15分)

96. 假设你是李杰,正通过 e-mail 和美国友好姐妹校的朋友 Tom 交流校纪班规,请你用英语向他介绍下面的“班级公约”。


1、内容完整,书写清楚, 表达通顺,书写规范;

2、请勿逐字翻译,词数90左右, 不包含已给出的句子的词数。 参考词汇:school uniform;

be active in thinking

Dear Tom,

I’d like to introduce my class rules made by us all. First, we should ?

It’s our duty to follow all the rules above. What about yours? Please write soon. Yours, Li Jie

【范文】 Dear Tom.,

①I’d like to introduce my class rules made by us all. ②First, we should come to school on time in school uniforms. It’s polite to greet our teachers when we meet them. ③Second, we must listen carefully in class and be active in thinking. Also, we ought to do our homework carefully and hand it in on time. ④Third, we need clean the classroom often and always keep it clean. And we’re required to turn off lights and close windows and doors before we leave. ⑤Fourth, being friendly is important. We’re supposed to get along well and help each other to make progress together. ⑥It’s our duty to follow all the rules above. What about yours? Please write soon. Yours, Li Jie





1. 自拟第四个社团,包括名称、活动内容及其目的,不少于2句; 2.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 4. 文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Welcome to Our Clubs

Boys and girls,

Welcome to our school. Now let me introduce some of our clubs to you. _______ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

These are the most popular clubs in our school and I hope you can join us. One possible version: Welcome to our Clubs

Welcome to our school. Now let me introduce some of our clubs to you.

Cool Players is a good choice for sports lovers. Here you can do sports one hour a day to build your body and watch sports matches. If you are interested in English. English Lovers is a good choice. In the club, you can speak to foreigners and talk about good ways to learn English. I hope you can make friends with other English lovers. Do you want to be a good cook? In Excellent Cooks, you will learn how to design healthy menus and cook dishes, which can lead to a healthy life. If you are interested in books, Smart Readers is a good choice. Reading good books and writing reading notes are useful to improve your knowledge and open up your eyes. These are the most popular clubs in our school and I hope you can join us.

【2015南京】六、 书面表达(满分15分) 假如你是阳光中学的李磊,你在学校网站看到国际学生Stephen的求助信。请根据Stephen信的内容,用英语给Stephen写一封回信,介绍你校图书馆借书的要求和流程。 ....HELP NEEDED

I'm Stephen, an international student from Britain. I would like to know how to borrow books from the school library. Should I bring my student's card with me? How long can I keep a book? I wonder if you can provide any tips on borrowing books.

Please email me at Stephen220@yahoo.com. Thank you! Stephen


注意:1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3. 词数80左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Stephen,

I am writing to tell you how to borrow books from the school library.

Yours faithfully,

Li Lei


One possible version: Dear Stephen,

I am writing to tell you how to borrow books from the school library. Remember to go to the library with your student’s card. When you enter the library, first show your student’s card to a librarian. Then you can choose books you need. At last you can take the books away after you show them to a librarian.

You can only borrow 3 books at a time and keep them for a month. You will have to go back to the library to renew the books if you want to keep them longer.

Please email me if you have any other questions.

Yours, faithfully

【2015浙江湖州】 假如你叫David.你的英国朋友Chris来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你用英语写封

回信,介绍如何学好中文。 要点:

要求:1.回信必须包括上面全部信息,可适当发挥; 2. 80一100词,回信的开头已给出,供选用;

3.回信中不能出现真实姓名、校名、地名等信息。 Dear Chris,

I'm glad to receive your letter. You asked me how to learn Chinese well._________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!