2017年电大考试英语I1-18单元参考答?- 百度文库 ر

ݷʱ : 2025/3/18 0:04:42һ µȫĶ

2814+ӢI1ҵο 1 ҳ 23 ҳ ӢI1ͨԪ1-5ο 1Ԫο 4 Eric is from _____. Germany 5 Eric and Barbara have got a flat in 8 Mary usually takes a nap _____ 1.00 _____ 1.45 in the afternoon. 'from, to9 A: 1 ma _n _a ger manager 2 de _t _a il detail 3 secre _t _a ry secretary 4 |_c _o mpany company 5 mob _i _l e mobile 6 Bri _t _i sh British 7 Ameri _c _a America 8 fli _g _h t flight 9 loc _a l local 10 p _a rent parent 1 His father is ____ high school teacher. a 2 Mary _____ Chinese. She _____ American. is not, is 3 I'm _____ university student. a 4 Polly works ____ David ____ the same IT company. with, in 5 He ____ in New York City. His parents _____ in Dallas. lives, live 6 Peter _____ TV in his free time. likes watching 7 \\Are you 8 \\What 9 \\No, he isn't. 10 Maria often has a walk with _____ parents in the morning. Her 1 Helena is _____. Greek 2 Carla works ______. for the government 3 Yuri likes ______ in his spare time. playing football ______. Frankfurt 6 Eric is a _____.'doctor 1 I'm _34 years old. 34 2 My room number is _302 . 302 3 His telephone number is _2170569 . 2170569 4 Her flight number is CA _2408 . 2408 2Ԫο 1 pl _e _a sed pleased 2 sh _a me shame 3 enj _o _y enjoy 4 st _a _r t start 5 coll _e _a gue colleague 6 sandwi _c _h sandwich 7 res _e _r vation reservation 8 si _n _g le single 9 cant _e _e n canteen 10 us _u _a lly usually 1 A: Pleased to meet you. _____? B: Fine. ______?\How are you, And you 2 I _____ watching TV, but Peter ______. like, doesn't 3 He ____ a _____ film on TV. sometimes watches, / 4 A: When's breakfast? B: It's ______ a quarter past seven.\at 5 They always drink coffee _____ the evening. in 6 A: ____Diana have a new car? B: _____. She has one.\ Does, Yes, she does 7 It's ______ two. Let's begin our class. half past _____bring some sandwiches to me, please? B: _____.\Certainly 10 A: _____ to play ping-pong with me? B: Yes, _____.\ 1 Where does Mr Armstrong have a reservation? 25300102 2 Mr Armstrong Ԥ reserves 0 _____ double rooms and _____ single room. two, one 3 The receptionist asks Mr Armstrong to _____ the register. sign 4 Mr Armstrong wants _____ because they must do morning exercise. a morning call 5 The guests would not like to make a reservation for _____. their first evening dinner 1 Peter usually gets up at ____ from Monday to Friday. 6.30 2 He is _____ in a big company. a deputy IT manager 3 He ____ has lunch in the canteen. often 4 Peter ____ finishes early on Friday. 'often 5 Peter and his ____ sometimes go to a bar in the evening. colleagues 3Ԫο 1 ˵ personal computer 2 Ӵ reception 3 ӡ photocopier 4 luggage 5 ֲ plant 6 ҵ business 7 corner 2814+ӢI1ҵο 2 ҳ 23 ҳ 8 message 9 ׶ capital 10 Ӱ work late 1 David: _____, Peter? Peter: I'd like a cup of tea, thank you.\What would you like 2 David: Peter, ____ Mary, _____ girl 7 \the ______.\office party 8 The hostess thinks that _____are very good. the photos 1 Xiaoyan is now in ________. London 2 David's office is on ________ floor. the 6 A: Have you got a car? B: No, _____\7 ____ Mark working today? 44200703 8 ____ is he ____ lunch? 44200801 9 Mark ____ responsible ____ the international market. 44200903 10 Our teacher is currently ____ a coursebook. She ____ lunch right now. She friend. Ter: Hello.\this is my 3 A: Would you like some crisps? B: ______.\Yes, please, thank you 4 A: ûʱȥ㡣 I don't have time to get any foreign currency. 0 B: _____ for you.\I'll go to the bank 5 The Business Banking Department is on _____ floor. the second 6 The Foreign Department is on the top floor. That's _____ floor. the twentieth 7 He works in ____ Finance Department 0 of ____ large company. the a 8 _____ are my pencils. _____ are yours. These Those 9 ______ two chairs in the room. There are 10 A: Are there computers in the classroom? B: _____.\No, there aren't 1 Michael is Jane's ______. boyfriend 2 Michael would like ______. a beer 3 Jane would like some ______. crisps and peanuts 4 The hostess asks Michael about his ______. job 5 Michael is ______ in a company. an accountant 6 Michael lives in ______. London Road 2nd 3 Xiaoyan's London office is on ________ floor. the 4th 4 There are ________ in her office. two desks 5 There is a coffee machine ________. near the door 4Ԫο 1 _company company 2 ret_i_red retired 3 hol_Iday holiday 4 l_a_wyer lawyer 5 im_m_ediately immediately 6 import_a_nt important 7 c_ustomer customer 8 inter_v_iew interview 9 tr_a_in train 10 conc_e_rt concert 1 ____ you got any family? 44200102 2 My sister-in-law is ____ computers. 44200201 3 What ____ your younger brother ____? 44200303 4 My father works for ____ information technology company. He is ____ manager. 44200401 5 A: Where ____? B: They live in London.%usually ____ lunch at 12. 44201003 1 How many people does Xiaoyan work with in her office? 44300102 2 A: What does Xiaoyan do? B: She is a / an ____.\3 A: What is Lee doing right now? B: He is _____.\4 A: What is Liu responsible for? B: He is responsible for ____.\5 What is Jung's job? 44300501 1 _c ompany company 2 ret _i _r ed retired 3 hol _i day holiday 4 l _a _w yer lawyer 5 im _m _e diately immediately 6 import _a _n t important 7 c _u stomer customer 8 inter _v _i ew interview 9 tr _a _i n train 10 conc _e _r t concert 1 ____ you got any family? Have 2 My sister-in-law is ____ computers. in 3 What ____ your younger brother ____? does, do