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千兆以太网和 802.16 都有这个特性。这不仅对于提高带宽的使用效率很有用,同
32. Give two reasons why networks might use an error-correcting code instead of error detection and retransmission.(M)
28. In Fig. 4-27, four stations, A, B, C, and D, are shown. Which of the last two
stations do you think is closest to A and why?(E) 必须继续传下去,这里可以使用转发时纠正错误。另一个原因在低质量的线路上(利 用无线带宽),错误率相当高最后所有的帧都必须重传,并且重传时可能也会被破
站 C 最接近 A。因为 C 最先听到 A 发出的 RTS 并且通过插入一个 NAV 信号作 为回应。D 对其没有回应,说明它不在 A 的频率范围内。 29. Suppose that an 11-Mbps 802.11b LAN is transmitting 64-byte frames back-to-back over a radio channel with a bit error rate of 10-7. How many frames per second will be damaged on average?(E) 一帧是 64bytes=512 bits,位出错率为 p=10-7,所有 512 位正确到达的概率为 (1- p)512= 0.9999488,所以帧被破坏的概率约为 5*10-5,每秒钟发送的帧数为 11*106 /512 = 21,484frames/sec,将上两个数乘一下,大约每秒钟有一帧被破坏。 30. An 802.16 network has a channel width of 20 MHz. How many bits/sec can be sent to a subscriber station?(E) 这取决于离子站有多远。如果子站就在附近,那么使用 QAM-64 可得带宽 120 Mbps;中等距离时,使用 QAM-16 可得带宽 80 Mbps;远程距离,QPSK 可得带宽 40 Mbps. (原题给出的是 20mhz 的带宽,要求的是数据率,按照前面的 Nyquist 定理,最 大数据率应该是:2HlogN,但是答案没有乘以 2。) 31. IEEE 802.16 supports four service classes. Which service class is the best choice for sending uncompressed video?(E)
坏。为了避免这些,转发时纠正错误码用于提高到达的帧的正确率的比例。 33. From Fig. 4-35, we see that a Bluetooth device can be in two piconets at the
same time. Is there any reason why one device cannot be the master in both of them
at the same time?(M)
蓝牙同 802.11 一样使用的是 FHSS。最大的不同在于蓝牙每秒的跳数是 1600 hops, 远快于 802.11
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部只有三位地址可用,每个微微网有 7 个从结点,因此,每个从结节没有独立的地
34. Figure 4-25 shows several physical layer protocols. Which of these is closest to
the Bluetooth physical layer protocol? What is the biggest difference between the
35. Bluetooth supports two types of links between a master and a slave. What are 表 they and what is each one used for?(E)
ACL 频道是异步的,随着不规则到达的帧产生数据。
SCO 频道是同步的,随着周期性到达的帧运行在一个稳定的速率下。 36. Beacon frames in the frequency hopping spread spectrum variant of 802.11 contain the dwell time. Do you think the analogous beacon frames in Bluetooth also contain the dwell time? Discuss your answer.(M) 不是的。在 802.11 中停延时间不是标准化的,所以它必须对到达的新站声明,在
蓝牙里这需要 625usec.
没有必要对这去声明,所有的蓝牙设备中都有这样的硬件芯片,蓝牙被设计得便 宜,并且固定跳率和停延时间的话处理芯片会更便宜。 37. Consider the interconnected LANs showns in Fig. 4-44. Assume that hosts a and b are on LAN 1, c is on LAN 2, and d is on LAN 8. Initially, hash tables in all bridges are empty and the spanning tree shown in Fig 4-44(b) is used. Show how the hash tables of different bridges change after each of the following events happen in sequence, first (a) then (b) and so on.(M) n. (a) a sends to d. o. (b) c sends to a. p. (c) d sends to c. q. (d) d moves to LAN 6. r. (e) d sends to a.
第一帧会被所有的网桥转发。这传完后,每个网桥都会通过它的散列表中的合适 端口建一个到目的地 a 的表项。例如,D 当前的散列表为从 LAN 2 转发到目的地 a;
第二帧将会被网桥 B, D, and A 收到。这些网桥会在它们的散列表中增加一个新的
项,帧的目的地到 c;例如网桥 D 的散列表会又有一个从 LAN 2 转发到目的地 网桥 G, I and J 不用于转发任何帧。主要原因在于有循环可以为一个扩展的 LAN c 的
表项;第三帧将会被网桥 H,D,A,以及 B 收到,这些网桥将会在它们的散列表
39. Imagine that a switch has line cards for four input lines. It frequently happens 增加一个表项,帧的目的地到 d;第四帧将会被网桥 E,C,B,D,以及 A
that a frame arriving on one of the lines has to exit on another line on the same card. 收到,
网桥 E 和 C 会在它们的散列表中增加一个表项,帧的目的地到 d,当网桥 D,What choices is the switch designer faced with as a result of this situation?(E)
最简单做选择就是不做特殊处理。每一个到来的帧被输出到底板并被发送到目标 B,
卡上。这时,卡内流量通过底板;另一种选择就是识别出这种情况并且对其专门处 以及 A 更新它们的散列表项时,到达目的地 d
当 d 移到 LAN6 上去后,如果他发数据给 a 的话,路由 j,一定可以知道 d 理,直接发送帧并且不通过底板。 在 LAN6
上的,答案中没有给出 j 的这一表项。
40. A switch designed for use with fast Ethernet has a backplane that can move 10 Gbps. How many frames/sec can it handle in the worst case?(E)
最坏的情况就是无穷的 64-byte (512-bit)帧流。如果底板能处理 10bps,可处理的
38. One consequence of using a spanning tree to forward frames in an extended
LAN is that some bridges may not participate at all in forwarding frames. Identify 帧的数量为 10/512 = 1,953,125 frames/sec.
41. Consider the network of Fig. 4-49(a). If machine J were to suddenly become three such bridges in Fig. 4-44. Is there any reason for keeping these bridges, even
white, would any changes be needed to the labeling? If so, what?(E) though they are not used for forwarding?(E)
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