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AWL单词列表及练习 .............................................................................................................. 1 Sublist 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2 Sublist 2 ................................................................................................................................. 6 Sublist 3 ............................................................................................................................... 10 Sublist 4 ............................................................................................................................... 15 Sublist 5 ............................................................................................................................... 19 Sublist 6 ............................................................................................................................... 24 Sublist 7 ............................................................................................................................... 29 Sublist 8 ............................................................................................................................... 33 Sublist 9 ............................................................................................................................... 37 Sublist 10 ............................................................................................................................. 42
Sublist 1
* analyze [??n?laiz] vt.〈美〉分析, 分解, 解释
* constitute [?k?nstitju:t] vt.构成, 组成建立, 制定选定, 任命 * establish [is?t?bli?] vt.建立, 成立安置确定, 证实
* indicate [?indikeit] vt.标示, 指示, 指出象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性 * occur [??k?:] vi.发生; 举行; 存在被发现; 想到[起] * role [r?ul] n.作用, 职责角色
* approach [??pr?ut?] n.靠近, 接近, 临近通路, 入口, 途径方式, 方法 vt.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理 vt. & vi.接近, 走近, 靠近
* context [?k?ntekst] n.背景, 环境上下文, 语境
* estimate [?estimeit] n.估计, 估价报价判断 vt. & vi.估计; 评价, 评估 * individual [??ndi?vidju?l] adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的独特的 n.个人人 * percent [p??sent] n.百分比,百分数
* section [?sek??n] n.章节部分部门, 科截面, 剖面地区, 区 * area [???ri?] n.面积区域, 地区领域, 方面
* contract [k?n?tr?kt] n.契约, 合同 vt.缔结; 订契约 vt. & vi.染上(恶习, 疾病等)缩小; 紧缩
* evident [?evid?nt] adj.明显的, 明白的
* interpret [in?t?:prit] vt.解释; 说明 vt. & vi.口译; 翻译
* period [?pi?ri?d] n.(一段)时间时期, 时代学时, 课时句号, 句点 * sector [?sekt?] n.部门; 领域防御地区, 防卫区域扇形, 扇形面 * assess [??ses] vt.估价, 估计评定, 核定
* create [kri?eit] vt.创造, 创作, 创建引起, 产生
* export [eks?p?:t] n.输出, 出口输出[出口]物 vt. & vi.出口, 输出
* involve [in?v?lv] vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果; 需要使参与, 牵涉 * policy [?p?l?si] n.政策, 方针策略, 精明的行为, 上策保险单
* significant [siɡ?nifik?nt] adj.重要的, 重大的, 可观的有意义的, 有用意的意味深长的 * assume [??sju:m] vt.假设, 臆断, 猜想假装承担, 担任, 就职呈现, 采取 * data [?deit?] n.资料, 材料
* factor [?f?kt?] n.因素, 要素〈数〉因子, 因数
* issue [?isju:] n.问题, 议题; 争论点发行物放出, 流出; 发出, 发行〈正〉结果, 结局 vi.冒出, 流出; 传出 vt.出版, 发行发表, 发布分配, 发给
* principle [?prins?pl] n.原则, 原理准则, 规范操守, 道义工作原理 * similar [?simil?] adj.类似的; 同类的; 相似的; 同样的 * authority [?:?θ?riti] n.权力, 职权官方, 当局权威, 专家 * define [di?fain] vt.精确地解释; 界定规定, 确定
* finance [fai?n?ns] n.财政, 金融财源, 资金, 财务情况 vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动
* labour [?leib?] n.劳动, 努力; 工作劳工, 工人分娩, (分娩时的)阵痛 vi.劳动; 努力艰难行进
* proceed [pr??si:d] vi.前进; 行进进行; 继续下去
* source [s?:s] n.河流的源头, 发源地来源, 出处原因提供资料者, 资料来源
* available [??veil?bl] adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的, 可与之交谈的 * derive [di?raiv] vt. & vi.得到源于
* formula [?f?:mjul?] n.准则, 原则公式, 方程式配方 * legal [?li:ɡ?l] adj.法律上的; 合法的; 法定的
* process [?pr?uses] n.过程, 进程工序, 制作法 vi.列队行进 vt.加工; 处理
* specific [spi?sifik] adj.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的具体的, 特有的, 特定的仅限于…的; 只发现于…的 n.特效药具体方面, 细节
* benefit [?benifit] n.益处, 好处救济金, 保险金 vt. & vi.有益于, 得益 * distribute [dis?tribju:t] vt.分配, 分给散发; 散播; 分布
* function [?f??k??n] n.功能; 作用; 职责函数; 与另一事物有密切关系的事物社交集会 vi.工作, 运行, 起作用
* legislate [?led?isleit] vt. & vi.立法; 制定法律
* require [ri?kwai?] vt.有赖于…; 需要命令, 指示要求, 规定想要
* structure [?str?kt??] n.结构, 构造有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物 vt.组织; 安排; 构造; 制定
* concept [?k?nsept] n.概念; 观念; 想法
* economy [i?k?n?mi] n.节约, 节省经济体制, 经济状况
* identify [ai?dentifai] vt.认出, 识别支持, 同情 vt. & vi.等同于; 有关联 * major [?meid??] adj.较大的; 主要的; 严重的 n.少校专业; 主修科目 vi.〈美〉主修, 专攻
* research [ri?s?:t?] n.研究; 探讨 vi.做研究, 探究, 研究, 探讨 vt.从事…的研究, 为…而做研究
* theory [?θi?ri] n.学说理论, 原理意见, 看法 * consist [k?n?sist] vi.组成, 构成在于, 存在于
* environment [in?vai?r?nm?nt] n.环境, 周围状况, 自然环境 * income [?ink?m] n.收入, 所得, 收益
* method [?meθ?d] n.方法, 办法秩序, 条理
* respond [ri?sp?nd] vi.有反应; 有效果; 有影响 vt. & vi.回答; 回报; 响应
* vary [?v??ri] vi.呈现不同 vt. & vi.(使)变化, 改变
Exercise 填空练习,选择恰当的词填入句子中 contract legal period available similar analysis indicates research factor economy
1. He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Master's thesis. 2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _______________ limit of alcohol.
3. The culture of the United States is quite _______________ to that of Canada. 4. The Canadian _______________ is largely based on natural resources.
5. Environmental pollution seems to be an important _______________ in the increase in cancers all over the world.
6.The apartment will be _______________ on June first.
7. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a _______________ with a major record label.
8. Your continued lateness for class _______________ to me that you are not really a very serious student.
9. Living in Berlin during the _______________ when the Berlin Wall was torn down was an unforgettable experience.
10. Some _______________ into second language learning suggests that oral fluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol.
respond approached legislation financial environment benefit individual policy source created
11. The government is offering more programs which _______________ low income families.
12. She _______________ her boss about getting a raise.
13. Celebrities generally receive so much fan mail that it is impossible to _______________ to each and every letter personally.
14. Victoria is generally a safe and friendly _______________ for foreign students to study in.
15. My father's company has been experiencing some _______________ difficulties, so they are going to have to lay off some staff.
16. Many people the world over are urging governments to pass _______________ limiting the development of new cloning technologies.
17. In the past 5 years, this government has _______________ 15 new major parks in the province.
18. The refund _______________ at this store allows you to return items for a credit, but not for cash.
19. The main _______________ of jobs for teenagers in Victoria during the summertime is the tourist industry.
20. Do you believe that _______________ rights are more important than the collective rights of society?
data majority role interpretations establishment area formulating principles conceptualize specifically
21. Very young children _______________ ideas of depth, height and size in different ways from adults.
22. Guatemala is the only country in the world where American Indians are a _______________.
23. The _______________ of a U.N. peacekeeping force was supposed to reduce the number of conflicts internationally.
24. Varying _______________ of the Bible have resulted in the creation of many different religious groups within Christianity.
25. Penelope is hoping to play the _______________ of the nurse in \ 26. The oranguatan obviously spent a lot of time and effort _______________ his plan for escape from the zoo.
27. This is the first time that a political party has done advertising _______________ aimed at minority voters.