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violates preliminary commencing minimal intermediate device supplement ethics revolution attained
1. The winning car in the race _______________ speeds in excess of 200 kilometres per hour. 2. In geological terms, Mars represents an _______________ phase in planetary development which is transitional between a body like our moon and a planet like Earth.
3. Forty percent of the world's population lack access to even the most _______________ of toilet facilities.
4. Based on the _______________ findings of the study, researchers now say that the disease is quite different from what they had originally suspected.
5. Handicapped residents of the housing complex receive a _______________ to help with rent costs.
6. Sales tax in this province will be increased _______________ next month. 7. Hospitality is an important part of the Nigerian code of _______________.
8. Psychologists label behaviour as abnormal if it _______________ accepted standards of society.
9. In 1876, a spokesman for Western Union suggested that the telephone was a _______________ of no value.
10. Since Neptune's discovery in 1846, it has made about three-quarters of one _______________ around the sun.
rigidity manually format behalf devoted protocol mutually incompatible vision suspension
1. Mahatma Gandhi once said that honesty is _______________ with the making of a large fortune.
2. More than 10% of Kenya's total land area is _______________ to national parks and wildlife reserves.
3. We'll need to change the _______________ of our presentation, because they don't have the software to support a presentation of this kind in the meeting room.
4. George Orwell wrote that people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their _______________.
5. Belief in religion requires a _______________ of rational thought which I am not prepared to make.
6. There are numerous dialects spoken in Madagascar, but they are all _______________ understandable.
7. The _______________ of these structures makes them vulnerable to cracks in the event of an earthquake.
8. The accepted _______________ that one is expected to follow when there is an ambulance approaching is to pull over to the side of the road, and stop.
9. We need someone who has a _______________ of where this company should be headed for the future.
10. They _______________ moved over a ton of rock from their back yard to make a garden.
Sublist 10
* adjacent [??d?eis?nt] adj.邻近的
* enormous [i?n?:m?s] adj.巨大的, 极大的, 庞大的
* odd [?d] adj.奇怪的; 古怪的单的奇数的临时的余下的; 零头的 * albeit [?:l?bi:?t] conj.尽管, 即使
* forthcoming [f?:θ?k?mi?] adj.即将到来的现成的, 唾手可得的 * ongoing [??n?ɡ?ui?] adj.继续进行的; 不断前进[发展]中的 * assemble [??sembl] vt.装配, 组合 vt. & vi.集合, 收集
* incline [in?klain] n.斜坡, 斜面 vt. & vi.(使)倾斜, (使)偏向(使)认为, (使)倾向 * panel [?p?n?l] n.专门小组面; 板控制板, 仪表盘
* collapse [k??l?ps] n.倒塌, 崩溃 vi.倒塌, 塌下崩溃, 突然失败 * integrity [in?teɡriti] n.正直; 诚实, 诚恳完整, 完全, 完善 * persist [p??sist] vt. & vi.坚持, 固执 * colleague [?k?li:ɡ] n.同事, 同僚
* intrinsic [in?trinsik] adj.固有的, 内在的, 本质的
* pose [p?uz] n.姿势, 姿态装腔作势, 伪装 vt.提出 vt. & vi.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现
* compile [k?m?pail] vt.收集; 编辑, 编制
* invoke [in?v?uk] vt.援引, 援用; 行使(权利等)祈求救助恳求; 乞求 * reluctance [ri?l?kt?ns] n.不愿意;勉强
* conceive [k?n?si:v] vt. & vi.想出, 构想, 设想怀孕 * levy [?levi] n.征收; 征税 vt.征收(税收等) * so-called [?s???k?:ld] adj.所谓的,号称的 * convince [k?n?vins] vt.使相信; 使明白
* likewise [?laikwaiz] adv.同样地, 照样地也, 又
* straightforward [streit?f?:w?d] adj.(人或其态度)正直的, 坦率的; 老实的简单的; 易懂的
* depress [di?pres] vt.压下; 推下; 拉下使愁苦; 使沮丧使跌价; 使萧条 * nonetheless [?n?ne??les] adv.虽然如此,但是 * undergo [??nd??ɡ?u] vt.经历, 承受
* encounter [in?kaunt?] n.突然遇到 vt.遇到, 遭遇偶然碰到, 邂逅
* notwithstanding [?n?twiθ?st?ndi?] adv.尽管如此; 仍然; 然而 prep.(表示让步)〈正〉尽管
* whereby [hw???bai] adv.靠那个; 凭那个; 借以
nonetheless adjacent invoking conceive straightforward pose collapsing inclined ongoing encounter
1. Firefighters had to abandon their efforts to fight the fire, because the building was in danger of _______________.
2. If you _______________ a bear while hiking, the best thing to do is to back away quietly.
3. There is a beautiful little park _______________ to the house we're going to buy.
4. I usually find that Jasper doesn't really know what he's talking about; however, I'm _______________ to agree with him on this point.
5. By _______________ a clause in the contract guaranteeing a fixed price, management was able to avoid paying for the increase in fuel costs. r
6. I didn't need any help. The instructions were pretty _______________.
7. American politician Jesse Jackson once said, \my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.\
8. I lost the game, but I told myself that I had improved a lot _______________.
9. She was offered over a million dollars to _______________ nude in a magazine, but she refused.
10. There is an _______________ dispute between the two countries regarding fishing rights off the coast.
enormous integrity undergo panel colleagues albeit notwithstanding convincing reluctant levy
1. Back trouble _______________, Henderson had his best game of the season.
2. Janet and I were _______________ when I worked in the Department of National Defence.
3. He sent his girlfriend an _______________ bunch of flowers on her birthday.
4. The premier announced an additional _______________ on gasoline to pay for road maintenance.
5. She made a profit, _______________ a very small one, on her first investment in the stock market.
6. The students gave a _______________ argument for doing their presentations in groups rather than individually.
7. After the news tonight, we'll hear from a _______________ of experts on the effects of the government's new legislation.
8. _______________ in your business dealings means that you consider the needs of your client before your desire to make a profit.
9. In the past, many companies were _______________ to hire women professionals because they feared the women would quit when they got married.
10. Any animals brought into the country must _______________ a thorough examination to make sure they are not bringing any disease with them.
so-called likewise intrinsically disassembly whereby oddly depression compilation forthcoming persistence
1. Oliver, usually the biggest talker, was _______________ silent at yesterday's meeting. 2. Since 1951, 67,500 nuclear missiles have been built, of which 8,750 are currently active, and 1,250 are awaiting _______________.
3. Scientists have found chocolate has a chemical that helps fight _______________. 4. His wife is taking some silly course in this _______________ institute where they claim to teach people to read minds.
5. Research into second language learning suggests that _______________ is one of the most important learning strategies.
6. His latest album is a _______________ of some of his personal favourite, though lesser-known songs.
7. My boss told me that additional funds for the project would be _______________ within a few days.
8. The two countries have come to an agreement _______________ they will share the revenues from oil discovered in the disputed territory.
9. I believe that people are _______________ good, but may become bad due to a difficult childhood.
10. If you ever need any help, give me a call, and _______________, if I need some assistance, I'll let you know.