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参考答案 七年制第一套试题

② give liquor in order to maintain the balance of water and electronic substance(2.5分)

③ apply antibiotics in order to control infection wholy.(2.5分) ④ let the acid in stomach down (2.5分) 2.答:







综合征;③休克;④糖尿病所致并发症;⑤脂肪栓塞;⑥患肢血管和神经的损伤。 (5分)

2)治疗过程中重点注意:①坠积性肺炎;②褥疮;③关节僵硬;④深静脉血栓形成;⑤感染。 (5分)


③治疗因素:反复多次的手法复位,切开复位破坏软组织血 供。 (5分)

2.答。 评析:患者的临床表现和影像学检查的特点:①男性,50岁;先有右腰疼痛病史,后出现全程肉眼血尿;(5分)②B超发现右肾实性占位病变;(2分)③CT扫描右肾区实性肿物;(3分)④IVP右肾中上盏明显受压变形。40岁以上患者出现全程肉眼血尿应想到泌尿系肿瘤可能。 B超及CT发现肾实性占位病变,而肿物内无脂肪特征。最大可能是肾癌。由于无明显远处转移征象,应采用肾癌根治性切除手术方式治疗。(5分)


一、 选择题 1 B 11 C 21 E 31 C 2 C 12 B 22 E 32 D 3 E 13 A 23 B 33 D 4 E 14 B 24 D 34 A 5 E 15 C 25 A 35 D 6 B 16 B 26 B 36 E 7 E 17 A 27 B 37 D 8 E 18 D 28 B 38 C 9 E 19 D 29 B 39 B 10 C 20 B 30 D 40 A 二、简答题

1.答:in the simple intestinal obstruction .only obstruction in intestinal tract exist, not obstruction in circulation exist(2.5分) while in the strangulated

参考答案 七年制第二套试题

intestinal obstruction. Obstruction and failure of circulation is both exist, that can be leaded because of oppression, thrombus and embolism(2.5分).


(1) shock :because of severe pain, big bleeding ,severe infection(2分). (2) abodominal pain: because of incentive of the urine, can lead incentive sign of peritonitis(1分).

(3) blood urine and difficulty in discharge urine: because of obstruciton in urine tract (1分).

(4) urine fistula: because of the injury :it can be emerged to many forms(1分).



(1)pain in liver site: most patient can emerge this symptom. the pain can differ from all aspects.(2.5分)

(2) whole body and digestive symptom.include of no strength., thin, no appetite fever, nausea, vomitting, jaundice, water in abodomen. Swell in down limp. bleeding under the skin, poverty of blood.(2.5分).

(3) swell in liver: it is the mostly seen sign in middle, later liver cancer patient(2.5分).

(4)except from above , there is another thift symptom, for example in the brain, bone and lung.(2.5分).


(1) 全身表现:

①休克:主要原因是出血,特别是大出血。(2.5分) ②发热:可出现低热,一般不超过38℃。(2.5分) (2) 局部表现:

①骨折的一般表现:为局部疼痛,肿胀和功能障碍。(2.5分) ②骨折的特有体征:包括畸形、异常活动、骨摩擦音或骨擦感。(2.5分)



1)处理原则:用简单而有效的方法抢救生命、保护患肢、迅速转运。方法:抢救生命,包扎伤口,妥善固定,迅速转运。 (5分)

2)可能的诊断:骨盆骨折并出血性休克、泌尿道损伤、直肠损伤。 (5分) 3)首先的处理是抢救生命,处理出血性休克。 (5分) 2.答。评析:初步诊断为肾结核 (4分)


⑤静脉尿路造影:右肾盏边缘不规则破坏,如虫蛀样,右肾积水,左侧正常。 (3.5分)


参考答案 七年制第二套试题


治疗原则:目前主要考虑药物治疗,必须坚持早期、联合、足量、足期和规律用药原则。 (3.5分)


二、 选择题 1 C 11 C 21 E 31 B 2 C 12 A 22 A 32 A 3 E 13 D 23 B 33 E 4 A 14 B 24 C 34 D 5 B 15 D 25 C 35 A 6 D 16 D 26 E 36 D 7 C 17 A 27 C 37 E 8 C 18 A 28 D 38 A 9 E 19 E 29 E 39 B 10 E 20 D 30 B 40 C 二、简答题


(1) abodominal pain: the most ordinary form is thift right dowm abodominal pain (1分).

(2) gastro intestinal symptom (1分) (3) whole body sign. (1分) examination sign in physics

(1) press pain in right down abodomen (1分) (2) sign of incentive of peritonitis. (0.5分) (3) lump in right down abodomen. (0。5分) 1. 答:

(1) shock: becanse of big bleeding, especially in bone fracture in pelvis.

Thighbone and more site fracture in inner orgnism injury if also can be found. (2.5分)

(2) fever: it is always emerged to low fever. not reach to 38℃. If high fever

is found, it is probably emerged infection. (2.5分)

三、 论述题


(1) emerge severe complication : such as perforation, big bleeding. Pyloric obstruction. (4分)

(2) it can not be treated well in medical treatment : the ulcer also indudes ulcer which is big in diameter, which is in perforation and which is behind ball ulcer.(3分)

(3) the ulcer is chronic which is emerged frequently, which is severe in symptom and which is bleeding in present. Which is in different form in construction. (3分)


参考答案 七年制第三套试题

炎症和结核可引起继发性肾积水。(4分)另外,妊娠期间常有轻度的肾、输尿管积水,是一种正常的生理现象。 (2分)


1.答。评析:初步诊断 ①胆总管结石、急性胆管炎;②胆囊结石。(3分)

诊断依据:①中年女性;②间歇性右上腹痛,向右肩部放射,不伴畏寒、发热及黄疸;③近期再次出现右上腹痛,向右肩部放射,伴有畏寒、发热及黄疸;④无休克表现及精神症状;⑤上腹肌紧张,剑突下压痛,肝区有叩击痛;⑥血象升高。 (2分)

进一步检查:可选择B超检查,了解肝胆情况,尤其是胆囊有无结石及其结石大小,注意检查胆总管结石。 (5分)


2. 答。评析:初步诊断:右中指屈指深、浅肌腱断裂。(5分)

诊断依据:①青年男性23岁。(1分)②有尖刀刺伤右手掌中部病史。(1分)③掌横纹处见3cm横行伤口,右中指远、近指间关节均不能主动屈曲,手指血运和感觉无异常。 (3分)

治疗:行右手清创术,(2分)一期修复右中指屈指深、浅肌腱,(2 分)给予破伤风抗毒素,抗生素预防感染。(1分)


一、 选择题 1 D 11 C 21 A 31 B 2 D 12 A 22 D 32 E 3 D 13 E 23 B 33 D 4 D 14 C 24 A 34 D 5 E 15 B 25 A 35 A 6 A 16 E 26 D 36 B 7 A 17 E 27 E 37 E 8 B 18 E 28 C 38 B 9 E 19 C 29 D 39 D 10 E 20 D 30 C 40 A 二、简答题 1.答:

(1)blood examination : if the function of spleen is increased heavily .the blood cell number is decread severely (2分).

(2)Liver function examination: the most seen is ball protein increased. (1分)

(3)ultrasonic examination in abodomen: can be detected door vein dilated(1分)

(4)esophageal swallow. barium. X ray examination and inner mirror examin- ation. (1分)


(1)abnormal construction: it can lead limp become deformed.(2分)

(2)abnormal action: the action can emerged in the site which can not be seen

参考答案 七年制第四套试题


(3)bone friction. Sound and bone friction feeling: it can emerged in the two bone fracture end when moved.(1分) 三、改进论述题


(1) abodominal pain: it is the main symptom of the diease(2分).

(2) abdominal distention: it can be emerged both with abodminal pain.(2分) (3) nausea and vomitting: the symptom can be found severely.(2分) (4) sign of peritonitis: can emerged from light to heavy.(2分)

(5) other representation: such as fever. Infection, shock, failure in the lung and brain and kidney. Emerge Cullen sign and Gray-Turner sign. DIC.(2分)


(1)肾癌有发热、高血压、血沉快等特点,而肾盂癌则没有这些特点。(4分) (2)肾癌的肿块在腰部或腹部易被触及,而肾孟癌则没有这些特点。(3分) (3)肾孟癌的体征不明显,而肾癌则没有这个特点。(3分) 四、改进论述题


(1)最可能的诊断是乳腺囊性增生病。依据:①36岁女性患者;(1分)②发现左乳腺肿物伴经期胀痛半年;(1分)③体查:左侧乳房外上象限可触及多个肿块,质中,活动度好。 (3分)






一、 选择题 1 B 11 A 2 A 12 E 3 D 13 C 4 E 14 C 5 D 15 E 6 C 16 D 7 C 17 A 8 C 18 D 9 C 19 D 10 E 20 B